In my last editorial, I wrote about how I define the American Melting Pot, which garnered a great deal of positive response.
My definition was quite elaborate; given a comprehensive illustration that I put together: then . . . one of the visitors to summed it all up in THREE SIMPLE WORDS (I wish I was as smart as her):
Now that’s a MELTING POT . . . and it doesn’t get clearer than that.
I went for a private CT-Scan (brain scan) and Doppler Ultrasound (to measure my blood-flow) a week ago, which in itself became an interesting story that I will relate to you before I give you the findings on my health.
American Healthcare is CORRUPT from the TOP-DOWN and the BOTTOM-UP, with business sharks masquerading as doctors, and healthcare providers feeding upon Americans as if they were GUPPIES.
Individual doctors are fine, since you know what you are paying for going in. But, once it gets to serious stuff that requires more than just something simple, the people from the hospitals to the test centers, to the pharmaceuticals, to the insurers are bottom-feeding parasites, who are without heart, limits, or principles.
The problem with American Healthcare as I see it, goes far beyond what the politicians are squabbling over. The problem with healthcare in America borders on the criminal, where an essential human need has been converted into BIG MONEY and corporate GREED.
REMEMBER . . . I’M A CONSERVATIVE, a real honest to goodness Conservative, but I’m not a heartless TROLL. I understand that Doctors and other Healthcare specialists deserve to make a great living for doing what they do, BUT HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH?
Why do so many people have their fingers in this Healthcare Pot, from the BLOODSUCKING lawyers to the GAZILLION Dollar Insurance companies?
To get a CT-Scan in Ontario, I had to get in line behind hundreds, or perhaps even thousands of others – and ONLY based upon urgency, would I be lucky enough to be moved to the head of the line.
In my case, the emergency was over, which meant that I would be lucky if I could receive a CT-Scan and or Doppler Ultra Sound within SIX MONTHS, and because PUBLIC healthcare in Ontario FORBIDS private Radiology Clinics, there were no Ontario options for me at all.
So I looked to the USA, along the Canada US Border to see what prospects were available to me for the CT-Scan I required. It certainly wasn’t hard to find several facilities, which could do the CT-Scan almost immediately, at a price of about $1000 for a 3-5 minute procedure, which included the analysis and written report of a Radiologist.
BUT . . . Anne and I live less than an hour from the West Island of Montreal, which is in Quebec, where private Diagnostic Clinics are permitted, so we called several, and LO AND BEHOLD, there were quite a few, INCLUDING the one closest to us which could do the test the NEXT DAY for about TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS, also including the Radiologist’s written analysis.
BUT . . . Even better – They could do the Doppler Ultra Sound at the same time, for about the same money, also with the finding analyzed for my Family Doctor.
And if it couldn’t get even better than that . . . our family doctor told us that this is probably the BEST Clinic in Montreal, since their prices are really good, they are generally available within 24 hour notice, and their Radiologists are all from McGill University, and considered to be amongst the best in the city.
So, here I was . . . from not being able to get either of these tests done most probably for many months in Ontario, to having access to just one of them done for a little more than $1000 in Plattsburgh NY, to having both of them done in less than an hour’s drive from our home for JUST $500 . . . THE NEXT DAY.
I’m a Type II Diabetic. I take a form of injectable Insulin (Lantus) once a day every day in the morning. I also take a Diabetic Pill once in the morning (4mg Glyburide) and once again before going to bed.
Because the Glyburide has passed its patent protection limit, a three month supply (180 pills) at Wall-Mart USA costs just $20, which is about one quarter the price I would pay in Canada.
But, the Lantus (Insulin) in Canada, which costs me about $200 for a three month supply at the volume with which I inject myself, which isn’t that high at 34 units per day, will cost almost TRIPLE in America for the same volume.
Why should such a common and inexpensive drug to make (Lantus), cost almost three times as much in a country with a consuming population that is TEN Times the size of Canada’s consuming population?
REMEMBER WHEN YOU GO TO VOTE . . . There is far more to the malaise of American Healthcare, than what the politicians are debating.
Even though it was unanimously agreed upon by all the doctors, that I had a serious TIA, which is commonly referred to as a Mini-Stroke . . . the CT-Scan showed that I suffered no Brain Damage whatsoever. No scarring. NOTHING!
It also showed a very happy unintended finding, that there is no evidence of brain shrinkage, which generally means that it is nearly impossible for me to become afflicted with Alzheimer’s. This is something I always worried about, which I can now cross off my worry list.
MORE GOOD NEWS . . . The Doppler Ultra-Sound showed that there was minimal plaque in my Left Artery, which was normal for a man of my age, physical stature, and medical history, which was something else for me not to worry about.
IN ESSENCE . . . I have to worry about my Blood Pressure, which I am working on with medication, which also costs about half in Canada than it does in the USA.
There is no 100% explanation for why I had the Mini-Stroke, other than a very bad reaction to the Advil Sinus and Cold Medicine, which drove up my Blood Pressure to an extremely dangerous level (225 over 115). AND STRESS. Stress is not good for Blood Pressure.
I bought a Blood Pressure Monitor for the house, which I use once a day, every day. While my Blood Pressure has not reached the dangerous level that put me in the hospital a month ago, it is still too high on average at 175 over 80, which I will get down.
THE BOTTOM LINE . . . is that I see no reason for me to stop doing the things that I do, which includes FIGHTING for Conservative Values, for the FREEDOMS no one should have the RIGHT to take away from us, for smaller government, more responsible government, and less costly government.
And I will FIGHT with everything that I have for our countries to live by our CORE Constitutional Values beyond the LEFTIST Courts’ interpretations.
AND I WILL STAND WITH ISRAEL . . . and with the RIGHT of the Jewish People to live in peace, security and EQUALITY wherever we happen to be, with no apologies for being Jewish.
So, in afterthought . . . maybe my return to good health isn’t something that is good news to everyone. ESPECIALLY to those who might not be all that happy that I’ll keep doing what I think I do best . . . which is to screw-over the LEFT with the TRUTH, as efficiently as I can – GOOD!
LET’S END IT . . . I am about 95% better. And will make it to 100%
I am doing what I will need to do to lower my Blood Pressure, ignoring just one piece of medical advice, which is to reduce my level of STRESS, only because I have no idea how I could do that without ending all the other things that I do.
You have no idea how good you all made me feel with your letters of concern. You gave me approbation for what I do, even though I never sought approval from anyone. And you gave me proof of PURPOSE, which is always very important to someone like me, who Tilts at Wind Mills.
Just to show you where I’m at, and how I’m looking upon my longevity . . . On Wednesday, February 12, I will wake up singing Paul McCartney’s WHEN I’M 64.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
Michael Brown was armed! Years ago I started taking ‘karate lessons’. The first main point that was made, was that your feet, knees, legs, arms and hands were “deadly” weapons! You don’t have to take these karate-lessons, but it applies to anyone who can use those parts of the body with the intent to murder. And his intentions were to free himself even if it came to the point in killing a police officer. And last, it doesn’t matter in the ‘damn’ color of the skin! Blacks, “YOU” fix the problem!
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