Anyone Reading this BLOG Must Know . . . that with all this TURMOIL about Going After President Trump for WHATEVER Reason the LEFT can CONJURE . . . the Absolute TRUTH is that these Political Gangsters are in all Reality going after YOU the People!
I Just Watched Attorney General Jeff Sessions deliver his much anticipated Press Conference with National Intelligence Director Dan Coats, who made it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that all LEAKERS who LEAK any Classified Information, also FOR WHATEVER REASON, and to Whomever . . . other than through PROPER Channels, WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW.
To Paraphrase (virtually quote) what these two men said . . . “We will Investigate, Discover, Prosecute, and Punish Whomever Leaks Classified Information”. And even though these are not their EXACT WORDS . . . they are indeed the EXACT Meaning of what these two men said.
AND SINCE . . . In my mind, a LEAKER isn’t someone WHO IS “GOING” TO LEAK Classified Information, but someone who has ALREADY LEAKED CLASSIFIED INFORMATION – Where Do They Begin?
So Here’s Where For Me – The Rubber Hits The Road . . .
Former Director of the FBI, James Comey, is a Self Affirmed and Self Proclaimed LEAKER, who LEAKED a Private Conversation he had with the President (Trump) of the United States of America, while they were both in the White House, to a Professor Friend of Comey’s, specifically for the Professor to LEAK to the Media what Comey and the President Discussed. Will Comey be Prosecuted?
If Not? Why Not?
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton . . . UNDISPUTEDLY Published and Revealed TOP SECRET CLASSIFIED Information in her Multitude of Emails on her ILLEGAL Server and Smart Phones. Will she be Prosecuted?
If Not? Why Not?
Will the Likes of Obama’s Sycophants in the names of Ben Rhodes, John Brennan, Susan Rice, Samantha Power and MORE . . . will they be Investigated, Charged and PUNISHED for LEAKING the Names of the People they UNMASKED for Political Purposes?
If Not? Why Not?
OR IS THIS ALL OF A SUDDEN . . . A Public Rush to be More Catholic Than The Pope, to be Restricted to FUTURE LEAKERS, as if there is some kind of STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON BEING A TRAITOR?
IF THEY ARE NOT ALL DIRTY . . . Most of them are, and virtually NONE of them are Clean Enough to Survive REAL Scrutiny, which means the REAL Political Culprits at the TOP will NEVER be Exposed, much less Prosecuted, and much less Punished.
AND IF THE LIKES OF CROOKED HILLARY . . . James Comey, Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Samantha Power and so many others like them are ABOVE THE LAW, which thus-far they are – then the Law Means NOTHING . . . And Neither Do The People!
And That’s The Problem . . .
I AM ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED THAT BIG BROTHER IS UPON US . . . We Know that the NSA (National Security Agency) is VIOLATING Everyone’s Right To Privacy and Protection from Unwarranted Government Intrusions WITHOUT JUST CAUSE, which is GUARANTEED BY THE 4TH AMENDMENT.
WE KNOW THE IRS . . . Under Barack Hussein Obama, which Targeted Conservative Groups with IMPUNITY, who have been Denied, Threatened, Intimidated & Individually Punished, ONLY for wanting to Establish Non Profit Activist Corporations.
WE KNOW THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT . . . Under Barack Hussein Obama Targeted Conservative Journalists for “SPECIAL TREATMENT”, such as James Rosen of FOX News.
And We Know That All Of This Was & Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg.
SO LET ME SAY THIS . . . The Government Is NOT For The People – The Government is For The Government, And It’s Them Against You! And if the Government Can Take Down President Donald Trump, the Government will TAKE YOU DOWN WITH HIM.
I COULDN’T GIVE A RAT’S ASS . . . What President Trump and his Family did Yesterday. I don’t care who might have been Screwed in his and their Business Dealings. I don’t care who Trump Slept with, didn’t Sleep with, and whom he might have Groped or didn’t Grope.
And I am totally DISINTERESTED in Whatever Harsh Words, Tones and Braggadocio the President Spoke Yesterday . . . BECAUSE ALL OF THAT WAS YESTERDAY AND THIS IS TODAY.
Whether President Trump Likes it or NOT . . . And whether we Like it or NOT, President Trump has become the People’s CHAMPION of FREEDOM everywhere in the World besides just in the USA. So we all have a “DOG” in this Fight.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Happy Birthday!!!
I fear for President Trump’s safety. He is shining a light on the corrupt state of affairs. He is a big disruptor of the status quo and the opposition will not go quietly into the night.
Trumps phone conversation leaks to Mexico and Australia should be easily traceable. Let the games begin.
These swamp dwellers have NO idea how close they are to an outright civil war. Everyone I know is preparing for it as am I, and none of us believe that the US military will fire on US citizens taking back their government. About 95% of the military is with us and furious over the corruption, so they are too stupid to realize the EXTREMELY tenuous positions they are in. 4520 +/- counties want Trump, 56 counties went with scumbag hillary. Do the math.
