There Is No Broadcast With This Editorial.
In Two Days (December 24) . . . from the Date of this Editorial, it will be Christmas Eve & Anne’s Birthday – Two Monumental Events In My Life.
The Importance Of Anne’s Birthday To Me . . . After all I’ve Written about Anne & Myself – Together for More than 45-Years, if you’ve been Paying Attention should be Obvious.
For The Celebration Of Christmas . . .
Since I’m A Secular Orthodox Jew, which sounds somewhat like an Oxymoron – I Celebrate The Meaning Of The Message Of Jesus Christ, and how it has taken some 2,000–Years for People of Good Meaning & Strong Values To Finally Get It.
Christ Was Born Jewish . . . And unless I’m Terribly Mistaken – Christ Lived as a Jew & Died a Jew. And in the Case of Jesus Christ, Christ was Murdered on a Roman Cross Created by Pagans & Idol Worshippers.
A Vast & Complicated Industry Has Been Created Around Christ’s Simple Message.
Not Long Before Christ Was Born – The Jewish Talmudist Hillel, Wrote . . . The Entire Torah (Five Books Of Moses) Could be Explained In This Simple Term . . .
“Do Not Do To Others . . . That Which You Would Not Want Them To Do To You”.
In The Words Of Jesus Christ . . . Who Understood Hillel & The Talmud – Christ Made Even Simpler Hillel’s Famous Words From CHRIST’S SERMON ON THE MOUNT . . .
“Do Unto Others What You Would Have Them Do Unto You”.
I Find That The Godliest People . . . Are Not those who Wear their Religion on their Sleeve for all to See, or use Religion as an Instrument of Fear, or for Profit to Sell their Religion as a Product – But Rather, the Godliest People are the People who Live their Religion by Christ’s Most Simple Maxim . . . “Do Unto Others What You Would Have Them Do Unto You”, which according to Hillel, Says Everything there is to Say About the Meaning and Goodness of Humanity through the Torah . . .
And The Most Important Belief Of Jesus Christ . . . Which Is Understood Not By Religious Pomp & Circumstance – But Rather, through the SIMPLE EXAMPLES of how Jesus Lived His Life, and how Jesus Spread his Message, which was as Clear & Erudite as is Imaginable . . . Are The Reasons To Celebrate.
I CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS WITH MY CHRISTIAN FRIENDS . . . Because The Message Of Christ, when not Corrupted by Men & Women Seeking to Profit in Riches & Power in His Name – The Message Of Christ, like the Message of Hillel says all that Needs to be Said . . . About Who We Are – And Who We Should Be.
There is a Reason why the United States of America Created the Most Comprehensive & Judiciously Compassionate Constitution Based On Judeo/Christian Values – It Wasn’t because some Rabbi, Minister or Priest Inculcated the People to use God as a Cudgeon to Control the People . . . But Rather – The Founding Fathers Used The Values of the Ten Commandments and the Words of Hillel & Christ as America’s Foundation to Build the Greatest & Freest Society Ever Known To Humanity.
And This Is Why I Celebrate The Message Of Christ With My Christian Friends.
Christ Tipped Over The Insiders’ Applecart At The Temple In Jerusalem . . . Not to have Another Cabal of Insiders Take Away the People’s Freedom – But Rather . . . to Light the Way so Everyone Should Be Free.
Merry Christmas – And Remember . . .
Do Unto Others As You Would have Them Do Unto You.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
If you watched and heard Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech you do not need to be told you saw and heard one of the very few real leaders in the world today. May God be with us all.
Happy Birthday, Anne! And a very Merry Christmas to you, Howard, and Anne!
Well said Howard, and a very merry and happy birthday to Anne.
Another one of these truly inspiring editorials / blogs that make…me… look forward to one of Howard’s comments about life educate many of us. Thank you Howard and Merry Christmas and a Wonderful and Healthy Holliday Seasons and New Year’s to you,…Anne.. and all the Galganov bloggers..
Very well stated Howard! “Do Unto Others What You Would Have Them Do Unto You” is the most important concept that Jesus tried to get people to understand and believe. Our society if falling apart mainly because we have chose to ignore “Christian Values”. All The Best to you and family. Leonard Liotta, Yankee Hill, United States.
As always, well said. Happy birthday Anne, mine is Dec 26th.
No fewer than 400 prophecies of Jesus’ coming are revealed in the Old Testament (David Limbaugh, ‘The Emmaus Code’). Why is it then that the Jews reject His divinity? This is not meant as a disparagement, for I love my many Jewish friends. The question is, why is this question, arguably one of the most profound in the history of mankind, never debated? Thank you, Howard, for your many priceless gems of wisdom.
