THE POLITICIANS DON’T GET IT . . . Or perhaps they do get it, but are so arrogant, that they don’t believe it, or understand it – but the TRUTH IS SIMPLE – No matter What They Do To Trump. And no matter how they Screw with President Trump’s Agenda. And whether they can Muddy the Waters even more than they already do . . . they’re at WAR with the American People.
IT’S TOO LATE – Since TRUTH & PATRIOTISM Have Already Called Out . . .
IT ISN’T FOR NO REASON . . . That the LEFT have Maneuvered in every way they could, Legal and Otherwise, to RESTRICT the 2ND AMENDMENT, and REMOVE Firearms from the People, whom they will do whatever they can to Control.
I don’t care about Mueller being a Wounded Vietnam War Vet, Medalled-up and all, since that was then and this is now. And I don’t care that Mueller was a Great Prosecutor and Former Director of the FBI, regarded by many to have been one of the Good Guys, a Straight Shooter as the Story Goes, since I have no idea who Mueller is Today.
WHAT I DO CARE ABOUT . . . is that Robert Mueller, like all of them, has Lived And Thrived In The Swamp. He knows where the Skeletons are Buried. He probably Buried a Few Himself. He knows who he owes Favors to, and who owes Favors to him. And he’s now Asked to Investigate the People who made him who and what he is . . . including by his own Self-Admission . . . A Best Friend To James Comey.
I have very little use or regard for the VERY POLITICAL Senator Claire McCaskill, but perhaps, even Amongst Swamp Dwellers there’s a Modicum of Conscience, so, when on Thursday (May 18, 2017), in front of a Media Scrum, when asked if choosing Past Senator Joe Lieberman to become the New Director of the FBI is a Good Choice?
McCaskill Answered Thusly . . .
No One Who Has Ever Been Elected To Anything, Should Ever Become The Director Of The FBI, which I have to assume, gives Credence to OUR Understanding that the SWAMP IS WIDE, LONG, DEEP, & INFECTS ALL ASPECTS OF ALL WHOM IT TOUCHES.
And if Claire McCaskill, can virtually Admit THIS on Live Television, even though she’s been a Product of the Washington Swamp for YEARS, what else needs to be said?
We also have to take into consideration, the FACT that APPOINTEES Like Mueller are always Praised for his/their Past Services and Integrity . . . But ask yourself this – what Exactly is the VALUE of Praise coming from Swamp Dwellers?
As far as I’m concerned . . . unless the Politician, Bureaucrat or General Insider who just entered the Swamp is still in Fetal Swaddling, he or she is already BEHOLDEN to someone who either helped him or her to get there, and to the people who Further Feather The Nest.
EVERYTHING IN WASHINGTON HAS A PRICE . . . Including what and who the Person in Congress and Special Interests will Aspire To Be.
MOST CONSERVATIVE AMERICANS AREN’T STUPID . . . who realize that Men and Women who come to Congress without much money, leave as MILLIONAIRES – WHO ASK THEMSELVES . . . How Does That Happen?
MOST CONSERVATIVE VOTERS . . . Are beginning to DEMAND that their Representatives in the House and Senate START doing what they promised to do that got them elected. And that they are there to Represent the People . . . and NEITHER The Party Nor the Lobbyists.
AND MOST CONSERVATIVE VOTERS . . . Have Simply Had Enough.
How Much Do The People Who Elect And Appoint Them . . . ACTUALLY DESPISE THEM? And how much more will the People take – UNTIL THEY WILL NO LONGER TAKE ANYMORE?
AND FINALLY . . . What happens when the People Ultimately Reach the Point, when ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?
REAL PEOPLE . . . Who Live on what they can Produce, OPPOSED to the People who Live on what OTHERS Produce – COULDN’T GIVE A RAT’S ASS, about what someone in Russia said or didn’t say. They couldn’t care in the least about who “Trump” might have offended, how he might have MISSPOKEN, or how he might have walked over his own words.
NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE LEFTIST NOISE BUT THE LEFT . . . Mostly – All the People care about . . . is whether they will have JOBS, make a Decent Living, Live in a Nice Safe Community, have Affordable, Available and Accessible Healthcare, have a Chance to Raise their Families Well, be Safe from Crime, have Secure American Borders (Build The Wall), Keep ILLEGALS out of the Country, Don’t Overpay in Taxes, Get Rid Of Suffocating Regulations . . . AND MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
SO HERE WE ARE . . . Four Months into the Trump White House, and the President is Burning Like A House On Fire With Action Everywhere, KEEPING HIS PROMISES IN SPITE OF OBSTRUCTION FROM THE LEFT AND RINOS.
And while President Trump is doing everything he can to Live Up To His Promise 24/7 TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN . . . What’s Congress and the LEFTIST Media Doing Besides Trying To Tear Down America?
