It’s Us Against Them – All Of Them


There Is No Broadcast With this Editorial.


But First – Thank You To Everyone For Your Thanksgiving Wishes.

I Am Very Grateful To You . . . Those (Few) Readers of, who Contribute to this Not For Profit Blog, which Helps Finance what I Write, Say & Do.

That Said Though, Even With Your Help . . . I Am Still 100% Independent.

Several Years Ago . . . A Different Liberal Government In Canada, Floated The Idea Of Financially Supporting “Some” Of The Failing Print Media – Well, Now, Years Later, It’s Actually Happening Under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, With MORE Than $500-Million Tax Dollars.


It Was Just Announced By The Trudeau Government, that a Means of Dolling Out Tax Dollars to Failing Media is in the Process of being Built, upon an Indescribably Complicated Government Formula, on how to Backstop Canadian Media Worthy of Government Support.

I Won’t Waste Your Time Or Mine Describing How Many Ways This Is Wrong.

Many Years Ago . . . As I was Spearheading QPAC (The Quebec Political Action Committee), A Media Issue Happened, Which Shook Me To The Core.

The Morning Show Of Montreal’s Most-Listened-To English Language Radio Station (CJAD) Ridiculed-Me, for of all things . . . for being Chosen as one of Canada’s Newsmakers of the Year (1997).

The Truth . . . is that CJAD was and still is a LEFTIST Appeaser Radio Station, which Felt it was Safer to Ridicule People like me, who were Fighting for Freedom of Expression against Racist Linguistic Government Policies, than it was to Ridicule the Racist Policies of the Government for Fear of Losing Advertising Dollars and being on the Wrong Side of the Government and CRTC (Canadian Radio & Television Commission – Akin To The American FCC).

This Happened On New Years Day . . . Early in the Morning, when Anne & I were still in Bed, listening to the News.

I don’t know if you can Imagine how Positively Stunned I was to Hear that I was Named one of Canada’s News Makers of the Year . . . AND HOW DEVASTATED I WAS TO HEAR THESE JERKS ON MONTREAL’S MOST LISTENED-TO ENGLISH LANGUAGE RADIO STATION DEMEAN ME LIKE I WAS A JOKE.

Anne & I Immediately Got Out Of Bed . . . and before even going to the Shower and having a cup of Coffee, I sent out a Media-Wide Fax, Exclusively to all the English Language Montreal Media, Radio, Television & Print (Not Including Any French Media), Announcing A Noon New Year’s Day Press Conference.


At Exactly Noon . . . When all the English Media were Present, with Several of the French Media as well, who got Wind of the Press Conference . . . I Made This Simple Announcement . . . I QUIT!

To Give Some Context To This . . . I Never Intended To Be A Freedom-Fighter.

But That’s What Happened . . . And because Anne & I Were Spending Our Own Money, all of it on the Fight for other People’s Rights, we were Rapidly Going Broke. I wasn’t Paying Attention to our Advertising Agency, which Needed my Undivided Attention. And we were spending $600 Per Day . . . just on Security for Anne & our Farm.

Anne had to Lay-Off some of her Personal Staff, because it became a Choice of me Funding a Supreme Court Challenge, or Anne keeping her Employees . . . And On & On. And Before All of This – Anne & I Enjoyed a Normal Financially Successful Life on our Perfect Little Horse Farm.

So . . . For Me To Hear This Crap First Thing In The Morning Was Just Too Much.

TO SAY THAT THE MEDIA WHO WERE PRESENT WERE AGHAST . . . would be as Much an Understatement as you can Imagine. And when one of the Journalists asked . . . WHY?

I Simply Pointed To The CJAD Reporter & Said . . . Ask Her – & I Walked Away.

Within Less Than An Hour . . . I Received A Call From A Very Wealthy Montrealer, who said . . . DON’T DO ANYTHING RASH. A Group of us want to meet with you Tonight. You Name the Time & the Place . . . And We’ll Be There.

We Met . . . We Spoke, It Was Acrimonious – But I Carried-On Nonetheless.

Unless Something Really Weird Happens In The World In Next Few Days . . . I’ll Write about this Meeting . . . and I’ll give you some Insight into how much Damage an Incompetent Media & an Ignorant Population can Wrought. Even amongst the Most Wealthy.

PS – Just For Background – CJAD Detests & Mocks President Trump.

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

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  1. Calgary Sun suns a story today that headlines Israeli/U.S. tensions ease. Is the Israeli Prime Minister being set up so that he might water down his speech. I don’t trust NOBAMA one bit. Even a gentile like me can see through this one. I’ll be listening. Ray Moscato

  2. Once subsidized, these news outlets become beholden to those feeding them and had better write accordingly as the subsidies can just as easily disappear. News outlets, like the CBC, need to be cut loose. Let them sink or float based on their own merits as do the CTV and Global networks. Floating the CBC to the tune of a billion dollars a year is criminal and needs to be stopped. The government is just encouraging mediocrity and all that comes with it.

  3. trudeau just bought the election and more than usual the lame stream media will be more against Conservatives than ever even after 3 years of trudeau’s blunders and gaffes slowly destroying Canada in the process and yet again the majority of sheeples are still hard asleep at the switch and when they finally wake up, it will be too late. Is it asleep or totally brainwashed ???