I can totally say you ARE right!! I realized it’s an “us OR them” relationship , was when I started studying History! If you look at the “lifeboats”, they have sabotaged, watched “Mr. Smith goes to Washington, the history AND reasons for WW2, Korea, Vietnam Nam, and the Middle East, PARTICULARLY the response and actions of our “government and leaders” (lower case intended), becomes clearer to us all.
Very well said and agreed upon! Great news that SESSIONS will be staying on! Let’s hope that the NEW TOP OFFICIALS will be SUCCESSFUL in trying to RESOLVE most, if not all, of TRUMP’S White House issues. When one truly thinks about what Trump has SURVIVED since he ran for President, one HAS to be IMPRESSED with what he has ACCOMPLISHED thus far! He is NOT a LOSER and the PEOPLE know this–as proven by his successful election. The “FIRINGS” have just begun! There’s a lot more to come! AMEN!
Until yesterday I was wary of Mueller with his kangaroo court and with the red-coat Rinos, but today I am fearful. Thank you for continuing to send out your powerful message. Please, file for US citizenship – make it dual if need be.
DON’T EVER BELIEVE THE GOV’T WHEN IT SAYS “IT’S ALL FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD”. As pointed out in Andy Andrews 2011 book, “How to Kill 11 Million People”, all people rounded up for death camps during WW II were at every point told it was for their own safety. It wasn’t only Jews; but they all passively believed it. The soldiers kept taking bribes so the captives reasoned they wouldn’t do so if their intent was to kill them & take all their possessions anyway. They believed the gov’t lies, & they died.
The Beltway Swamp is more like a cesspool. It is deep, it is rotten and it stinks like hell. McMaster should be the next to get the ax. Ultimately, justice will not be served until Obama himself is prosecuted for high crimes and misdemeanors.
Keep your eye on the War Room in Hessein Barack’s basement run by Valerie Jarrett. Well funded and out for blood.
Well said, Howard. Obama did many treasonous things and belongs in jail. Trying to take down our government is seditous. Jail time for all. The law applies to EVERYONE not just us. the elites are not immune. I see a war on the horizon and it will not be pretty
April 1967, the CIA produced an agency dispatch which coined a new term “conspiracy theories” … and provided direction on methods for discrediting such theories and theorists. The dispatch was marked “psych”, short term for “psychological operations” or disinformation – and also marked “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit. Weekly across Canada people are prosecuted for criminal conspiracy – conspiracies really do exist and a theory is provided by the prosecutor to convict.
We the PEOPLE beat out the ‘left, Hollywood, Clinton, Sanders, the RINOS, Chamber of Commerce, Obama, the corrupt media and Never Trump idiots. We can beat out the dirt slingers – Mueller and all his hired ex-Clinton cronies/supporters. If “THEY” try to remove Trump – there will be a civil war and revolt as they have NEVER seen. Feel it in my bones, hear it softly (for now) spoken. I hope all the Rep. people are keeping good notes on all the Rep. traitors (McCain/Collins etc).
Howard, I have two “WHY’S” Why was McMaster placed on the National Security Council, and why, now that he has demonstrated he is against the Trump administration is he not terminated? The list just gets longer.
What happened to “leading by example” (people today no longer know “right” from “wrong”)? Have we created such a selfish society that people no longer care about other people or “making the world a better place”? Are they willing to “leak” classified information or do “whatever it takes” to “make a name for themselves” with little/no respect for others or national security? This simply can’t be tolerated in the White House! (No self-respect or respect for others!) Have we turned away from God?
Its OK with me for NSA to listen to my phone or computer and every one in the U.S and every country.This is one of the ways to stop a bombing or other attacks by issi orother muslim groups. This is the world we live in and its not as safe as it once was. If you see something and does not look right ,911 it ,it better to be wrong to be safe.
I hope they keep their word. Enough is enough on these leaks! This is deliberate to consume all this time and energy and not allow any legislation to take place. The dems want to take control back and take us to the edge again. Drain the swamp, and if that includes a some republicans, good riddance!
Its time for gunfight at the OK corral and Trump is Wyatt Earp.
Yes, indeed. Also….I must confess I should have not thought favorably about the “Mooch”. After more thought I realized he had no purpose being there. No pompous garbage mouths allowed!
SPOT ON HOWARD! I have been fearing a civil war for some time now. I have expressed it on your website, too. I knew 10 years ago that Obummer was evil to the core & if he was elected that our USA as we knew it – Would be done for! Trump is our salvation for the USA & the World. He does love this country dearly & those who think he is narcissistic are idiots! He is completely aware of who he is & what he wants to do – That is NOT narcissism – It is CONFIDENCE! We The People will be ready!
Well said. Also great piece last week!
Right on Howard, Keep the Truth going…..!
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