IT’S EASY . . . The LEFT is LOSING, and they’re LOSING Badly – and they’re Resorting to the ONLY Thing Left to Them – DEMAGOGUERY & VIOLENCE.

For some of the Readers of this BLOG, who might need a refresher in the Meaning of DEMAGOGUERY . . . Simply Stated – A Demagogue is a Person, almost always a Politician, or someone who uses Libel (Print), Slander (Audio) and Defamation, which Encompasses Both . . . for the Sole Purpose of Driving Totally Irrelevant Political Negative Facts, with which to Push a Dishonest Point Home, which is far Removed from the Actual Defamation.


THANK YOU TO EVERYONE . . . who Helped Finance this Blog this Month – because, as ALWAYS, it is you, through your support, that helps Reduce a significant BURDEN from my shoulders . . . FOR WHICH I AM VERY GRATEFUL.


When In Any Debate . . . one side runs out of a Cogent Argument, which is the ABSOLUTE Experience of the LEFT, the Debater Without Merit, Resorts to Demagoguery, using every LIE & DEFAMATION Possible, with which to Deflect from the Merit of the Debate, which we are now Seeing NONSTOP with the LEFT.


As I See It . . . Everyone with a Brain and a Conscience – HATES Nazis, the KKK, and any kind of Racial Supremacist, which by the way, should also INCLUDE Black Lives Matter, Black Liberationists, the Black Panthers, and to some extent the NAACP for their many Biased and Untrue Statements about Whites, with whom they don’t Agree.

SO WHAT COULD BE BETTER – THAN FOR THE DEMAGOGUES . . . To Create The UNFOUNDED & DEFAMATORY Narrative, that Donald Trump and all the People who support him are SUPPORTERS OF THE NAZIS, KKK & WHITE SUPREMACISTS?


I REMEMBER WHEN HARRY REID . . . In the Protected Sphere of the Senate Chamber, where ALL Speech, no matter how Ugly, Defamatory and Untrue, is UNASSAILABLE, when Reid said about then Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, “THAT THE WORD OUT THERE IS THAT ROMNEY DIDN’T PAY HIS TAXES”, only to finish-up his Comment by DECLARING . . . “THERE YOU HAVE IT, MITT ROMNEY DOESN’T PAY HIS TAXES”, which of course was 100% UNTRUE, which Harry Reid Later Admitted was a PREMEDITATED LIE.

THE NAZIS . . . a term which the LEFT Absolutely Hates, when used as an Example of Extreme Political Wrong-Doing, perhaps because the Political Tactics of the Nazis are Much Closer to the Politics of the LEFT, Which Justifiably Makes the LEFT Really Nervous.

NAZI PROPAGANDA MINISTER JOSEPH GOEBBELS . . . Would Be PROUD of the North American LEFT, for the way they’ve EMBRACED the Tactics of the FAR LEFT NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY (Nazi), in terms of Using Violence, Lies, Threats, and the SILENCING OF FREE SPEECH to drive their Hateful Message Forward.


LET’S START WITH MARGARET SANGER & PLANNED PARENTHOOD . . . Who was an Unabashed Admirer of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Belief in Eugenics, where ONLY the Superior Race without Blemishes, Mental or Physical, should be allowed to Survive.

PLANNED PARENTHOOD . . . From the Beginning, was all about MURDERING Black Babies through Abortions. Yet, isn’t Planned Parenthood a Cornerstone of the LEFT?

THE NAZIS CREATED THE GROUP-THINK CURRICULUM . . . which all German School Children had to Follow Regardless of what the Parents Wanted. The LEFT have PUSHED as Hard as possible for COMMON CORE . . . WHERE’S THE DIFFERENCE?

THE NAZIS BANNED JEWS FROM TEACHING & LECTURING . . . at German Schools at all ages. So think about this for a Moment . . . Universities are SHUTTING OUT Conservative Teachers, Lecturers and Speakers . . . WHERE’S THE DIFFERENCE?

THE NAZIS BURNED BOOKS TO CURTAIL FREE SPEECH, HISTORY & IDEAS . . . The American LEFT are Destroying Statues they don’t Like . . . And through LEFTIST Social Media – Freedom of Speech & Ideas are being Squelched by . . . Google, Facebook, YouTube & Twitter . . . WHERE’S THE DIFFERENCE?

THE NAZIS MADE IT ILLEGAL FOR JEWS & DISSENTERS TO OWN GUNS . . . The LEFT are trying to Move Heaven and Earth to Take Guns away from all Americans . . . WHERE’S THE DIFFERENCE?

THE NAZIS STOOD-BY . . . As their Sycophants RIOTED, Beat-Up & Terrorized People they didn’t Agree with, while Destroying & Looting Property . . . WHERE’S THE DIFFERENCE?

Aside From The LEFTIST Narrative – Who Amongst Us Are The Real Nazis?