I LOVE THE FACT . . . That the LEFT are exposing themselves to be the USELESS ANTI-AMERICAN Enemies From Within, which they really are and have been for generations. I LOVE IT – that the Media is showing itself to be nothing more than ANTI-AMERICAN PROPAGANDISTS for a Lost Socialist Cause without Merit, Direction or End Game.
With every NEW ATTACK on President Trump, the LEFT are ATTACKING the American People, who can Best be described as Barack HUSSEIN Obama Described and Demeaned them in the 2008 Presidential Campaign . . . as being – Bitter People, Who Cling To Their Guns And Religion.
WELL . . . I’ve got News for the Obama Acolytes and the Entire LEFT – HUSSEIN Obama was Right, but he didn’t quite know how RIGHT he really was, or how much the Bitterness would Grow as a Result of Obama’s 8-Years in Office. Or how many more People would Grow to Cling onto their Religion, and BUY ARSENALS WORTH OF GUNS, not to go Hunting, nor to Protect themselves from their Neighbors, but rather . . . TO PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM THE OVERREACH & ASSAULT ON FREEDOM FROM THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT.
WITH EVERY NEW ASSAULT ON PRESIDENT TRUMP . . . And with every Media Attack on President Trump, the Supporters of Trump are getting Angrier and MORE Bitter by the Moment, while people who NEVER Supported Trump are Rethinking the Sickness that has become the SWAMP, which to me, is the PRECURSOR to Thomas Jefferson’s Tree Of Liberty.
While Obama, CROOKED HILLARY, and the LEFT DISPARAGED America’s Police and Military, as if these Incredible and Patriotic Men and Women were American Pariahs, President Donald Trump has shown them NOTHING SHORT OF PROFOUND RESPECT AND APPRECIATION WHICH THEY RICHLY DESERVE.
AND WHEN IT HITS THE FAN . . . as it will – on Whose Side do you want the Men and Women in Uniform, who Hold The Guns, Have the Training and Display Their Loyalty?
THE LEFT HAVE BROUGHT THIS UPON THEMSELVES . . . And Now Its Time For Them To Pay The Price. Let Them Just Keep Piling-It-On.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Howard, thank you for that candid explanation and bit of history. I have always wondered how so many Jews in the US can support the anti-Israel POTUS in the Whitehouse? They are the supposed GOOD JEWS? I have never seen a speech by Netanyahu, that wasn’t inspiring and to the point. We can only hope that the speech will be taken to heart by our Bozo’s in Congress.
I asked the Silicon Valley Community Foundation to help the Israel Longhorn Project and told me they do not fund anything outside of Silicon Valley. But last year the gave $300,000 to CAIR the front group for the Muslim Brotherhood, they lied. Not only are they liars but they are funding Terrorism and the teaching of Islam to our school children in many Public Elementary Schools. Who funds Silicon Valley Community Foundation? Well just about everyone in Silicon Valley, California.
So very true
Great article. We all need to pray for Pres Trump. The swamp is probably deeper than any of us knew. May the truth come out then what will they turn to next to try and take Trump and America down. What a wonderful reception awaited The President when he got to Saudi.
The 8 years of Obama have turned America into a third world country. Lawlessness, killing of cops, demonstrations with wild burning of businesses and the dirt that goes with it, closing of highways, refusing freedom of speech unless it is their own, destruction of the economy and finances. Indoctrination of the education. And to complete, the end of democracy. Watch when the guns will be taken out of the closets. Obama the communist must go back to Kenya and give him Hillary to take with.
BRAVO Howard……The BEST of many …best’s. We hope this goes viral. You keep writing what millions of us are thinking. America will not be back until the last evil anti-American Marxist is swept from the gutter….period!
Wow, that is some blog Howard. Vic Levy also hit the nail on the head. I’m surprised the clintons and Obama have not already headed for the hills because of how much they hurt the USA. A sad and scary thought what/who a lot of Americans want to govern them.
I feel Trump is going to amaze everyone with this trip, he is playing to his strong suit. Nice start, a wave and a handshake in Saudi rather than Oblatha bowing and kissing the ring of his leader. Pathetic. The Middle East and Europe are ready for a real man and are very happy to see the back of our last President. I participated in the Roger Ailes Funeral today here in Palm Breach and had a chance to meet lots of the Fox News people. Lovely event.
Yes, I agree with all you have said. and yes, President Trump has had lots of obstructions placed in his path, but he has also backtracked on his campaign promises, and appears to have done so all by himself! Whatever happened to his promise to re-locate the American Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? Hopefully this is just a bargaining ploy and will change after he’s been rebuffed by the Palestinian president Abu Mazen, (who became president for 4 years in 2005).
I know everything he wrote is what this Carolina boys is thinking; and I have 8 years of College and am married to a woman (19yrs) whose about to have a PHD and she thinks the same way! Liberals are sometimes good people with idiotic ideologies and some are just idiots in general.
