There Is No Broadcast With This Editorial.
After WWI (1918) . . . and the Versailles Peace Conference (Paris 1919), Germany was a Social & Fiscal Basket Case, having Lost it’s Wealth, Treasure & National Dignity . . . The WWI Loss Opened the Door for all Manner of Recriminations and Political Cowardice Amongst the German People of the Center, and an Outgoing Weak Leader (Chancellor Hindenburg – January 30, 1933), who was Too Scared, Too Naïve & Far Too Hopeful that Hitler Wouldn’t be the Hitler, which Hitler Campaigned to be.
But Not Enough Know How The Story Went From A Free Election To Uber Barbarity.
Anytime A Government Dictates . . . That They Have to Temporarily Suspend Civil Liberties & Freedom for the Good of the Nation – It Really Means Tyranny Rules! No Less, than when the Government uses the Power & Apparatus of the Government to Spy on its Own Citizens & Political Opponents.
And when you Lose Some Freedoms, supposedly – Only “Temporarily” . . . These Freedoms Are Gone For Good – and they Won’t Come Back Without a Price of Blood, Guts & Treasure.
When I Write as Often as I do about the Parallels between the Nazis (Third Reich) and our North American LEFT, it isn’t Because I want to Make-Up a Fiction that Doesn’t Exist . . . It’s Because the Reality Is Far Too Real, and is Always just One Vote away from a Nazi-Type Nightmare.
And For Those Who Want To Argue Against What I Write . . . Just Picture the LEFTIST Mobs, who are Ignorant of the Facts and want Nothing-To-Do with the Truth. Those Same Mobs which Just Bought The Big Feinstein Lie.
As much as it Pained me to see what Brett Kavanaugh and his Family went through under the Heel of the LEFT, Nothing could have been Better for the Freedom of the American People . . . AND BY EXTENSION – THE FREEDOM OF THE ENTIRE WORLD . . . than by the Ghastly Display of all that is Wrong with the American LEFT, in Similar Comparison to Hitler’s German Nazis.
I Also Don’t Believe Feinstein Gave A Rat’s Ass About Blasey-Ford’s Confidentiality.
WHAT I DO BELIEVE . . . Is that Feinstein & Her LEFTIST Co-Conspirators CREATED THE LIE, which Started as an Over-The-Top Rough-Housing by Drunk Teenagers at a Gathering, to an Attempted Rape, to Attempted Murder . . . which then Morphed from Blasey-Ford being a Victim – To Becoming A Survivor.
We all saw an UNFOUNDED 36-Year Old Accusation, which was Shot Down by the Three Witnesses who were supposed to Corroborate the Accusation, but instead, the Three Principal Witnesses Corroborated The Testimony of the Accused.
But That Didn’t Stop The American Democrat Brown Shirts.
The LEFT, With The Aid Of The Media, Simply Piled-On & Added To The Big Lie, which Went from Almost Nothing To Absolute Everything, with Additional Uncorroborated Accusations – As the LEFT made the Big Lie as Big as they Could – To Be Told As Often As They Could . . . Until All The Weak-Minded People Believed It.
Then Came The Mobs . . . The Chanting, Placard Waving, T-Shirted Screechers with their Megaphones – All Screaming Their Truth To Support Their Own Big Lie – Followed by the Willing Dummies, Too Stupid & Too Lazy To Question The Lie, Anxious to Eat-Up the Contrived Scorn – like Hungry Fish . . . Hook, Line & Sinker.
For More Than Two Decades . . . Americans have been Inundated with One Big Lie After Another, which was Obama’s Unchallenged Stock-In-Trade.
1 – The Police Hate Black Americans – Black Lives Matter.
2 – One Percenters Control 100% of America & Pay No Taxes – Occupy Wall Street.
3 – Conservatives Are The Radical Right – Antifa.
4 – Conservative Men Hate Women – Crash The Glass Ceiling.
5 – Climate Change . . . Global Warming – And Other Fairytales.
6 – No Illegal Immigrants – “Undocumented” Victims Of American Hate Groups.
7 – Protect Our Borders – But Don’t Build The Wall.
There’s Much-Much More . . . But I’ll End This List With This:
How Far Will The American LEFT Go With Willing Republicans? Under then Governor Nikki Haley, Southern Confederate Symbols of Pride & History were Taken Down as if they had No Meaning to America’s Past. Then Came the Demand to Desecrate the Memory of men such as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and all others who Created the Greatest Republic of Freedom ever Known to Humanity.
Nazis Burned Books, Taliban Destroyed Religious Icons – The LEFT Destroys America.
Kavanaugh Paid A Horrific Price For All Thinking-Americans To See The Truth.
I’m extremely Happy that Brett Kavanaugh was finally Confirmed to the US Supreme Court for a Host of Reasons, Least of All, and Because of Everything Else, Justice Kavanaugh was More Capable than Most to Sit In Judgment of the USA, with the US Constitution As His Compass & Moral Guide . . . But Mostly – Because Brett Kavanaugh Stood Up To The Mob – And Showed The World For Who & What The Mob Are.
The Confirmation Of Brett Kavanaugh Will Be Felt Far Beyond America’s Borders & Substantially into the Coming November (2018) Midterm Elections.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
And then there was David. The Philistines laughed when they saw him walking toward Goliath. The laughing stopped when the mighty Goliath fell down onto the ground, dead before he hit it. Have a happy Purim!
