As the SUN SETS TONIGHT (October 11, 2016), Jews Worldwide will stand before GOD and confess our SINS. Most Jews will begin to FAST for 24-Hours as part of our PENANCE for the TRANSGRESSIONS we’ve committed to our Oath to GOD’S COMMANDMENTS, and to the People with whom we’ve TRANSGRESSED in our daily life.
WE WILL BEG GOD . . . to forgive us for all that we’ve done that were Hurtful to others, for our Lies, and for all the Abuses we Perpetrated during the past Jewish Year (5776).
BUT NOW . . . that we’ve entered the New Year of 5777, through the Celebration of Rosh Hashanah just a week ago, we are turning a Page . . . for our Jewish Religion, much like Christianity, offers Sinners the opportunity to ATONE in the BOOK OF LIFE for our SINS & TRANSGRESSIONS, and start over with a CLEAN PAGE.
That is not to say, that I have nothing to apologize for, but it is to say, that I live by the VALUES, which I believe we should all live by. It is also to say that I am married to a woman with whom I can honestly say is as much without SIN as anyone I’ve ever met.
IT IS ALSO TO SAY . . . that the people with whom I associate, with the ones I call my FRIENDS, they too are exemplary people, who with all of our Human Weaknesses and Temptations . . . live Honorable Lives through the STRUGGLES of making it every day.
TO ALL THE READERS . . . THOUSANDS OF WHOM – who are in the Directory, who send the hundreds of Emails and Comments I receive everyday; they show me an incredible cross-section of the Quality and Humanity of the people across Canada and the United States of America who care for the VALUES . . . we should all cherish.
Whether you are Jewish, Christian, Hindu, or an Atheist . . . whether you are a Believer or Not . . . if you share my VALUES, which were SPELLED OUT IN TEN short Sentences on Two Tablets, Struck by the HAND OF GOD Several Thousand Years Ago, and if you believe in the TEN Clearly Enunciated RIGHTS, which were Written on Parchment in 1791, by Men who yearned for FREEDOM and a Better Life For Everyone . . .
I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING . . . Against Individuals, Institutions and Governments who believe they are above INDIVIDUAL FREEDOMS . . . who believe they have special Status above and beyond the Status of the People.
I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING . . . Against Elitists, Against People who Use and Abuse the TRUST of the People to Empower and Enrich themselves, and the Politicians who LIE, CHEAT & STEAL.
AND I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING . . . Against a Religion that abuses Women, and Animals, which spreads its HATE and TERROR around the World, against all who will not submit to Sharia and the Demands of a False Prophet.
I WILL ALSO CONTINUE . . . to help those who have earned my help. I will continue to support the FIGHT against CRUELTY to Animals. And I will write for as long as my Mental and Physical Health allow.
TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY . . . I will live by this PLEDGE and do all that I can to live up to the expectations of those whose respect I cherish the most.
And Let All The Righteous Amongst Us . . .
By Howard Galganov
Your writing are never light,
I have read them all and await your next.
A most Holy Yom Kippur to the Galganov’s and all.
Howard, you are the most honorable man to put pen to paper. God Bless you and yours, always.
Amen, Brother.
God bless both of you.
Howard and Anne: have a most healthy 5777 and continue the good fight with enhanced Ruach ( spirit).
God bless you and Ann. Thank you for ‘telling it like it is’ in your articles.
Daily I pray for the USA confessing how wretched we have become. Even as I write this tears come. Then I plead for God’s forgiveness for this nation & myself, & ask: Please give us a president & vice president that love this country & everything it was founded on. Please give us a president who respects You as the one true God. Please give us a president who will, with your help, restore this nation to its former glory, tempered with humility b4 You. Weaken evil & strengthen good. In Jesus name
A wonderful editorial. ALL should read it and reflect on their lives.
I have learned a lot about the Jewish faith from you Howard. I recently learned that I am of Ashkenazi Jewish descent which is where the BRCA1 genetic defect I carry comes from as well, and it is interesting to read about customs that would be my customs as well but for a twist of fate that gave my heritage to my father rather than my mother.
I am a non believer in any man made religion. Your morals and values are most humane and empirical which must make it difficult to accept the political chaos that has been created by greed and avarice. Canadians and Americans must realize that HRC represents EVERY THING that is wrong with the present political system and go with Trump.
You and Anne enjoy your Holy Day.
