ON SATURDAY APRIL 6, 2019 . . . Just a few Weeks Ago, I Spoke at a Boca Raton Chabad Synagogue after Services, Following the Traditional Kiddush (Breakfast/Lunch).
A Very Good Friend Of Mine . . . Ex-Montrealer, Perry Birman, now a 100% Loyal Conservative American Citizen, Donated his Time, Money & Expertise to his Shul (Synagogue), to Train, Arm & Organize his Shul’s Membership, To Become Gun & Security Proficient.
I WON’T GO INTO DETAILS . . . But if Anyone Decides to Assault Perry’s Shul, it will be a Day they’ll Regret Forever, if their Forever Doesn’t Come to an Instant End, because they Probably won’t get by the Front Door, and if they do, Return Fire will come from More Directions within the Shul, than they could ever Imagine, And Not Just From The Male Worshippers.
What Happened In California Proves The Point . . . You Stop A Bad Guy With A Gun, By A Good Guy With A Gun.
A Few Editorials Ago . . . one of the Commentators Wrote Despairingly about Self-Hating Jews, Describing Them As KIKES.
I Deleted the Comment & Notified the Writer as per Why, who Apologized, for not Knowing what the Word Kike Represented, which to me, is another Problem, since Ignorance is the Primary Tool of Evil.
On May 9th, I and a Host of other Bikers, Mostly Jewish, But Not All . . . will Escort the Israel Independence Parade Through the Streets of Downtown Montreal.
On My Bike, are always Two Permanent National Flags (Canadian/American). On the 9th, I will also Wave a Large Israeli Flag.
I always Wear a Star of David suspended from a Chain Around my Neck (For as Long As I Can Remember), and when I Ride, I Wear one of my Pledge Rider Motorcycle Jackets, Festooned with Jewish Symbols, the American, Canadian & Israeli Flags and the Bold Statement of NEVER AGAIN!
And I Defy Anyone To Screw With Me!
And If You Don’t Believe Me . . . Believe the Congressional Democrats who are Too Timid to Call Anti-Semitism for what it is. Ask the NY Times, which just Published a Hateful Editorial Cartoon Depicting a Jewish Dog (Netanyahu With A Star Of David Around Its Neck), Leading A Blind President Trump, who’s Wearing a Yarmulke (Jewish Skull Cap), which would have Made the WWII Nazi Der Stürmer Newspaper Proud.
Speak to European Jews in Countries like France, Germany & Belgium, where in Belgium they Featured a Hate-Filled Anti-Semitic Float, in their Most Attended National Parade.
Ask The British Jews, Who Are Bearing Witness To The Coming National Election Of An Out & Out Anti-Semitic Labor Party, Led By Populist Socialist Jeremy Corbyn, An Avowed Jew-Hater.
And Speak to The French, Where Their Solution For Anti-Semitism . . . Is Don’t Look Jewish.
And If You Want To See Jewish History Repeating Itself . . . AGAIN, as it has for Thousands of Years, just Look at LEFTIST American Jews, Falling-Over-Themselves finding Reasons to Apologize for their LEFTIST Politicians, who are Part of the Problem, And Are Certainly NOT Part Of The Solution.
What’s Freedom Of Expression Worth To You? To Me . . . I’m Spending Thousands Of Dollars To Keep Galganov.Com Public & Relevant.
In Some Respects . . . PayPal and Email Blockers have done Galganov.com a Tremendous Service, by Forcing Galganov.com to Revitalize Itself, which I Probably would not Have Done, if these Purveyors Of Anti-Free-Speech Didn’t Put My Feet to The Fire.
Because Of Them . . .
Galganov.com has Purchased a New Email Distribution Service to Make Certain that Anyone who Wants to Receive New Editorial Email Alerts, Regardless of who His or Her Email Providers Are, which Include ATT, Bell South, Gmail & All Their Surrogates, who Block Your Right to Read what I Write . . . & Hear All of What I Have to Say – Irrelevant.
I’m Paying Dearly To Do All Of This With Our Own Money, because PayPal has Done to Galganov.com, what PayPal has Done to other Conservative On-Line “Vendors”, such as Anyone Involved in the Gun Industry & Conservative BLOGS, which PayPal Thinks Have Influence . . . So I Guess I Should Feel Privileged That PayPal Thinks I Have Influence.
Not Having PayPal Has Taken Away A Significant Amount Of Galganov.com Revenue.
But Here’s A Secret . . . PayPal Is Not The Only Solution.
We are in the Process of Setting-Up a Brand Spanking New Revenue Service, which will Accept all Manner of Credit Cards & Cash Cards from Anywhere in the World, at Less Money than PayPal was Charging Galganov.com . . . And This National Canadian Service Will Not Withhold Funds for Several Days as PayPal Does, Nor will they Charge Galganov.com a Service Charge in Addition to their Fees.
ALSO . . . Because we were Forced to Update & Modernize to a New Structure, all of a Sudden, More People are Logging-On to Galganov.com to Read the Editorials, and Hopefully, To Comment.
