If the following is a harbinger of things to come in America – this is NOT GOOD. Global Warming – Climate Change – Whatever . . . HERE IT COMES:
In about one week from now (June 2, 2014), Obama will reveal his GREEN Energy Plan for the EPA, and it will be somewhat like what you’re going to be reading in the following:
For more than a decade, since 2003 while the Ontario Liberal Party has been in power, it has been a government supported by a never-ending succession of LIES, deceptions, gross incompetence, bloated bureaucracy and decisions that more than just border on being criminal.
And even after the Liberal’s first day in OFFICE, immediately following the 2003 election that saw Dalton McGuinty take power, HE ADMITTED TO LYING DURING THE CAMPAIGN just to get elected, which remarkably, didn’t even cause a ripple of embarrassment amongst the LEFT.
Since the Ontario Liberals came to power in 2003, which began a wholesale policy of shifting the Ontario economy to the LEFT, the province, which was less than a decade ago the POWERHOUSE and MOTOR that DROVE Canada, has become a region of POVERTY.
With every passing of new legislation . . . laws were established to make hiring more difficult and costly for employers. Corporate Taxes became the highest in Canada, which says a great deal in a Socialist leaning country. The bureaucrats worked OVERTIME to create mountains of suffocating regulations. AND ON AND ON IT HAS BEEN GOING NON-STOP.
The Ontario Liberals embarked on nothing less than an all out CRUSADE to make the Province the GREENEST place on earth, where conventional energy generators were scrapped or made redundant, in exchange for the LEFT’S LOVE CHILD; “Green Energy” in the likes of Solar Power and Wind Turbines.
The LEFT, which professes to LOVE the LAND, and are the supposedly great STEWARDS of conservation . . . have by every measure RAPED the land they “pretend” to love by cutting TENS OF THOUSANDS of acres of forests to create MASSIVE Solar Farms, many of which, if are not in place of once PRISTINE FORESTS, are built on PRIME Agricultural Land.
AND WINDMILLS . . . are nothing more than metal forests of DEATH to all manner of birds being slaughtered by their massive propellers.
About seven years ago, Anne and I were approached, like just about every person with a large piece of land in Ontario, to participate in a GREEN GOVERNMENT ENERGY Program that would do the following:
(A lot of people took the deal. But most, like Anne and myself weren’t interested)
1 – The Province would guarantee a loan of some $70,000 for us to build a “modest” Solar Panel Array (not really all that big, but big enough to be ugly) on one of our fields. Many people went much bigger than that.
2 – The government would pay us EIGHTY CENTS per kilowatt-hour generated from our Solar Panels.
3 – The government would charge us SIX CENTS per kilowatt-hour on energy we would use.
4 – And at the time of the beginning of this insanity, the going rate for electricity in Ontario was about EIGHT CENTS per kilowatt-hour, which even then was amongst the most expensive in Canada.
So how does a government PAY-OUT TEN TIMES what they charge for a service (product) and hope for the economy to survive?
Seven years ago, our actual TOTAL energy use for heating, air-conditioning and general electricity, including heating the barn during the winter and powering the office was about $250 per month.
As of TODAY . . . our ACTUAL blended energy use has not gone above $250 per month, BUT, because of these INSANE Green Energy Policies, our BILL from HYDRO-ONE is now about EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS PER MONTH.
The extra money has NOTHING whatsoever to do with our usage, and EVERYTHING to do with paying for this Green LUNACY.
In essence, for no reason whatsoever, other than GROSS STUPIDITY and Green FANATICISM, our home energy COST has skyrocketed to just under $10,000 per year. If that is not criminal . . . WHAT IS?
In essence, everyone in Ontario has been slapped hard . . . with unbelievable and totally avoidable costs – But is seems, that it’s just the country FOLK and business owners who are outraged. THERE IS NO EXPLAINING LEFTIST STUPIDITY.
When you add up all the LEFTIST policies of the Ontario Liberal Party (government), and how they have all but DECIMATED the Ontario economy, you would think that in an election year, the question would ONLY be . . . by how much is the LEFT going to lose in the coming election?
The Ontario General Election will be held in approximately two weeks on June 12, 2014 . . . and in the most recent poll, the Ontario Liberal Party is leading the Conservatives by THREE percent.
The Liberals have 36% . . . the Conservatives have 33% . . . while the Socialist NDP (New Democratic Party) have 24%.
If you add up these numbers . . . the TWO LEFTIST Ontario political groups (Liberals and NDP) have 60% support between them . . . against ONLY 33% for the Ontario Conservative Party, which is campaigning on the following platform:
Saving jobs, creating jobs, cutting taxes, refusing to finance private industry, cutting 100,000 Public Sector jobs, reducing the size of government, rolling-back Public Sector entitlements and unfair wages to bring them in line with the PRIVATE Sector, and other COMMON SENSE initiatives you would think the electorate of a dying Provincial economy would be HERALDING.
There is no question in my mind . . . NONE WHATSOEVER, that the LEFTIST Something-For-Nothing Bunch has the critical mass to OUT-VOTE the MAKERS.
BUT, IN A THREE PARTY SYSTEM, where a plain majority per RIDING (Seat) wins that RIDING, and that the Party with the most RIDINGS wins the election, all the Conservative Party needs to carry the day, would be close to 40% of the VOTE that can deliver enough RIDINGS to form a majority government.
According to the POLLS, the LEFT owns the big cities like Greater Toronto, which is vote rich. And if the vote in a Toronto Riding goes SEVENTY percent or more to the LEFT, the LEFT gets JUST one Seat per each Toronto area Riding.
And if in a rural Riding, the vote goes just FORTY percent Conservative with the balance split between the Liberals and the NDP, the Conservatives win it. And there’s a great many more Rural Ridings than City Ridings.
So . . . let the LEFT have all the VOTES concentrated in the BIG Cities, and let the Conservatives win the majority of SEATS in RURAL Ontario, where the Conservatives are heavily favored . . . and maybe, JUST MAYBE we’ll get some sanity back into our lives.
PS: When registering to receive Galganov.com Editorial Alerts, and to be able to add your own COMMENTS following the Editorial, please make certain to include your First and Last Names, and the City, State or Province where you live.
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Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
These Lefties do not giving a flying flip about the Black people, all they care about is using Unions to collect their votes when needed.
These Lefties are not as smart as they claim, most probably don’t understand the internet, and what they say can be easily found. Their arrogance and lies are proof of it.
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