May the message of Jesus be heard by all…so simple….Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Couldn’t be any simpler than that!!! Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Anne. God Bless you both
Thanks for your warm and insightful Christmas greetings. May you and Anne enjoy many more happy years together.
MERRY CHRISTMAS Howard, Anne, Stryker and April the cat. Have a wonderful Birthday Anne and many more. I’m afraid “Do On To Other As You Would Have Them Do Onto You” is lost with the Millennials, Snowflakes and Elitist most of them just think of themselves and TAKE from others. It is sad time in HISTORY at this time around the world. The UN’s One World Government of ELITES wants to implement socialism and corporate fascism as part of their agenda.Trump is the only one fighting for our FREEDOM!
Happy birthday to Anne. I love how you respect her and the way it shows when you write about her. Peace to you both.
And a continued Blessing to you and your loved ones!
We pray regularly for the Peace of Jerusalem … Israel … and her people world wide!
A special Happy Birthay to Anne … my father’s birthday was Dec 26, 1902!
Merry Christmas to all us ‘followers’ as well!
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you and Anne. The love for Israel and her people runs deep in our family.
Christmas Blessings to you BOTH, & to Anne, a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May God continue to BLESS YOU BOTH!!
Happiest of Birthdays, Anne!! Merry Christmas to each of you and all who read Howard’s words of insight, inspiration and wisdom.
Since I’m a December child of 92 years today. In the world we live in I pray that peace will come so many with December et’al birthdays will enjoy life as I have. What a delight to have you and Anne in our world. Buon Natale! Felice Anno Nuevo!
Howard, Tell Anne I said Happy Birthday. I’m also a December baby (16th) and John makes a big deal out of my birthday as well, which is nice because when you are born close to Christmas, people forget. I turned 60 last Saturday which was way better than turning 50 since I was told by a dozen of the “finest oncologists in the Midwest” that I wouldn’t turn 58, so I’m thrilled to be 60! Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/Greeting of Choice and a blessed, prosperous and healthy New Year!
Merry Christmas!
Like eye drops I can count on you for a clear vision. Merry Christmas to yourself and Anne. Happy Birth day to you Anne.
What a wonderful message. Thank you.
In practising my faith I may be wanting. But not in wishing you and Anne the best in happiness for lives well lived.
Thank You and a Very Merry Christmas to ALL and to ANNE the Happiest of Birthdays to you. May God remain SUPREME now and forever. Amen. God Bless And a Very Special Happy Birthday to Billie Luchi who is 92 years young today.
Best wishes for a very Happy Birthday Anne, and thank you Howard for your most inspiring Christmas Message. Merry Christmas to you and all your avid readers.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Anne! And Merry CHRISTmas to all out there–not Xmas or Happy Holidays, etc. Though it is said Jesus was likely born in our September, the 25th of December has been established as the day we celebrate His birth. It pains me that it has been turned into such a commercial enterprise that permeates even most Christian homes too, even mine. I tried to switch emphasis for gift-giving to birthdays, but it hasn’t gone over well at all. You know, ‘everybody’s doing it’ kind of thing.
Beautifully and clearly put! Such an easy, simple message, yet sadly so difficult for so many to comprehend. Merry Christmas to you and Happy Birthday to your Anne.
“Golden Rule” has changed to: “Screw unto others before they screw unto you”! (Sorry for crassness- that’s how things are!) Jesus Christ was “crucified” by “mob rule” (a.k.a “Democracy”)! BTW, most U.S. laws are some version of the Ten Commandments. (As a Jew, I respect my Christian friends, but without Martin Luther, most people today would be Catholic!) Jesus was a Jew, but much like in past, Jews are getting “blamed” for things (made scapegoats)! Christians and Jews must unite to fight Islam!
Happy birthday Anne –
Thanks Howard for your insights and celebrating Christmas with us! I remember lighting a candle with you all
I enjoyed reading the many well stated comments by fellow followers – Christians and Jews alike, just confirming that you Howard are an inspiration to many. May your home be filled with joy at Christmas and throughout the year. And of course birthday greetings to Anne. You are both blessed to have each other. I wish you both many more years of happiness together.
Danny Palladini
Lancaster Ontario
Greetings: Best birthday wishes to Anne and I hope you and all your LOYAL and LOVING readers ENJOY the HOLIDAYS with FAMILY and FRIENDS! MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY HANNUKAH!!!
Happy Birthday, Anne! My husband and his brother was born on December 19th, seven years apart! His brother always said it was the best birthday present he could have ever received! Our first grandson was born on the 19th, what a present for G’pa! Merry Christmas, Happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2019 to both of you! Always great editorials, Howard!