Wonderful affirmation and pledge! Raised Roman Catholic and an alter boy saying Mass in Latin too many years ago to recall. Now an Episcopalian! There is not much difference in our religious wishes and expression of faith and values. God Bless you and family. Please keep writing Howard. Your the brightest star in a very dark sky these days.
Thank you Howard for a wonderful and inspiring editorial. God bless you.
Thank you Howard, that was quite moving.
Thank you for your writing. You give up us hope.
“I am the God of Abraham, I am the God of Isaac, I am the God of Jacob.” and so it began. However, there is another person in the drama, and from the first page of the book Moby Dick, “He who wandered in the Desert” what did God
have in his plans with Ishmael? Howard, God Bless You on your High Holy Day.
Thank you. May you be inscribed in the book of life. May your writings be enjoyed and the lessons learned by your readers,
Thank you sir for your honesty of your writings. Wishing you and Anne a beautiful evening of prayers to our dear God in
heaven above.
I am not Jewish sir but will ask God to forgive me as well for all that I may & have done wrong in prayers.
May he bless our world.
As Always
Jacqueline Turley
“G’mar Hatimah Tovah” – “May You Be Sealed for a Good Year in the Book of Life.”
We appreciate you! Thanks for all that you do.
I am a Christian who is blessed to know the Torah and what Yahovah has promised those who follow Him. I too will be celebrating Yom Kippur starting at sundown. I ask Yahovah to bless you and Anne and may His face shine on you.
Howard, I wish you and yours well on this holy day, Yom Kippur. Never stop fighting for the supremacy of individuals over politicians who work only in the interests of themselves, elitism, power, perpetual re-election and money. While I am not Jewish, there is never a day that I don’t thank God for my many blessings, given in spite of my sins. I am in the sunset years of my life, and I hope my crowning achievement will be to help defeat now-rampant corruption in my country. May God bless you.
A most Holy Yom Kippur and blessings on the Galgonovs whom I admire for their courage in standing up and fighting for
our rights and freedoms.
Thank you. God Bless you and Anne.
Thank you for disclosing your deepest thoughts, beliefs, and values. I like it when you used “We”. First person, plural..
You & Anne long ago restored my faith in humanity & continue to do so in more ways than I could have ever imagined. May your New Year be filled with all that your heart & soul desires.
Be live in your God and also in your have a happy and health life. A Holy Yom Kipper to all.
My heart overflows. Thank you Howard
Thank you for your wisdom, Howard. May God bless you and Anne…..always!
Amen brother Howard, may you and Ann have an easy fast.
From a supporter and a proud holder of certificate 3471 as an associate director and shareholder
in Presque Pure Laine.
G’mar chatimah tova to you, Howard and Anne.
Maybe this year will bring peace to all of us.
Helen, Israel
May you and Anne be inscribed in the book of life. Bless both of you on Yom Kipper.
A heart felt thank you for all that you do, and for all that you stand for.
Who knows, there may even be a happy ending in Washington! Go Trump go! I figure the U.S. may implode under Hillary, or civil war? Help!
May God Bless you and Anne on your most Holy Day! Thank you for your heartfelt PLEDGE!! May I pledge the same to you and to all who cross my life.
We Christians believe in the concept of the Book of Life also and it is appropriate that I can say, “May you be inscribed in the Book of Life!” May you and Anne have a blessed and holy holiday. Thank you for all that you are doing.
Amen. Thank you and bless you and yours.
God bless you Howard, Anne and all those that support freedom.
I sit with tears in reading your Pledge and the comments from the family that you have created.
Howard, I am so pleased I signed on to your emails which I read the minute I receive them and share them with
my whole email list, everyone thanks me.
I thank you for what you give to your readers, your love of countries (Canada, USA and Israel)
your support of TRUMP and your wonderful love of animals.
I share your values and I am so proud to be one who lucky enough to have found your blog.
be well, and Happy New Year to your family of humans and animals.
joyce sacks
And a YOM KIPPUR Blessing to you & yours our friend Howard Galganov!
La Shanah Tovah! May you and your family enjoy love, good health and much happines.
My major concern is that Donald is gathering big crowds alright, but in low Electoral College states. How can he win if he fails to carry the states such as NY, CA, FL for example. Do you have a feel for that? I know yu do not answer individual questions but can you blog on this idea in general?
Amen, and thank you, Howard. You are a beacon. God bless you and yours.
Thank you for what you do. I pray for our people and our countries.
AMEN! May God bless you and Anne richly in the year ahead!
Loretta Hill, Westminster, MD
With you 100%. Mary Curren, Port Angeles, WA
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