AND HERE’S A BIGGIE . . . Because of the New Format, which is Under Construction, and Probably Won’t be Finished Until Mid to Late May – As Soon As It’s Up & Running, I Will Be Broadcasting A Weekly PODCAST, which in Essence will Become an Audible Book.
And After Much Soul-Searching & Conversation with Anne, Family & Friends, about how I can Charge, and how much I can Charge for the RIGHT of Visitors to Galganov.com to Hear my Podcast . . . I’ve Made What I Think Is A Great Decision – THE PODCAST WILL BE FREE!
I Want To Get The Word-Out. And I Want To Grow Galganov.com. And if this Podcast can Help me do this . . . That Will Be Payment Enough.
This Podcast Will Not Be A Regurgitation Of My Editorial Views . . . But Rather, the Podcast will be a Series of True Unembellished Stories Of Events, which I have Done and have been Involved in, WHICH I PROMISE YOU, will be more Interesting than just Somewhat. More Interesting & Honest Than The Realty TV Crapola On Cable & The Networks.
Stay Tuned . . . The Best Is Yet To Come!
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
And these words were planted in my mind in the 50’s and will never ever go away…….”and who disguised as Clark Kent, a mild mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a never ending battle for TRUTH,JUSTICE AND THE AMERICAN WAY.” Howard are you Clark Kent, you’re sure fighting a battle for all Americans with your keyboard. All I have to offer you is a heart felt thanks and to say to you that you would be welcomed to become one of us anytime you wish.
great work Howard,looking forward to it.best wishes to the Galganov family,give the cat my best.
Howard, we are anxiously waiting for The Best to come!
My security team is 1000% dedicated to the safety and security of our congregation. We live and breathe it. If it would be known that any person wanting to harm people worshipping would be met with deadly force… end of story. It’s not rocket science. Unless one a delusional liberal who believes helplessness is righteous. There’s evil out there. Either you be ready to fight it or be ready to succumb to it.
Good luck with your new venue, Howard. Hope all goes well with it (and am anxiously awaiting it, also!). I can honesty say I read every one of your Editorials, and agree with at least 90%. Keep up the Good Work.
You are like the charging bull with head down, horns pointing forward to crash through whatever blocks have been put in your way, ’cause there ain’t no stopping you getting to your goal. And that goal is putting the truth out there. Good for you; just a shame it’s costing you guys so much. But you better believe your readers are so very thankful and proud of you.
HG, without being aware of your difficulties with abusive censors, I have enjoyed your editorials immensely! In fact, when I hear the beep of a new email arrival, I immediately jump to my email. If it’s from Galganov, I feel compelled to devour it. If it’s not, I go back to finish whatever I was doing. Actually, I often wonder why your wisdom doesn’t make worldwide headlines but the talking heads do. Perhaps the tech improvements will catapult your popularity. Keep on keeping on!!!
Another senseless act in California. Glad the see one Shul is being proactive. Our children received too much of their childhood guidance at the hands of gruesome videos games and once in college the liberal tenured educators at our universities. We have done a poor job as parents in providing a strong foundation for what is right and what is wrong, what we tolerate and what we don’t tolerate. The end result history begin to repeat itself.
Sometimes CURSES are BLESSINGS. Looks like you have found yours.
YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to see the new format, Howard. I happen to love all of your editorials & I am looking forward to all of your future podcasts! I do tell people about you all the time. I am still amazed by how much you truly know about how the US Government is supposed to be run when so many who are US Citizens haven’t a clue!!! More power to you Howard & simply just keep movin’ on & upward!!! GO HOWARD GO!!!
I have been thinking of ways to expand your readership. I recognize your rights to whatever you write and wonder whether it is proper to forward excerpts, (giving you full credit). I heard with horror that another synagogue was attacked and its worshipers shot. Bear in mind that sadly not all those who claim to be Christians really are, only those who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I cannot comprehend hatred of Jews because Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior is Jewish.
Looking forward to your new endeavors. Keep the pressure on.
I have a plaque that says it all. YOU’VE GOT 3 choices in life. GIVE UP, GIVE IN or give it all YOU’VE GOT. You by any stretch of the imagination are the latter.. Keep up your good work and maybe there is a pony that you wish for will come true. Billie
It is Inspiring to see a man put it all on the line. I also anxiously await the new format – stay the course!
Good for you, Howard. Keep up the good fight, because your followers are devouring the truths you publish. I hope your contributions continue to pour in so you can keep on “telling it like it really is!”
Looking forward to your new podcast,enjoyed your past comments on the air. Best of Luck we could do with you in Scotland.!
In 1971, I quit college and joined the Army to my father’s total dismay. He served during WWII in Army Engineers, his unit worked at Bogenhousen,(sp?) opening and moving graves of many. He saw what Hitler had done in person and was against any of his sons possibly doing the same. I served with a 17 Jewish boy, a judge gave his parents the choice of military or jail. Michael Finch, became a friend once we figured out his anger at the world. Michael died in Sept. 1971 in Viet Nam.
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