I’m Back In Austin Texas & And It’s Great To Be Home


There Is No Broadcast With This Editorial.


I Flew to Delray Florida for 4-Days to Help Celebrate My Sister’s Birthday and visit my Sister & Brother-In-Law’s new Home, now that they’ve become “Green-Card Americans”.

And While In Central Florida . . . I had the Privilege of Eating Too Much in Great Restaurants (Especially Delis), Shooting with my Friends Perry & Marvin at their Favorite Inside Gun-Range . . . AND DOING TWO HOURS ON THE RADIO WITH JOYCE KAUFMAN – WFTL.

A Strange Thing Happened On The Road To Hearing The Broadcast.

WFTL has a Direct Link on their Website, which I sent to all the People who Read Galganov.com, for People who wanted to Listen to the Live-Broadcast I was doing at the Invitation of Joyce Kaufman, through Live Streaming, which is Usually as Good and as Clear as Listening to the Radio Station Directly.

But Streaming Has A Capacity . . . unless the Streaming Source (Radio Station) Pays for a Large Streaming Bundle, which in Most Instances is not that Necessary, since in the Case of Radio Stations – That a few Hundred People can Tune-In at the Same Time over the Internet is generally Sufficient.

But What Happens When Thousands Of People Try To Log-On Simultaneously?

You Guessed It . . . Most People Who Logged-On Past The Start-Time, Before the Many, Couldn’t Connect. Even Anne, who Tried to Log-On Couldn’t Listen-In for Most of the Broadcast, but found an Alternative way through Tune-In Radio.

So . . . If You think your Computer or Smart Phone wasn’t Working, or you were doing something Wrong – It Wasn’t You Or Your Equipment.

I Have No Idea How Many Of The Readers Of Galganov.com Tried To Log-On . . . other than to say it was Sufficient To “Break The Internet”.


Everyone Loves The French Yellow-Vests . . . For Sticking-It to the Government of the Ever-So Arrogant French President Emmanuel Macron – But What About All The French Jew-Hatred That Goes With The Yellow-Vests, as they hold Banners & Signs, Translated into English, which Calls Macron . . . The Whore Of The Jews?


France Is A Heavy Socialist Country . . . Where like all Socialism, it Works as Long as the Takers can Feed-Off the Makers – and when the Takers can No Longer “Squeeze Blood From A Stone” – The LEFT Needs To Riot & Find Blame.

So Please Do Not Mistake . . . The Yellow-Vests for being Conservative, any more than you could Possibly Confuse Antifa with being Part of the American “Far-Right” – whatever that Means.

AND REMEMBER THIS . . . The Nazis Were – “The National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party”. Kind Of Says It All Doesn’t It?

In a Population of Roughly 67-Million People in France, there used to be 700,000-Jews after the War (WWII) . . . & Several Million Moslems. Now – There are Approximately 500,000-Jews Left In France . . . & Diminishing Every Day.

However . . . According to many Varied Estimates, Including from the CIA, there are as many as 7-Million Moslems, which represents at least 10% Of The French Population, and 100% of all French Racist/Terrorist Attacks – Especially Against French Jews.

So Who Do The French Target For The Despicable Financial Fortunes Of France?

I Don’t Give Much Of A Rat’s Ass About France, since the French have always been Duplicitous, and Easily Demean those who have Saved their Bacon, which was Saved Twice by the Americans, British, Canadians, Australians . . . Etc – as a Result of Two World Wars, while their Hero – De Gaulle – Hid Away During WWII in the Safety England.

But I Do Care About The French Jews . . . Who Are Taking It On The Chin – and will Take it Much Worse, as the French Economy Continues to Collapse Under the Incredibly Excessive Weight of Socialism.


In The Late 1930’s – the French Population Turned-On their Jewish Co-Nationalists, and Aided & Abetted the Nazis in the Extermination of French Jews.

History Will Never Be Denied . . . & Will Always Repeat Itself.

Fast Forward Some 80-Years & It’s Happening All Over Again . . . This Time Not at the Hands of Nazis – This Time At The Hands Of The ISLAMISTS . . . But No Less With French Complicity.

Believe It Or Not . . . I Am No Less Worried – about Vile Anti-Semitism Right Here In North America (Canada & The USA), as I am in France & Throughout Europe, as the North American LEFT has Embraced THEIR LOVE TO HATE ISRAEL, through BDS and all the other Fake Reasons To Hate Jews.

What’s Happening In France . . . Is Around The Corner In North America.

I Shudder . . . When I Hear Absolute Stupidity Spewing-Forth from the Mouth of Jerks like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who Actually has a Following, and from Bernie Sanders, who Displays the Worst-Side of Judaism, who is Himself A Self-Hating Jew . . . The Worst Kind Of Anti-Semite There Is.

I Worry – Because History Always Repeats Itself . . . And We’re Watching A Rerun.

Remember the Famous Words of Pastor Niemoller’s Holocaust Poem, which ended with . . .

“Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew.Then they came for me . . . and there was no one left to speak for me”.

I Worry . . . Because The Barbarians Are At The Gate . . . and the Media is Not the Gate-Keeper it Once Was . . . But Has Rather BecomeThe Voice Of The Barbarians.

I WorryBecause Our Educators Are Propagandists . . . and as such, have Turned our Children and the Children of our Children Against all the Values, which we – the ”Boomers” & our ParentsThe Greatest Generation – have Stood for – for more than 100-Years.

I Write – Because We Can’t Go Down Without A Fight . . . And We’re Outnumbered.

I Write . . . Because as Hillel Said just Before the Birth of Christ: If Not Me, Who? If Not Now, When?


