I Read The Other Day In The National Post Newspaper (Canadian) . . . an Article Written by Former Canadian Media Baron Conrad Black, How Trump’s Threat of Tariffs Against Canada Akin to What Trump Threatened Mexico with, Is Both Unfair, Insulting & Unwarranted To Canada, To-Which I Don’t Necessarily Disagree With Conrad Black.
In Conrad Black’s Analysis . . . Canada Isn’t Aiding & Abetting Illegal Immigrants to Invade the United States of America, Which Is Being Blatantly Done By Mexico.
Also, Canada Isn’t Run By Criminal Cartels In League With The Country. And Canada is Not Campaigning in the United States of America to Convince American Manufacturers to Move to Canada, For Canada To Ship Cheap Goods Back To America At The Expense Of American Jobs, Which Is A Hallmark Tactic Of Mexico.
The Honest Answer Is . . . I Don’t Know – But I Will Assume Several Reasons.
1 – Trudeau and the Canadian LEFT Have Been Incredibly Insulting to Trump Over the Years, Nationally as well as on the Global Spectrum, WITHOUT MERIT, and Trump Does Not Take Kindly to that Kind of Unwarranted Affront – Just Ask Nikki Haley.
2 – Trump Has No Use for a Socialist (Communist) Supporter on America’s Northern Border, Including in the Nationally Contentious Far-North (Arctic), which will Become a Super Strategic Important Oceanic Travel Route, As Well As A Treasure Trove Of Oil, Gas & Minerals, which Canada Does Not Have the Wherewithal to Defend Against Russia & China.
3 – Trump’s Massive American Presidential Victory Screams Volumes Against the Policy of WOKE, which Has Become a Trademark of Trudeau’s Governance, Along with Transgender Crap, DEI, Open Borders Into Canada, Globalization Through the UN, WHO, ICC, EU, WEF – Etc.
4 – Trump Is 100%-In . . . on Fossil Fuels, Freedom of Expression, Smaller Government & Lower Taxes . . . All Of Which Is Anathema To Trudeau & Canada’s Substantial LEFT.
5 – I Don’t Think Trump Would Ever Come-Out & Say This Publicly. But Many of his Cabinet Picks Did . . . They Don’t Like Trudeau. They Don’t Want Four More Years Of Trudeau. And They Are Looking Forward To A Conservative Poilievre Government.
I Think Trump’s Quip That Canada Should Become America’s FIFTY-FIRST STATE, if Canada Needs to Rip-Off America for $100-Billion Dollars Every Year In Trade, or Canada Could Not Survive Economically was a Joke . . . Or Maybe Not.
But Either Way, Trudeau, And If Not Trudeau, The Rest Of Canada Got The Message Loud & Clear.
At Most . . . Canada Has Until The Spring Of 2025 To Call An Election, Not Longer, if Canada is Going to Survive the Oncoming Ravages of the World Economy, and if-so, we (Canada) Better Be on the Right-Side of the United States of America Under Trump & Trump’s No-Nonsense Cabinet, which is Forming to the South of the 49th Parallel Dividing Canada and the United States of America.
It is Unconscionable What our LEFTIST Liberal Governments Have Done to the Country that Held More Promise to be Amongst the Best Countries in the World than Just Somewhat, Especially When Liberal Prime Minister Sir Wilfred Laurier Said 120-Years Ago (October 14, 1904) . . .
. . . “Let Me Tell You, My Fellow Countrymen, That All The Signs Point This Way, That The 20th Century Shall Be The Century Of Canada And Canadian Development . . . For The Next 100 Years, Canada Shall Be The Star Towards Which All Men Who Love Progress And Freedom Shall Come.”
What Was Possible 120-Years Ago, Stated in Writing by a Liberal Prime Minister (Wilfred Laurier), who Would Not Recognize Today’s Liberal Party . . . Because of Near Criminal Liberal Governance – That The Canadian Possibility Of Greatness – Is No Longer Even A Dream.
Perhaps Trump Is Right . . . Canada Can Only Govern Ourselves When Others Pay Our Way.
I Love Canada . . . The Country Of My Birth, But Canada Stopped Being the Country that I & My Parents were Born-In, the Moment Canada Decided to Move Away from Being a Proud Independent Country, to a Vassal of the United Nations, when Under the Liberal Prime Minister (Lester Pearson), Canada Traded-In our Military from Warriors to United Nations Peace Keepers. And From There – Everything Went Downhill.
It Took The Father Of Justin Trudeau (Pierre Elliott Trudeau) From 1968 – 1980 As Prime Minister, to Lay the Foundation that Inevitably Moved Canada from an Extremely Successful Independent Capitalist Society, to Where we Are Now as a Socialist Country, That Has Become Incapable Of Holding Our Own In An Ever Competitive & Challenging Global World.
From 2006 – 2016 . . . Canada Was Governed By Conservative Leader Stephen Harper, who Did a Good Job with the Tools Available to Him, but Not Good-Enough to Fully Undo the Damage Caused by Successive Liberal Governments . . . And The Narcissistic Governance Of Conservative Leader Brian Mulroney.
