I’m proud of Canada’s Conservative Prime Minister (Stephen Harper), who under serious criticism from the Canadian Political LEFT (Liberals and New Democrats-NDP), is bringing Canada to the fight against Islamo/Fascism.
Instead of staying outside the debate, which seems to be the safest place to be, Stephen Harper, will be convening Parliament to get authorization to send War Planes, Military Equipment of all kind, and TROOPS to the Middle East.
In essence . . . Harper has declared that Canada will do whatever must be done to carry Canada’s share of the military burden, which all FREE societies must be prepared to do in the name of FREEDOM.
In fact, Canada, under the leadership of Stephen Harper, unlike MOST nations, has made no secret as to where Canada stands on important international issues.
Under his government, Canada has come out SQUARELY in support of Israel when the rest of the world piled-on to beat-up Israel. We have with total CLARITY stood against Iran and Iran’s quest to build a nuclear arsenal. And we have UNABASHEDLY rallied against Russia’s incursions into her neighbor’s sovereign territories.
As nations around the world are closing their borders to travellers from West Africa, TINY Israel is sending THREE COMPLETE MEDICAL UNITS with all the Bells and Whistles to West Africa to help in their fight against Ebola.
Has anyone heard what the TRILLION dollar Arab countries are contributing?
I can’t ever remember . . . not even during the WORST days of Jimmy Carter, a time when the American People have had less TRUST and CONFIDENCE in their government than right now. AND IT’S GOING TO GET WORSE.
All the Pundits are babbling-on about whether the Republicans can really take the Senate in less than one month, where the ONLY discussion should be . . . BY HOW MANY SENATE SEATS WILL THE DEMOCRATS GET DRUBBED?
While it is absolutely TRUE that the Democrats will get plenty of votes from their base, and many will win their Senate Races, it is equally TRUE that there really is no incentive or REAL reason for Independents and thinking people to vote Democrat, while on the other hand; there is NO SHORTAGE of reasons why NOT to vote for a Democrat.
This is one race where all the Republicans have to do to win is not to get screwed-over by making mistakes . . . or answer to every form of DEMAGOGUERY thrown from the LEFT.
All the Republicans need to do to win is stick to their simple game plan of showing the MESS Obama and the Democrats have made of America . . . and leave the EXPLAINING to the LEFT.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
Howard: It’s most clear you’re pandering to the Americans, but to let Americans know, Canada currently has the closest thing to neo-conservatives in office right now, and all I see are endless propaganda commercials full of undeserved self-congrats for accomplishing far less than they want us to think.
Sadly your editorial is correct where our lousy governing party is the “best-of-the-worst” because the leftist parties are bound to give French-speaking separatist Quebec everything they desir
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