SAUL ALINSKY . . . The Famous American Jewish ANARCHIST, whose Philosophy & Strategy of Political Obstruction became the Bible of the American LEFT, as is Evidenced by a Crooked Hillary College Thesis on Alinsky, and her Personal Closeness To Alinsky, no less than Barack Hussein Obama, who also Ascribed to Alinsky’s Anarchist Strategies, speaks Volumes from Whence They & Their “Disciples” Came.


ALINSKY WASN’T A SELF-HATING JEW . . . but nonetheless, Alinsky didn’t Hesitate for a Second from Borrowing many of the Nazi and Less Sophisticated Communist Strategies from their Play-Books, which is the Foundation, which the American LEFT is Constructed Upon & Patterned Under Today.


THE BIGGEST NIGHTMARE . . . to the Entire LEFT, and all of their Supporters, INCLUDING BIG BUSINESS, as was no less evident during the Nazi Regime, where HUGE Companies Thrived, because the Nazis WIPED-OUT their Competition . . . IS TWO-FOLD.

1 – In just 8-Months, President Trump is UNDOING all the NASTY THINGS, which have been Caused by the LEFT over a Period of Multiple Presidencies & Various Congresses, which has the Swamp APOPLECTIC.

And . . . If the LEFT Don’t Take President Trump Down Now . . . It will be Generations, before they can Reclaim what they are Losing under a President they CAN’T Control.

2 – In spite of all the PROPAGANDA & LIES we are all Subjected to Everyday by the UBER DISHONEST MEDIA . . . Including Social Media – “That Trump’s Approval Rating Is In The Tank” – IT’S NOT TRUE.

IT IS NO TRUER TODAY . . . Than it was when the Media LIED to all the American People, right up to the evening of the November 8, 2016 Election, during the Vote Counting, where Trump was called a Buffoon, and had ZERO Support from Women, Blacks, Hispanics and the Political Center, where his only Support came from Schmucks and the Far Right.

NOT ONLY DID THE LEFT LIE THEN . . . They are still going at it. They’re still PUSHING & PEDDLING the Narrative that Donald Trump is a Closet Nazi, who Relishes in the support of the Nearly Non Existent KKK, and deep in his Heart, Donald Trump HATES Women, and is somehow Mysteriously in the Pocket Of Russia and Vladimir Putin.


IF A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION WERE TO BE HELD TODAY . . . Donald Trump would WIN by an Even GREATER Margin than he did in 2016, and those LEFTISTS & RINOS would be Politically DEAD, DEAD & GONE.

MORE THAN THAT . . . I Believe with Heart & Soul, until Proven Wrong, that President Donald Trump WON THE POPULAR VOTE, as well as the Electoral College, which is why the LEFT NEVER EVER WANT TO HAVE REASONABLE VOTER ID CARDS.

AND IF PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP . . . Is Not Taken Down by Hook or Crook BEFORE the 2020-Presidential Election – all the Dreams & Schemes of the LEFT to Create a One World Socialist Government, where THE ELITISTS WILL RULE, will Rot in Hell, where they should all be Together.

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

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  1. As you said, “GOOD VALUES NEVER GO OUT OF FASHION”, but they are, and have been, cast aside by many people in our so-called “modern society”. I, too, am not a prude, but I do believe in SELF-RESPECT and respect of others. What consenting adults choose to do sexually is their business, but meanwhile, many young women are exposed to this type of publicity which entices them to dress like like “sluts”. Then, people wonder why so many kids go ASTRAY! Where are the POSITIVE ROLE MODELS these days

  2. The leftist rioters where train by communist agents from the Ukraine to help destroy America who use the media to destroy the Right.

  3. The Left knows no other way other than to impose their will, opinions and attitudes on others by any means necessary. Fascist, underhanded, full of malice, chock full of violence and loaded with lies and half-truths if that be the way. Their spoiled attitudes, sense of entitlement, feelings of superiority and lack of respect for who and what they disagree with tell them these tactics and methods are okay.

  4. I couldn’t agree with you more Howard. And that is why I fear for President Trump’s safety. Talk of doing away with him is already making the net. Don’t forget that congressman Scalise was shot by an uber left wing Bernie supporter. In essence the first shot has already literally been fired. What I would like to see is a march on Washington by millions of Americans giving support to President Trump. The left needs to be fully defeated. And the eunuch Republicans need to grow a spine.

  5. I don’t know why Iran and North Korea waste so much money on nuclear weapons. If the are patient, the US will implode. Unfortunately Canada, with its dilitant leader, is allowing it self to get caught up in the wirl wind

  6. The uber left MSM in Canada has decided to focus on ALL available anti – Trump rhetoric and thereby ignore P.M. Trudeau and his complete idiocy. Trudeau will get a free pass untill election time in 2019. This scares the heck out of me! We desparately need the likes of a Donald Trump in Canada.

  7. For a very detailed discussion of this essay, read THE BIG LIE by D’Souza.

  8. I’m with Trump, and I have been since he began to run for the presidency. He is a godsend. Blusterous? Yes. But speaks his
    mind? Yes. Sometimes inaccurate? Yes. But I would follow him to death.

