“BREAKING NEWS” . . . The Dallas Cowboys WILL STAND for the American Anthem until the End of the Season – No Taking A Knee, No Locking Arms & No Fists in the Air. BIG FRIGGING DEAL.
SCREW THEM . . . Because That’s An Awful Lot TOO LITTLE TOO LATE.
The FACT that these Football Neanderthals have decided to do the RIGHT THING, not because it’s the RIGHT THING TO DO, but rather, because it means Asses in their Over-Charged Stadium Seats, Viewers to Watch Television Screens during their Games, Sales of USURIOUSLY PRICED Hot Dogs, Fries, Beer & Soft Drinks, Endorsements, & Sales for their OVERPRICED Team Products . . . DOES NOT JUSTIFY THEIR INSULT TO WHITE PEOPLE.
THIS SICK & EMPTY GESTURE . . . Has NOTHING Whatsoever To Do with Patriotism, Love of Country, & Respect for the Flag . . . BUT EVERYTHING TO DO WITH LOVE FOR MONEY.
I don’t know if they are even sufficiently educated or smart enough to know and understand this one Essential Truth . . . “YOU CAN’T UN-RING THE BELL”.
WHAT THESE JERKS OF THE HIGHEST JERK-CALIBER DID . . . was to INSULT the Flag that has Made America Great over a Period of almost 250-Years, SO THEY COULD PROTEST WHAT? . . . That the Black American Community is to a great extent a FAILED COMMUNITY of Uneducated, Unemployed, Criminal Miscreants, Who BLAME everyone in America FOR THEIR OWN FAILED SELF.
I FEEL HORRIBLE . . . for all the DECENT BLACK FOLK IN America, who want NOTHING to do with these PIECES OF NFL CRAP, because they don’t deserve to be Tarred with the Same Brush.
PASSING THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT (July 2, 1964) . . . WASN’T ENOUGH. White Civil Rights Activists getting Beaten-Up and MURDERED Defending the Rights of Black Americans WASN’T ENOUGH. Ditching the Jim Crow Laws WEREN’T ENOUGH. Giving Black Americans a SPECIAL & PRIVILEGED PLACE in all of the United States of America, through the most Reverse Racist National Program Imaginable . . . called “AFFIRMATIVE ACTION” – WASN’T ENOUGH EITHER.
Here they are . . . Taking a Knee to the Flag that has made America the GREATEST Country in the World . . . EVER – which made them Gazillionaires, only because they could play a Kid’s Game – INSULTING THE VERY ESSENCE OF WHAT MADE THEM FREE & RICH.
Does It Get Any DUMBER Than That?
They are so STUPID, ILL INFORMED & UNGRATEFUL for their unbelievable wealth and opportunities, that they HATE The Police who Serve & Protect . . . AND THEY HATE THIS “CANARD” OF WHITE PRIVILEGE.
I wonder if the HATRED of so-called WHITE PRIVILEGE extends to the People who save up all year, just to be able to buy a few Seats at the Stadium to watch their Favorite Football Team, or who are Flabbergasted to Receive a Christmas Gift of NFL Tickets?
If you’re Smart Enough to see the Future of America . . . Look at how these Millionaire Football Players See The USA, and how easily they DISGRACE the Flag . . .
And There Lies The Future Of America For Many.
You have to look no further than the Schools . . . from Pre-K to Post Graduate. To Hollywood, Television, the News Media, the Political LEFT and the Public Sector – BECAUSE IT IS THIS IGNORANCE & DISRESPECT THEY TEACH US & OUR CHILDREN.
YESTERDAY . . . September 30, 2017 – a Terrorist with an ISIS Flag Ran-Down and Stabbed an Edmonton Police Officer, who was standing in front of Commonwealth Stadium during a CFL Football Game, being played in Honor of Canada’s Warriors.
AFTER STABBING THE POLICE OFFICER . . . The TERRORIST Fled, & INTENTIONALLY Ran-Down Pedestrians, to which Canada’s Lame-Brain Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau gave a Statement about Canada’s Multi-Culturalism . . . NEVER MENTIONING THAT THIS WAS A TERROR ATTACK – Let Alone, MOST PROBABLY Carried-Out In The Name Of Islam.
IT’S OUR TURN . . . To Stand-Up, Speak-Up & Call it For What It Is.
No more Apologizing for being WHITE, for being SUCCESSFUL, for Living in a Nice Community, for being EDUCATED, for being a Jew, Christian or Whatever . . . if you’re not a Moslem or Freaky Something Else.
