The Only Word That Comes To My Mind To Describe President Trump’s Speech To The United Nations . . . FABULOUS!
I was expecting a Good Speech . . . BUT NOTHING LIKE WHAT I HEARD.
There was so much covered in the Speech of President Trump, that I can’t think of anything he LEFT-OUT, including the THINGS, but especially the ONE THING President Trump Didn’t Include . . . which was in itself an ENORMOUS STATEMENT/NON-STATEMENT.
WHAT PRESIDENT TRUMP SAID ABOUT . . . North Korea, Iran and Venezuela was not unexpected. Perhaps the Tone was, but the Meat & Potatoes were very much expected.
And neither was President Trump’s “Promise” – that he has made repeatedly, that America will Totally DESTROY North Korea, if Kim Jong-un continues to Persist with his Nuclear Ambitions. This time however, President Trump used the context of the United Nations General assembly to say it FACE-TO-FACE to the North Korean Delegation, which could only have been taken as President Trump’s FINAL Word on North Korea . . . BEFORE HE LETS FLY ALL HELL & FURY.
IT WASN’T UNEXPECTED that President Trump CALLED-OUT Cuba, Syria and several other Bad Actors . . . BUT IT WAS REFRESHING – and not entirely expected that President Trump would not just CALL-OUT, but Rather Repeatedly Emphasize his CONTEMPT FOR ISLAMO/FASCISM.
1 – Nothing Brought a Greater Appreciation For Me . . . from the Trump Speech, which was when he said about the Absolute Failure of Venezuela . . . That Venezuela DIDN’T FAIL because Socialism DIDN’T WORK, but Rather, Venezuela FAILED because Socialism WORKED ONLY TOO WELL.
It’s Interesting how with that statement alone . . . it invoked some Boos and Groans from the World Body in the UN Chamber, simply because the FAILED ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT COUNTRIES within the United Nations are all on the Path To Global Socialism.
ALSO . . . TO ME – This One Statement . . . was a Call to Arms for the American People, to PICK-A-SIDE between a Free Capitalistic World, or a Socialist World, where BIG BROTHER will decide Winners & Losers, AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN.
2 – THE OTHER STATEMENT/NON-STATEMENT . . . Which was absolutely Critical in President Trump’s Speech – WAS ZERO REFERENCE to the Palestinians, A Two State Solution, or How Israel Must Do This or That to Accommodate Palestinian Arabs.
THIS NON STATEMENT . . . As far as I’m Concerned, was the Hallmark of America’s New Middle East Policy, as it has sent a Clear Message to the Palestinian Arabs and Israel’s Arab Neighbors, that the Palestinian/UN Kabuki Theatre is Finished, and it’s time for the Middle East to get Serious.
Actions Are Far Greater Than Words.
Effective Yesterday (Monday) . . . the United States of America established ITS FIRST PERMANENT MILITARY BASE IN ISRAEL – Enough Said.
And Here’s Something You Might NOT Know About Israel, Saudi Arabia & “Moderate” Arab States . . . Rapprochement & Peace Are Around The Corner, Much Closer Than People Might Realize, Especially With The Secret/Not-So-Secret Very Recent Visit To Israel By The Crown Prince Of Saudi Arabia . . . Soon To Be Made King Of Saudi Arabia.
At Sundown Tomorrow (Wednesday), the Jewish People . . . Throughout the World, will Pray & Give Thanks To The Lord, while Recognizing our Responsibilities & Obligations we Have as a People . . . For all That We Have, As We Feast In Celebration & Gratitude.
I ALWAYS LOOK FORWARD TO ROSH HASHANAH . . . But Perhaps – not as much in the Past as I will Tomorrow, because, as unbelievable as this might seem, The Words Spoken This Morning By President Trump At The United Nations, Were For Me, Words Of Hope & Redemption . . . WHICH IS WHAT ROSH HASHANAH IS ALL ABOUT.
Because Of Rosh Hashanah Tomorrow . . . I will take the Time-Off Not to write an Editorial, but Rather to Reflect on the Coming Jewish New Year.
I am very Appreciative of your Best Wishes to Anne & Myself for a Wonderful & Successful Jewish New Year. And whether You’re Jewish or Not, a Believer or Not, I wish Every Good Person . . . NO LESS THAN WHAT I WISH FOR ANNE & MYSELF.
SHANAH TOVAH . . . Howard Galganov
Howard, can you give me the name of the conservative “Saviour” of the USA and the world? The people of the USA will not engage in any violent revolution where there is a chance that they will be killed. The Republicans (the right) are just as corrupt as the “LEFTIES.” It is “actions” not “words” that decide when change will occur in the political landscape. All I hear is “WORDS” which, in the final analysis, are so easily ignored and forgotten.
He talked the talk superbly. I want to see him walk the walk.
Shalom, my Friend!
WOW, what a speech. Very brave for most anyone else to say but it is just how TRUMP is, very brave. With a U S Military base in Israel can the moving of the Embassy be far behind?
Enjoy your Jewish New Year and may your heart and soul be filled with peace and happiness.
Fantastic speech.
Have not had the chance to listen to Pres. Trump’s speech yet, but am now eager to do so after reading this Editorial! Glad to see that you have regained HOPE in Pres. Trump! For a while, you seemed to be, somewhat, ‘discouraged’ with him. Did not know that “the United States of America established ITS FIRST PERMANENT MILITARY BASE IN ISRAEL” that is GREAT MOVE! Best Wishes to you and Anne for a Wonderful & Successful Jewish New Year! GO TRUMP GO! AMEN!
Nicely said, Howard. And a very Happy and Healthy New Year to you both…..and to all the nice folks who read your editorials, also. Let the hateful share all the hatred.
May this new year be more than you ever dreamed filled with much hope, and peace, and most of all love from those you love, and those that love you. Might be one of the few that like Trump…even love the guy in spite of his earthly flaws. Wanted him in 2011, and believe because of him, The Almighty, gave us all more time. That time…I sincerely wish, and hope for peace. Thank you, sir, for being a light in the darkness! Happy new year to you, and your sweetheart, Anne!
“L’Shana Tova”, Howard and Anne.
L’shana tovah tikoteyvu.
L’Shana Tovah U’Metuka.
A Peaceful, Happy and Healthy New Year
Judith & Antonio
WOW…Fantastic speech. Happy New Year to you and Anne.
The look on President Trumps face to the reaction of the crowd re socialism was priceless. A truly great speech.
I’m surprised that here never has been a military base up to this time in Isreal. So, this even convinces me more than at the right time President Trump will order the embassy to be transferred to Jerusalem.
All said and done, I can sum his speech in one word, BLUNT!
Yes, that was a great speech by Trump. I want to wish you and ALL Jews in the world, Shanah Tovah and God bless You and yours. I pray that if it be God’s will that His Temple be restored in the place He chose so many years ago. I also pray that President Trump keep his promise to move our Embassy is moved to Jerusalem.
President Trump spoke what needed to be spoken at the useless UN,FINALLY! He is willing to walk the talk, the question is, are we the American People of today willing to walk the walk with him? Or just do what many have done, NOTHING but blame, criticize,damn,mock, and cower.Looking at the condition of my Country today, from what has and is occurring I have my doubts.The stakes could not be greater. We need to turn back to the principles of our Founders & stop destroying the foundations laid.
Happy New Year!…I too would love to see the US embassy in Jerusalem, if for no other reason than to stick a finger in the the Dem’s eye.
“L’Shana Tova”, Howard and Anne
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