  4. Life , and politics, is a “circular conundrum”,….and it’s reality is the biased addition of faulty logic, vocal idiots, and greed!!
    Can I agree, condone or accept this method of “government, as by the People, for the People, and OF the People, or Stand up and be counted before you too are simply termed,”….a marginal annoyance!”

  5. No surprise that Canada’s overwhelmingly leftist “journalists” will decide who gets the loot. The CBC was rewarded with something like $150,000,000 for being Justin’s fart catchers and cheer leaders after Justin’s election and now they’ll get even more. Canadian Conservative taxpayers are forced to contribute to what they detest. I hope to hear some good news from you Howard.

  6. The last pretense CJAD had for being a moderate, middle ground station was with Tommy Shnurmacher on board. Since his retirement the station has become nothing but a leftist podium, no different than the CBC or NPR. In the last several months, there has not been a single segment of daily programming that has not had a leftist slant or attitude to it. Every guest, story, report, comment and so on have been to some extent loaded with lefty gibberish. It’s comical. I no longer listen to them.

  7. This is why I honor you, you put money where your mouth is. Carolyn & I did not have as much accrued but we have sold investment property, moved from our home that we raised our kids in and have depleted all our savings to fight for what we believe is right. I was never told it would be easy or that it would be financially beneficial, I was only told it was the right thing to do and at the end of the day, I would feel good. May others find ways to stand and make a statement is my hope.

  8. Great sayings re: having the COURAGE for continuing to DEFEND and SPREADING the TRUTH——“If God closes a door AND a window, consider the fact that it might be time to build a whole new house” – Mandy Hale That’s exactly what you and Anne have done, Howard. Your SUPPORTERS thank you for all your great Editorials! Also, remember that it’s better to be “slapped with the Truth vs. being kissed with a lie.” AMEN!

  9. Liberals (losers) “cut others down to make themselves look good”, so those “fighting for justice” (“right” or “lawful” issues) end up financially destroyed! Liberals “lie, cheat, and steal” to get ahead (using taxpayer dollars), but many liberal don’t work or pay income taxes! “Birds of a feather flock together”- that’s Socialists! Sadly (thanks to MSM) “millions” don’t know what’s “right” from what’s “wrong” anymore! “Older and wiser” folks are losing “respect” from younger people! Why is this?

  10. Good for you, Howard & Anne, for sticking up for “what is right”, & thanks for sharing that nutcase media story with us! You definitely did the “right thing”, Howard!! Keep up the NEXT RIGHT THING, you folks!!!

  11. To hell with bananas, this is a ‘hosiery republic’ lorded over by a feminist groper; who was elected by the Liberal drivel that spawned a now culturally and socially assaulted Canada. This “POS” (to quote him) is a product of the useful idiots who elected him. Either more Conservatives or less Liberals have to show up to vote. Which will it be, Scheer or more of the bloody same? May this be his last winter holiday season squatting at 24 Sussex Drive.

  12. Apart from the Media, his only real supporters are the UN and the World Bank , only because they know him for what he is : ” a fool and (our) money “

  13. The “paid-for-media” will Not Bite the Hand that Feeds them …. and helps keep their 6 figure salary…. JUST IN TIME FOR THE NEXT ELECTION….. funny … no criticism from the left wing media after this announcement !!!!

  14. I am waiting for your ‘description’ of the meeting. Everyone with $$ wants to OWN someone they can manipulate and install them as THEIR MOUTHPIECE. I can see from your Editorials, you are your own MAN & with Anne supporting you, you can NOT go wrong! Soldier on! God Bless

  15. Thank you Howard and your wife Anne you are both great people. I wait for your editorial each day. I hope your both having a great time in Texas. Take care be safe and keep well.

  16. @David Camron – ” Justin’s fart catchers”, thank you for the hearty laugh!!! The US has a similar issue, the NPR & PBS. Both are so leftist that they are beyond belief! I totally agree with your editorial & know that it is but a “slipping slope downhill” to basically governmental control over all media … Freedom of Speech be damned!!! Though Canada really doesn’t have a document claiming Freedom of Speech, does it … However, the US does.

  17. First, thank you Howard! We that have found you are so much the richer for it. Do enjoy all your faithful reader comments shared – after first seeing your well said input on various issues – most of the time irking all of us!
    Hope you get in some good biking weather & hours down in the Austin area – Some Texas Bar B Q on a bun too!
    Mt. knuckle bump. w.

  18. I heartily agree about the state of affairs at CJAD. I listened to it for many years when i was up there in the summer as it was the best of the few english choices on AM radio. I recent years, i have given up listening to their garbage at all. I have lowered myself to listening to the VT public radio station, and not much of that!

    Keep up the great work, Howard!

    Bill Jackson, Georgetown, TX and North Hatley, QC

  19. Greetings & Happy Thanksgiving! I’ll never forget how the LEFTIST media in Quebec chased many great media spokespersons out of Montreal, including one of my all time favorites… ANYBODY REMEMBER PAT BURNS on CKGM? Controversial… YES! Hateful… DEFINITELY NOT!!! Similar situation with you HOWARD! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! I read the SUNDAY EXPRESS every week (owned by Pierre Pelladeau the SEPARATIST, anti-English, leftist JERK! He DID cash the checks from the Anglo-owned businesses though!

  20. What’s appalling is that he is wasting our money on what he already has–the media in his hip pocket.

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