There’s No More Apologizing for Owning your own Business, for making Decisions and Setting the Rules for Employees, or for Deciding how your business should be run, let alone how much of your own money you should keep.
AND THERE’S NO MORE APOLOGIZING . . . for Being Straight – & Not Gay, a Lesbian, or whatever else the LEFT Concocted in their Gender Alphabet. And DON’T TELL ME that I have to watch every Television Show and Movie Extolling the Virtues of Gay & Lesbian Characters, any more than I have to go to Sporting Events where the Teams WON’T SHOW RESPECT for the National Anthem.
The NFL Players told WHITE AMERICA Exactly what they think of White Americans and the Flag . . . And that can Never be Taken Back, no matter what these Jackasses say or do . . .
Just Like The Bell . . . This Can’t Be Un-Rung.
AND PS – Players in the CFL (Canadian Football League) did the same Sordid Thing in Solidarity with their NFL “Cousins” . . . SO SCREW THEM TOO, which shows that there are no Boundaries or Borders for STUPID & DISRESPECT.
AND TO END THIS . . . Now that we all know what these JERK Black Players think of us, we should let them know what we think of them. I can certainly live without Football.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Yee Haw! I love it when people speak in no uncertain terms!
To Steve Acre, Montreal: This link is from two years ago:
Budweiser just put up an 800 number for people to call about whether or not they should continue sponsoring the league. When you call the number, (1-800-342-5283), you’re greeted by a recording which gives, as its first option, a chance for anyone for or against the player protests to voice their opinions. Losing Bud would be a huge blow to the NFL, so I called to tell them what I think. Millionaire crybabies–if America was so racist, they wouldn’t have played college ball or NFL ball.
Vigorously, wholeheartedly, robustly, resolutely and with MEANING – – – TWO THUMBS UP (more if I had ’em)! Perfect Howard!
If there were true affirmative action in the NFL or NBA then a lot of black athletes would lose their jobs based on percentages of population. It does not work
You just perfectly captured my feelings and emotions, along with thousands of others I’m sure.
This left wing crap is getting totally out of hand.
We are raising a generation of entitled , unaccountable, disrespectful brats.
Enough already !
I feel sorry for the blacks that had nothing to do for the stupid behavior. I hope the idiots including the NFL will pay very dearly for what they have done. I believe the one behind it all is the chief community organizer Obama, remember he promised to “transform” America. Sport is a major part of American life and he used that lot of morons to achieve his goal. He started and amplified the racism and now any sort of sayings or actions are automatically “RACIST”. The whites are very tired of it
My country of birth just passed a law making it unlawful to wear a burka in public, including border points such as airports etc. the police is asked to be sensitive, first handing out cards written in several languages, warning individuals that they must remove the veil or they’ll be fined 150 Euros. lets see how the implementation goes.
I agree with you Howard! Also, I would like to mention that my friend told the teachers are teaching in his daughter’s English class in high school that it is okay to burn the American flag. It may be legal because of freedom of speech, but, it is disgusting and promotes further hatred towards the United States.
Never followed football, never will. Hockey fan forever.
Howard, as usual you have made every argument these leftists (of all ilks) insist upon making Truly CANARDS.
Thanks for all you do, God Bless you, yours and your many family animals.
I’m going to print this one out to remind me of wonderfully your wise words. . .
Neanderthals? You are getting soft in your old age.
Thanks Teri Newman; I too called. GREAT CHANCE TO GIVE my OPINION & just maybe HAVE IT COUNT FOR SOMETHING. Howard, I hope you choose to leave her post as is. I was unaware of Budweiser’s asking the American people their opinion about their sponsorship of the pro-sports league in light of their players’ & owners’ actions.
Howard, this is one of the BEST EDITORIALS you ever written!As you wrote, “YOU CAN’T UN-RING THE BELL”. I, too, “FEEL HORRIBLE for all the DECENT BLACK FOLK IN America.” The BLACKS who have worked so hard to attain a DECENT LIFE do NOT deserve being GROUPED with the OTHERS who are a DISGRACE to SOCIETY!Yes, this is a “MONEY & BLACK vs. WHITE” CRISIS!The WHITE will now have to STAND UP for THEIR RIGHTS! Again, if it weren’t for PRES. TRUMP, this situation would have MUSHROOMED! GO TRUMP GO! AMEN!
What a beautiful sentence that summarizes what many of us think: “YOU CAN’T UN-RING THE BELL”.
We can follow it with this statement: “Apologies not accepted because we can’t unthink what you did!”
Amen, brother, amen. Thanks, Howard, you made my day.