  9. Luigi Lamorte, it’s more than a spine those eunuch Republicrats need to grow. ;~) They are truly pathetic.

  10. Wow Howard, you really hit the nail on the head with this post. I never expected anyone to be in exact agreement with me. You are, however, more in touch with politics than I am.

  11. Your blog today is so full of exaggeration and misrepresentation that I am at a loss as to where to start. You are very good at launching attacks on the MSM media and accusing them of squelching the truth. How about Breitbart, Fox and all the other right wing media. Has anyone tried to shut them down? The answer is no. The Democrats that you compare to Nazis were duly elected by Americans who support their point of view. They did not usurp power. The Republicans hold the power & can change rules

  12. Trump made a big mistake when he said,there is good and bad on both sides referring to the riots. Some times he does not think before he makes statements. I am still for him but he needs a watch dog, Before commenting on a subject.

  13. Perhaps the time has come to re-instate the death penalty and dust off the gallows. Putting idiots like these in prison only gives them the opportunity to corrupt and convert their fellow inmates to extreme radicalism.

  14. It is so abundantly clear that the real Nazis are the left. Their hypocrisy is beyond belief. They are always spouting altruistic values and living by the opposite. Their righteous Antifa is the perfect example–“anti-fascist” fascists. How dumbed down we have become.

  15. I like this blog because it is mostly full of intelligent discourse, except for some like Rawi who apparently hasn’t a clue of the tactics of MSM, or does have a clue and has another objective in mind.
    Larry, I would like to say that what Trump said was just fine! If anyone is nitpicked and attacked on every single word 24 hours a day there will be differences of opinion. He blamed both sides. That is a true statement.

  16. Rawi Zayadi, you are as wrong as wrong can be. Unlike the DemonRats, the RINO’s and their disgraceful left-wing media enablers, Howard Galganov tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Yes, the DemonRats were elected, but you are wilfully blind to the fact that the sheeple who support them were conditioned for years by Marxists in the schools and universities and by left-wing stooges in the press and the entertainment industry. Sorry, but your opinions don’t pass muster.

  17. Life’s not easy, but so many of these “world citizens”, since they never read, or studied History, don’t realize WE fought for this country, WE spilled blood for it, and WE value America. Have we made mistakes,…YES! Have we have tried to rectify them and move forward, YES. Have we tried to learn form our mistakes , YES. BUT have we tried to re-write the history of this country, to show we are ABOVE HUMANITY,….NO!!
    Any animal can learn better,….and we are doing a GREAT job of it!!!

  18. Howard, as always you have the uncanny ability to cut to the heart of a matter and you have done it here again. It’s a shame Mr. Zayadi doesn’t have the elementary knowledge to appreciate it. Hopefully one day he will open his mind to learn the truth. Meanwhile, it scares me to think he and others like him…

  19. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson

    I say send these American haters on a one way ticket to NK let them enjoy life there

  20. Fabulous article, Howard. It’s a big battle fighting all the insanity. Rarely do we get a measure of optimism. You have given us all some today. Thank you. To a leftist, good is bad and bad is good. Heaven help us if they, the left, were to ever get their way. The result would be chaos, poverty, tyranny.

  21. So true Howard. It is hard to convince people of the truth after they believe lies.

  22. You are right on Howard as usual. I think Donald Trump or I should say President Donald Trump handled the situation just fine being in his position. Keep up the good work Mr. President and you too Howard!

  23. Mary Johnson, West Plains MO says:
    “So true Howard. It is hard to convince people of the truth after they believe lies.”
    To quote Mark Twain:
    “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
    That practice has been around for a while…

  24. And just like that we stopped hearing about Russia. Ever wonder why that is? It’s because, just like every other cockamamie load of crap the left has tried to push on us, it ran out of gas because nobody bought it. Thus the sudden rise of, and perpetual pounding upon the “Trump is a fill in the blank” strategy. The fact is that… They’ve got nothing! However, of one thing you may rest assured. It will take violence to end the violence. Some things never change.

  25. Nazis on the left? Nazis on the right? NO both are on the same side, ALL Nazis are totalitarians, they want more government control. That means they are on the same side as the Democrats, Leftists, Antifa, Nazis, Communists, all in the same basket. Notice I did not say Liberal.

  26. AWESOME editorial, (as usual) Howard! Thank you for doing what you do best!
    Amen Mark Hall, Don & Jeanne Glass, brilliant observations! Thank you also!
    President Trump was FAR from my first choice, but, the more the Left are against him, the more I’m FOR him!!

  27. Thank God for the Nazis!! Without them and their recent history captured in photos, video, documents and their victims’ memories we wouldn’t have the gold standard of tyranny. It’s too bad the world had to go thru it all and i thank God I was too young. But luckily we only have to look back less than a century to see where the organized downfall of an advanced civilization had its genesis.

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