Howard that was a great article and spot on. To what all of my Business and personal relations are feeling. Donald Trump is a great leader. What most Liberal socialist are unable to see much less understand. Is that the more they parade their arrogant detest for President Trumps in their face actions. The more it leads us to stand strong in their face as well. The Left wing Liberal Socialist has “Destroyed” the Democrat Party. To our delight, Good riddance to their Anti-American One World Order.
RIGHT ON Howard – RIGHT ON!!! We The People have awaken & We The People are NOT gonna take it anymore!!! Just a mention: I heard Shepard Smith’s commenting on Roger Ailes & what Ailes meant to him. I was totally surprised – Shep spoke with great respect & honored the man who was his mentor. I have never see Shep so respectful. I still think he is a Leftist news reporter but, he seemed to have loved Ailes. Fox News needs to straighten up – They are losing the battle, as well.
Howard, what it really bothers me about Trump, his shooting from the hip all the time by tweeting. There is no need for that. He is being harassed and the Left will not stop until they want to find an excuse to Impeach him. I wish he had other people on his cabinet, not just business men or women. I pray for him. Steve Acre, Canada
Howard I hope you are felling better,make some Jewish penicillin (Real chicken soup ) it works for me also a Z pack for relief of flu. I have come to the point that I can not believe 90% of what the politicians say and even less of what is written or on TV news. Its sad what has happened to our country that you can not rely on the news or politicians words.
What is being said about Mueller now was said about Comey four years ago. We know how that turned out.
Another great article Howard, you must feeling better.I agree with everything you have said, and draining the swamp will take time but Trump will do it.He needs people that he can trust and are honest.I’m not sure if anyone that is a Dem or a Rino can be, like you said they are in it for the money and pension.Obama was poor when he became President now he has 12 or more million and Michelle has 8 or 9 or more million.The real people of America paid!!The SWAMP is DEEP like you said. Go Trump Go!!
Howard, you are so right, people are fed up. I got an email today from GOPPRESIDENTIAL to sign a petition for an article V convention of the states. Along with Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and LT. COL. Allen West, I signed the petition.
I bet the investigation into Trump/Russia reveal his innocence and expose DNC corruption where the Murder of DNC Seth Rich was tied to his Sending Wikileaks 40,000 DNC emails…. NOT Russia. Then what will the MSM have to say about Trump/Russia? How will they try to whitewash that? Everyone is going to learn just how corrupt our western media really is. fyi- washington PD have the Seth Rich laptop evidence. They were “Told to Stand Down” During the Election? Why? By Who? Comey? Rice? Reveal it!
Think Hannity is nailing it rather well. Point form bullets!! So precise and succinct! Americans, you want to know that you can call directly to express your support for your President Trump!
Howard. I especially liked your comment that what the media and leftist politicians are attempting to do to the POTUS, they are in fact doing it to us, the American people. It’s like trying to stop a person from saving a child who is drowning. Can’t they see that? I see Trump as an 8 year president. You watch and see!! We the people…..
The press do get it, but are so arrogant and so proud to admitt it. We are all witnessing the implosion of the press. When it is finished, the fre, real and true press that REPORTS the news and doesn’t make it.
Now THAT’S what AMERICA is talking about. Howard–you (and Ann) a more of an American patriot than a lot of citizens. I love you both for that, and as I wonder who will pick up my torch I realize Main Street will protect her. I also do not see the military supporting the leftists, and I love that Trump is giving them the respect they deserve. It says a lot about him that he went to present that Purple Heart (with Melania too!!) in person. Obama never bothered.
WOW, H0ward, you definitely are “spot on”! We definitely need to be praying for President Trump, his family, his cabinet, & the American People, that we do the next right thing! The SWAMP is SO UGLY, VILE, & CORRUPT that it’s hard to know what’s TRUE, & WHAT IS NOT! There DEFINITELY is A LEFTIST, LIBERAL “COUP” GOING ON UNDER OUR NOSES! THANK GOD FOR PATRIOTS LIKE YOU, ANNE, & YOUR FOLLOWERS. We DEFINITELY ARE LIVING IN SCAREY, GODLESS TIMES! PRAYER IS DEFINITELY THE ANSWER, & GODBLESS, HG
From where I sit in Canada, much of the stories, accusations and so on levelled by the media are non-stories, untruths or exaggerations. All designed to create an animosity and general negative attitude by the public at any cost. The objectives of the media are from positive and altruistic.
HG, your first paragraph says it all in that the American people have had it, thus the reason for Trump’s WIN! Isn’t it sad that Trump was treated more favorably by the Saudis than his own Country. MANY POSITIVES will be derived from this trip, however, and the LEFT is in for many more TRUMP SURPRISES! The deeper the SWAMP, the MORE LIES will be DISCOVERED. The LEFT “ain’t seen nothing yet”! He WILL CARRY OUT what he’s promised, but some items will take longer to accomplish. GO TRUMP GO! AMEN
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