Thanks for the # for Budweiser, from Teri, up in Belleville, IL (1-800-342-5283)…..I just called it & left my opinion! You need to be “fast”, to leave your message!! I believe the option was/is “1”. GREAT SUGGESTION, Teri, & I personally thank you! Everyone else, PLEASE CALL & EXPRESS YOUR OPINIONS…..BE PATRIOTS!!
The protests went from cop hate to ‘systemic injustice’, whatever that means. In reality then you would have to change laws in every city and state to help blacks and then hold elections again for judges in every city and state and change all the criminal prosecutors. Yes money buys good lawyers. It always has. Don’t commit a crime or assault police, then you won’t have the problems the NFL are locking arms for.
Thank you Teri for the Budweiser #, just made the call asking to remove their sponsorship from the NFL. I totally agree w/Pauline Demers regarding the disgrace these idiots have brought to the hardworking Blacks who love America. I will be posting this number on my FB so everyone who can & will let Budweiser know how true Americans feel. Thanks Howard for you for all you do for this great country. God Bless Pres. Trump.
Howard, Just called Budweiser. I hope everyone does so. If they pull out of advertising – that would be an even bigger message to the overpaid brats in football. White people have had quite enough ‘blame’ for what they HAVE NOT done. The flashpoint is coming.
Here at home and my rant: Montreal mayor , Denis Coderre, may his soul rest in hell. Besides dumping 8 billion litres of MTL’s finest brew into the St. Lawrence river (i.e. Canada’s flag sort of) and changed the name of Vimy Park to that of an ethnoracist, par excellence, Parizeau – same destination. And a local anglo polligetically didn’t think Coderre meant to insult the soldiers. That’s quebec!!!
R.A. Crane Beaconsfield, quebec
The day after the Edmnton Police officer gets stabbed – the CBC Canada’s Government broadcaster runs stories blaming the police “Look what you made that guy do”! Blaming the police for chasing the prptrator who went on to hurt even more people by running them down with a vehicle”
Canada says “Look what the police made ISIS do !”
Why would we expect anything else from Trudope? After all to quote him, “diversity is what we in Canada are all about”. Maybe if he or one of his family or friends we the victim of this attack he would change his tune, but since they are all Liberal votes probably not. What a bumbling fool!
And now we see some CFL players disrespecting the US flag. You just can’t fix stupid. This was my dads favourite saying.
If your as on target with a gun as you are in this editorial, you’re possibly the deadliest man on earth. BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO (all caps Galganov style)!
I decided NOT to renew my subscription to National Geographic – one of their recent covers featured a TRANSGENDERED CHILD with purple hair, and treated this as if it is now NORMAL in a feature article! Add this to their constant hammering of BS on “Global warming” down reader’s throats – political correctness RUN AMOK. Long ago, my dad bought me a subscription to NG annually, and for years I continued to subscribe in his memory. No more. I also canceled my annual gift subscriptions. Disgusting!
Called Budweiser!! Thanks.
Right on Howard!!! I fully agree and did call Budweiser.
Congratulations on what is probably one of your all-time best editorials. And, by the way, I am writing this and engaging in other activities today without even the slightest withdrawal symptom over not watching any NFL games.
Thank you again, Howard, for your insights and observations. Do people on the left and their associates have to work to be this ignorant & intolerant? Or does it just come naturally?
Called Budweiser ask them to pull support from NFL!
Thank you for the editorial and the phone # to contact the A.B. Company, to please withdraw their sponsorship and support of the NFL.
A Proud patriot with many family members and ancestors who gave much to help America be the land of freedom, opportunities, and helping one another.
Amazing how the NFL has been turned off by so many previously die hard fans. College Saturday is now the main event with other activities on Sunday rather than watching over paid idiots. Interesting from the start it was Kapernick the flag during Obama’s crusade and now it is against Trump?
They’re lacking of Neanderthal DNA is what makes them borderline retarded. Nordic Europeans and North East Asians are incredibly successful due to that DNA admixture.
Think of the results if everyone would call Bud! Then follow it up with boycotting the products!
Howard, even though I didn’t you made me feel as though I wrote this. Everything on this letter I either had already made my mind up or convicted my view of this STUPID protesting, made it more firm, not that I have even considering giving them any compassion at all. They don’t even know, that they don’t even know what they are doing. THEY JUST COMMITTED SUICIDE! I hope the other sports field don’t get involve.
You must have been reading my mind. Good One!
If you haven’t done so already, read the book “Friday Night Lights”. At the end of the book is a chapter about the entitlement these athletes feel at even the high school age. This book was written, I believe, in the 80’s. It rings true today.
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