Such a simple statement, but so very true. How many people go to church on Sunday or whatever day and proclaim themselves as ‘believers’ then are bastards for the rest of the week…that is until next day at church! Seen it so many times. A very happy Christmas to you Howard and of course to your wife Anne, and to Anne very happy birthday.
Merry Christmas to those who believe in Jesus Christ our Messiah; and Happy Season of blessings to all who believe in the Golden Rule, and Happy Birthday to Anne. Blessings to you, Howard, for your insights which I enjoy reading almost daily.
Merry Christmas Howard and Anne and Happy Birthday, Anne!
It’s so refreshing to see a couple so in love after 45 years.
You DO realize, that if Jesus HADN’T been resurrected from the dead, ascended into the clouds, seen by EYEWITNESSES, there wouldn’t BE Christianity. There wouldn’t be a New Testament. His disciples had NO OTHER REASON to be martyred in Christ’s name. Think about it.
Happy Birthday Anne. May your days be filled with love and laughter always. Merry Christmas to all. Thank you Howard, always.
A very Happy Birthday to Anne; and Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, & a blessed New Year.
Your philosophy is a gift for all of us, so we thank you and wish you all the best.
From Ireland with lots of love.
Thank you once again for another wonderful column, Howard. Happy Birthday Anne (lucky lady).
Heidi McCauley, NYC
Merry Christmas and may the Great Creator bless you & yours with a prosperous New year as well as Many More birthdays. I also pray that you & your family can obtain permanent residence in Austin, Texas in the very near future.
Happy 29th Birthday to Anne and Merry Christmas to both of you.
Great commentary Howard
Such clarity, unfortunately we cant seem to go back to that message.
Merry Christmas my fellow and like minded Jew.
Happy Birthday Anne, wish you many more. AND a very Merry Christmas. Thank you coming back to Texas for the winter. Just wish you could stay for longer than 6 months (like forever). However, you might like Canada in July and August. There is so much of Texas to see.
Jerry Cowan, San Antonio, TX
Howard, well said. Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah to you, Anne and yours.
As a Christian scholar, I am pleased to hear your conclusion about Jesus and Christmas. You have put it in the most succinct terms full of truth. Thank You. You get it while most so called scholars on television do not. I do not believe you are secular but rather just not ‘religious’. There is a difference.
Happy Birthday to you Anne and to our Savior Jesus Christ it is also His Birthday this month as well. Wishing you Howard and Anne as well as April a very Happy Christmas there in TX. and a very healthy, safe, New Year ahead. Makes no difference what religion we are Howard and Anne you writing to us is so wonderful. I am a Methodist and do so love Israel and her people, God bless all of us, and keep us safe in His loving arms. Merry Christmas to all. Believe in Him and His Faith for us.
Amen, Amen, Amen
Merry Christmas
Happy Birthday Ann! Today is the celebration of our twin son’s 53rd birthday. Christmas day is our only daughter’s 57th birthday. She arrived in the middle of a New England blizzard early Christmas morning! Bill and I celebrated 61 years of married bliss.
Have a safe holiday! We are in New England for the holidays, very cold but not slippery (yet)!
Bill and Jan Clement
Ocala, FL
Thanks for clarifying how the USA was founded using Judeo/Christian Values
Merry Christmas Howard and Anne and a vert Happy birthday Anne.
Thank you for all your thoughts during the year. They always make me do a little more thinking about what direction our country is taking.
Look forward to reading your comments on Trudeau signing the UN Global Compact for Migration agreement which opens Canada’s borders to EVERYONE
Merry Christmas!!
The way I see things is if any of the modern day dems ever makes it to the white house the country as founded is pretty much screwed.So that would leave the world without any one to watch the bad guys.My faith tells me how that movie ends because Ive read “THE BOOK”,having said that I think those dancing on Trumps grave are a little premature,either way we win.
Our Father, who are in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Come your kingdom, be done your will as it is in heaven and on earth. Our bread daily, give to us this day. And forgive us our trespasses as also we have forgiven our trespassers, and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is your Kingdom, and the power and the glory forever.
Happy Birthday, Anne! Let’s hope that THE MESSAGE OF CHRIST will be SPREAD more abundantly in the very near FUTURE! Life could be so much easier if people would OBEY the TEN COMMANDMENTS! Although some people CLAIM to be so MORAL when it SUITS their PURPOSE, these same individuals become HYPOCRITICAL when it SUITS their POLITICAL AGENDA. That being said…Wishing you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS & a VERY HEALTHY, HAPPY & WEALTHY NEW YEAR! PRAY FOR PRES. TRUMP & HIS FAMILY! GO TRUMP GO! AMEN!
Happy Healthy Birthday Anne
God Bless
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