Perhaps The Future Leadership Of Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre Will Be Able To Put Canada Back On Track . . . Or Perhaps, the Best Poilievre will be Able to Accomplish will Simply be to Stem the Tide . . . I Don’t Know, But I Am Certainly Hoping For The Former.
FOR POILIEVRE TO MAKE CANADA GREAT AGAIN . . . He Too, Like Trump, Will Have to Hit the Ground Running, Full Speed Ahead With All Guns Blazing, Damn The Torpedoes.
Can Poilievre Do It? . . . Canada’s Future Depends On It – Or America, Here We Come.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Since Trump’s threat & Trudeau’s visit, I am seeing many tv ads – reminding America of all shared relationships with Canada, of our strong trade, and that Canada will always be right by our side. I believe Americans love Canada & don’t want her hurt. But Business is Business. Trudeau is waking up to the errors of his liberal ways. I think things can & will be worked out. If Trump’s words are not believed, nothing will be accomplished. Trudeau needs to think of “country first”.
Canada has been the leaky sieve used by the criminals to get to the US. As long as they made it in and out, Canada had no problem. Trump has just made it theirs to handle. If the threat of tariffs plugs the sieve, all will be well. Canada appears to be living the “Two-State solution”: Quebec vs the Rest. How’s that working out? Why would you think it would work elsewhere in the world? California is trying to make it happen here in USA.
According to a report I read recently, 87% of the people on the terrorist watch list who have entered the US came across the Canadian border. This is a small number in the range of 300+ people, but far more than from across the Mexican border.
People have short memories. Trump is first and foremost a businessman. With him everything is TRANSACTIONAL, including tariffs. Example: Matt Gaetz. He knew he would implode before takeoff and had Pam Bondi ready. He knew the Senate would not approve Gaetz and that after Gaetz Pam Bondi would sail through confirmation. He had to reward Gaetz for his past loyalty. Now Gaetz feels he was first choice and will remain loyal to Trump. Summary: There will never be 25% tariffs on Canadian goods.
The Liberals are campaigning on the taxpayer’s dollar as usual. The Trump visit did nothing but get Trudeau’s name in the media. Trump hasn’t forgotten Trudeau’s two faced slight from his past presidency. I’m sure the Donald hates him as much as Alberta truckers do. Trudeau bribed the media with taxpayer dollars and it worked for him – Not Us. Put on the news anytime and there is Trudeau’s mug spewing forth BS. Seldom is Poilievre ever shown on the news – and never portraying his go
Me things Trump is expressing a “put up, or shut up” policy with our neighbors. It remains to be seen what they decide and how it plays out. Sounds like Trump’s experience from 2016-2020 presidency hardened his resolve and policy decisions for change to truly Make America Great Again. And this 4-year term is a ‘do-or-die’ situation. Trump is not a person to allow the ‘die’ part; so it’s a matter of ‘whatever it takes’ to get the job done.
Trudeau just confirmed his political desperation by running to Florida to be humiliated by Trump and laughingly offered the Governorship of Canada as the 51st State. Confirmed by Trump’s meme of Trump standing in the snow covered mountains beside a Canadian flag. He now owns Trudeau.
I remember way back in the early 60’s and discussing with my friends about Canada and the US, my position was Canada and the US should make North American a single country, well I was ridiculed because we as Canadians had been told how different we were from the hatefull Americans and so on that we had been fed and continues today, well Trump is correct This would be beneficial for this Continent. From sea to sea to sea both North, South, East and West
Imagine the clean up that could be done in Canada with a parliamentary majority , led by a non politician like President Trump. Unfortunately I don’t think its going to happen under a Pierre Pollievre or any other future politician.
Quote: Canada Isn’t Aiding & Abetting Illegal Immigrants to Invade the United States of America. end quote. Not aiding & abetting directly but indirectly, re:Roxham Rd. Videos show RCMP carried illegals bags at the border. Rapid processing & on into Canada, across our 5000mile border into the states. Criminal illegals would learn this easier way to enter USA, their prime target. Trump knows & hence the tough measures contra Canada. Trudeau didn’t care, we might pay the price $$$. Trudeau 👎
Canada becoming the 51st state would be great move. the two countries with the combined natural resources would be unbelievable to the world economy also. Just the impacts on healthcare for Canada would cause many folks to move North and enhance both countries. The Military might of a RCMP being unleased from Trudeau leadership would cause many other countries to stop sending their unwanted folks to Canada in hopes of getting into the US. I like the idea!
As much as I love the United States and the American people, I also love Canada as “my country” and I want it to remain…in Canada !!! I strongly believe that the U.S.A. & CANADA have a very special bond which is unique in this world. And we are both fantastic neighbours. When U.S. airplanes were under attack (9/11), Canada opened all its airports so that Americans could land safely and they’d be treated like Family. As our National Anthem screams out: “Oh Canada We Stand On Guard For Thee
Howard and all of you Canadian voters, you must have seen that most of the republican candidates that Trump pulled for before the Nov. 05 election, won. You need to bombard him with cards/letters requesting him to do the same for your candidate, Pierre Poilievre.
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