People, Have you finally HAD IT with the Democrats? Appalled at the way Kavanaugh was treated, and the humiliation his family suffered? FED UP with the Dem’s tactics of hate, delay, obstruction, intimidation and shameless defamation? There IS an answer. KICK THEIR ASSES IN NOVEMBER. Get out the VOTE. Even if it’s a choice for dogcatcher and a Democrat is running, vote REPUBLICAN. Help Trump DRAIN THE SWAMP! Drive your like-thinking friends to to the polls! DO IT! Take no prisoners! This is WAR.
I’m tired of agreeing with you. I can meet your 30 character minimum but 500 is not enough to say what I want to add other than I visualized the usage of the olympic stadium as a human storage a la what happened in Paris during the Nazi era. This is from eyeball to eye ball character recognition of the local denizens here in less than 500 characters. I expect no one knows what I am talking about. Oh well I said my piece – I think.
Young families are very worried. They now feel that their kids future are in great danger, their life can be destroyed with lies that are supported and “believed” by the mob. I can understand their worries with the direction the country is going.
I am saying now “if the democrats stopped lying to their supporters, the party will disappear”. No one in their right mind would follow a party, a media and Hollywood that lie, hide the truth. We need a good revolution to demolish the fake surroundings
I share your relief wholeheartedly that Brett Kavanaugh won the great battle of courage & the true American way. The presumption of innocence was what the British system of justice was based on, unlike the French system which went the other way & you had to prove your innocence. What kind of nonsense is that? The French Justice system is the one that has been adopted by Quebec and with French-speaking judges on the Canadian Supreme Court, we are being compromised. Which system will dominate?
Rudyard Kiplings poem “IF” was written for Bret Kavenaugh if for no one else
The 7 BIG LIES you’ve noted are actually a GUIDELINE for the LEFT’S DISGUSTING ONGOING ACTIVITIES! The REAL REASON the Democrats are so ANGRY & BELLIGERENT, however, is due to HILLARY’S losing the Presidency in 2016! Hence, their only AGENDA is to RUIN the CONSERVATIVES–as proven by the KAVANAUGH DEBACLE! Due to their LIES & GROSS BEHAVIOR, they have STRENGTHENED the CONSERVATIVES, and there will be a RED WAVE in November! Let’s MAGA by going out to VOTE for CONSERVATIVES! GO TRUMP GO! AMEN!
I always post your articles to facebook but now…I receive the following: “App Not Setup: This app is still in development mode, and you don’t have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions.”
Facebook is really working hard to make sure your info does not reach the public users. The lefty’s are really pissed that Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed.
Justice Kavanaugh IS Superman–for tolerating those vicious attacks on his character, his family, and his integrity without blowing a gasket and telling them all where they could stick their accusations!
I salute your intestinal fortitude and your example of the American justice system!
Hi Howard. Please keep writing the truth. I have never seen anything like what the left is doing. They are determined to destroy this great country
Well said, Mr. G. Now….everyone get out and vote. VOTE REPUBLICAN! Thank You, POTUS Trump & bless Kavanaugh & his family & friends for all they have endured as well as those of us who saw & heard the EVIL. God Bless
Well said and sadly so very true. We must all stand tall and defend freedom. keep up the good work.
The Republicans and our President showed the World what Democracy is all about.
“And when you Lose Some Freedoms, supposedly-Only “Temporarily” . . These Freedoms Are Gone For Good – & they Won’t Come Back Without a Price of Blood, Guts & Treasure.” American lost some freedoms as a result of 9/11. Search & custody w/o warrant, privacy demolished w/constant monitoring, etc. Dems went ballistic after Nov 2016 & continue to do so w/o consequence. May Nov 2018 & 2020 be the consequence & their party’s destruction. Can resurrect if civil. Return school prayer for great result.
Howard, maybe now is the time that the Fbi should investigate not only Professor Ford, but all the Senators and find out how they behaved in high school and how many beers they drank. The whole episode was a sham and disgusting. Shale on them. I salute Judge Cavanaugh for his courage and honesty. Steve Acre, Canada
In my opinion, Dr Ford, with the help of retired FBI friend, used self hypnosis a subject she taught, to create the lie she gave to the senate and the world. She once helped that agent to pass a lie detector test in order to join the FBI and from what I have read, she retired because Trump was elected, not Clinton. The agent was/is part of the group who are trying to get Trump out of office.
Friday, October 5th, 2018, a day that will live in glory. the United States was rescued from tyranny by an unlikely, yet HEROIC senator from Maine. Shes displayed intelligence, courage and fairness such as I have rarely ever seen. Hopefully, we can see more of this heroism from other members of congress. If so, we will be OK., If not, well….
Kudos to JUSTICE Cavanaugh and President Trump for their tenacity. They came through when we needed them most.
Howard, your usual stellar analysis is on full unvarnished display. Good on you! The proof-in-the-pudding with the left’s despicable behavior this past fortnight will be how quickly they cast overboard Dr. Ford and deep-six her cling-ons. She deservedly won’t even be a fly speck footnote to history. Per Ardua Ad Astra Howard! Terry Morgan
Great editorial Howard!Now to get the Senate and Congress under Republican control and start cleaning up the SWAMP.Then to make sure some of these so called DEMORATS get charged with some of the crimes they have started Maxine Water is one telling Dem’s to commit violence on Republicans wherever you see them!The SJW, Antifa and Blk Lives Matter need to be
dismantled and some charged with crimes they have committed under these banners.Trudeau wants to hand out Voter cards to people as ID to vote
Thank you for writing the who, what , when, were, and how.
Many of the papers I read cant even spell much less write an accurate news piece.
Thanks from a three times vet
God Bless
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