As I Always Write – Just Once A Month, asking for Financial Support for Galganov.com, whether you Help to Lighten my Load or Not, I will Continue to Write, Speak-out & Advocate for What I Believe To Be Right, Because It’s Perhaps The Most Important Thing I Can Do.

If You Can’t Afford To HelpPlease Don’t . . . & Don’t Feel Guilty – But if you can Afford to Contribute, and if you Feel that what I Write, Say & Advocate For has Value, Merit & Meaning . . . Your Support Will Be Most Welcomed.

To Support Galganov.com Through PayPal . . . Please Click Here.

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Thank You All In Advance For Your Support.

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

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  1. I raised my family in Delray Beach. You must have had quite a time on Atlantic Ave with so many eateries. My daughter still lives there, I visit her every Saturday. Never was much for the French (Edited). In my travels I preferred Italy and Spain. Since I am Irish most visits were to Ireland. Enjoy your Winter in Texas.

  2. Macron Wants a EU army that among other things can defend the EU from America?
    People are unaware of the rabid hatred for America in today’s Nuclear Armed France.
    To want such an army Macron is pandering to the hate filled socialist Majority of the EU. Strange at is may seem if there is one nations that could suddenly take out America it is France – consider then that with aging Globalists who want the one world system now and the only thing standing in the way is America’s Constitution –

  3. Greetings: FRANCE HAS NO CHANCE! The arrogant, narcissistic FRENCH are too busy fighting amongst themselves to win anything! Hopefully what’s playing out in France isn’t a preamble for the infighting in America! BUILD THE WALL! GO TRUMP!!!

  4. It was great having you visit, Howard. A blast – many blasts, in fact. I just finished cleaning and lubing that P938 Legion you loved shooting! This is a great part of the world to live in. Too bad you aren’t here more often. We all understand why America is SO worth fighting for. Especially being the second most Jew-friendly country in the world. See ya soon!

  5. Any Jew that stays in France or Europe for that matter has rocks in his or her head. There is a place to go. Leave them with their moslems and the total destruction of their country

  6. I’m not Jewish I’m 1st generation American with German Parents. When I was younger my folks had a lot of Jewish friends, as the German immigrants usually hung out with German immigrants. I always wondered ‘Whats the big deal, so they’re Jewish?” My folks spoke kindly of Jew’s the same way they spoke of Catholics.Their children, who were just like me were only different, because, they went to a different church and worshiped God a little differently.
    That’s pretty much as I see now.

  7. Hi Howard, I really enjoyed listening to you on the RADIO WITH JOYCE KAUFMAN – WFTL. You both are definitely on the same wave length. I’m finding it a lot easier to support you through PayPal rather than sending a cheque.

  8. Your Title Statement about being back in Austin and “it’s great to be home” put a huge smile on my face. Now that your sister & hubby have status to live here in the US, it’s your turn to live here and go to Canada for visits with friends. Just sayin’……

  9. I missed it all, damn it. Middle daughter moved in with us & of course, it has been normal chaos within my household. I feel that ALL Jews in the EU & the UK need to leave those countries & make Aliyah to Israel. Most will think I am crazy for saying that but the Jews in Israel are much better protected than in the EU & the UK. About the only right thing that the UN has ever done was to support the nation of Israel, back in 1947. Great Editorial, as usual. I love me some Howard Galganov!!!

  10. Sorry I could not hear your radio talk with Joyce Kaufman just could not get it tuned in on my radio. Bet it was a hoot to hear though. As always your editorials are wonderful. Glad you made it back to your Anne safely.
    I believe before anyone trys to take this country fully over there will be another Civil War and my heart is so sad for this.
    I pray it does not happen, that the Democrats get with it and not be so full of hate.
    God blessings to you both.

  11. The reason Hitler did so well in France was because of what he promised, free everything. The French are like the prostitutes of old, they will screw anyone for Free Stuff. And they do cry when their client beats them and takes everything they have away. The Jews of the country need to start fighting now hard or history will repeat itself for them. As a soldier, I will always fight for the weak that is trying to fight back. Bring back the lessons of the Old Testament, now.

  12. The answer is education. I have been a Holocaust educator for over 20 years. The most rewarding experience I ever had was this November during Holocaust Education Week in Toronto. Since I include the above quoted famous poem by Pastor Niemuller in my presentations, I asked if anybody from the attending grade 7 class knew about it. THEY ALL DID! Then I asked a volunteer to recite it together with me. If I had it rehearsed it couldn’t have been better. It was my greatest reward and experience ever

  13. Hello Howard,

    I know you won’t accept links but this one is fascinating and has number of Canadian military represented from
    Europe in WW II. If you can email an address where you’d receive this , I’d be pleased to send it along as I’m certain you’d enjoy it.


  14. I’m thankful you had a wonderful time here in our GREAT state of FLORIDA, & that you are back home, safely in TEXAS, with your devoted Anne! I also enjoyed the other bloggers’ comments; I have no use for the FRENCH, so thanks for the “history lesson”, as to what is REALLY HAPPENING over there in France!! May God continue to BLESS PRES. TRUMP, & GO PRES. TRUMP, GO!!! AMEN-AMEN!!!!

  15. DeGaul was a WWI captain. His orders were not to give up his position. It was bombarded for 12 hours. When fresh troops arrived there was no one alive. DeGaul received the Medal of Honour posthumously. Then his name appeared on a list of French officers who surrendered. Desertion equals firing squad, but the medal was a big public affair about a hero so to save face nothing happened to him. WWII he hid in England leaving his troops behind. As president his army tried killing him twice.

  16. My new saying regarding France, “You Reap What You Vote.” Don’t care one bit about them except to study as a perfect example of failed ‘progressive’ policies.

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