After reading this . . . perhaps you will have a somewhat better understanding of my PASSION for Pledge Riders, and my DEEP friendship with the Christians who RIDE under the M-25 Flag. PLEASE read right up till the end.
I have written repeatedly, even before Obama beat-out Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Nomination, that Obama will be a curse on America and Israel if he ever became President of the United States of America.
I pointed to Obama’s “friends” who nurtured him along his political career; that they were Communists, rank Socialists, SELF-HATING Americans, White-HATERS and Israel-HATERS.
VERY soon . . . MUCH SOONER RATHER THAN LATER, you will begin to hear, read and see on television, the John Kerry/Samantha Power Plan that will IMPOSE Obama’s vision of a Peace Plan on Israel, whether Israel likes it or not.
Even now, just about a week ago, Netanyahu told Kerry while they were both in Rome, that in no uncertain terms would Israel allow foreign troops to be on Israeli soil to act as a buffer between Israel and the Palestinians, even if those troops were American.
In the past, Samantha Power had clearly stated that if she could, she would impose a massive UN Force on Israel, to protect the Palestinians from Jewish caused Genocide. And even though she has tried to walk her statement back, this is one bell that cannot be un-rung.
And now that Samantha Power is in a REAL position of Power, as America’s Ambassador to the UN, she and John Kerry are using her previous THREAT to OCCUPY Israel . . . to push Obama’s policy of FORCING Israel back to the SUICIDAL 1949 Armistice Lines . . . OR ELSE!
This is not speculation on my part. Nor is it some wild-eyed conspiracy theory.
What it is . . . is exactly what Obama said he was going to do. And now that he is in the last three years of his second term, he has NOTHING to lose by hitting Israel as hard as he possibly can, while he can.
1 – Israel can do whatever she can to negotiate the best of a very bad deal being IMPOSED upon the Jewish State, so they could comply with Obama’s vision for the Jewish Homeland.
2 – OR . . . Israel can tell Obama to screw-off, forget about the Clinton/Peres/Rabin disaster called Oslo, declare all of Judea and Samaria Israel proper, and hunker down for some VERY HARD TIMES.
If the Israelis accept any part of the Obama plan for Israel’s existence, Israel will be done.
Obama has made such a mess of the world, but specifically for America, and now for Israel, that there are no words to describe it.
If you are dumb enough to stick your hand into a Viper’s Pit, knowing that the Viper is there, and you’re bitten, no one can blame the Viper.
If the people didn’t take the time to find out who and what they were voting for in 2008, and they stuck their hand in this political Viper’s Pit, it was because they were stupid, but everyone has the right to be stupid ONCE.
But, sticking your hand into the Viper’s Pit again in 2012, even after the Viper nearly got you the first time, isn’t just stupid, it is INSANE. And that’s what the American people did.
And now, because of their utter stupidity, not only is America going down because of Obama, Obama is trying to take Israel down with it. AND THAT CAN’T HAPPEN.
If Netanyahu gives even one inch to Obama on Obama’s obsession to put the UPPITY Jewish State in its place, Netanyahu will go down in Jewish history as the Prime Minister who sold out the Jewish People.
ALSO . . . If Netanyahu delivers even one inch of Israeli land on the Altar of Obama, Israel will indeed break into Civil War, which wouldn’t be the first time (Altalena – June 1948).
And Netanyahu would do very well to remember what happened to another Israeli Prime Minister who sold Israel-out in 1993 (Oslo), Yitzhak Rabin, who paid for his horrible choice with his life in 1995. And because of his choice, Rabin’s betrayal has put Israel though hell for TWENTY years.
While giving a speech many years ago at a Jewish forum in Montreal, in the Q&A, someone asked me a hypothetical question about what would I do if I had an utterly guilty KAPO in my sights?
For those who don’t know what a Kapo was, he or she was a Jewish person who was used by the NAZIS to beat and control other Jews, in exchange for special privileges.
And in too many cases, KAPOS were selected from the dregs of Jewish society, who actually enjoyed the power they held over other Jews, who in a different world, and at a different time were socially superior to the KAPOS.
There were also the Judenrat, which were Jewish Councils set up by the NAZIS, usually comprised by Jewish Elitists, who were responsible for organizing Jews for the NAZIS, under the guise that the Judenrat would do what was best for the Jews. But it was indeed the total opposite that was true.
And even then and there, as Jews were being beaten, murdered, raped and disenfranchised throughout Europe, the Judenrat didn’t advocate self-defense, but rather acquiescence to the Nazis.
Without the Judenrat . . . to do the NAZIS organizational work for them, it would have been infinitely more difficult for the NAZIS to accomplish almost all of their European FINAL SOLUTION.
If – I held a gun in my grip, with just one bullet in it. And directly before me stood a Nazi and a KAPO, or a Nazi and a Judenrat, and I had to choose which would live and which would die, the Nazi would live to see another day.
SEVENTY-EIGHT PERCENT of the American Jewish Community voted for Obama and SHILLED for Obama in 2008, Barbara Streisand and Stephen Spielberg being only two of the many prominent Jews amongst the MILLIONS.
In 2012, nearly SEVENTY PERCENT (69%) of America’s Jewish Community voted for Obama, even AFTER seeing the horrible creature that he was, and how poorly he had treated Israel’s Prime Minister. And even AFTER Obama publicly “mused” about the 1949 Armistice Lines that he continuously refers to ERRONEOUSLY, as the 1967 borders.
Or more likely . . . it’s not an ERROR when Obama refers to the 1949 Armistice Lines as the 1967 Borders, since most people don’t know squat about their own history, they know absolutely NOTHING about the history of others, including, and perhaps especially the history of Israel and the Middle East.
So, if Obama tells the LIE OFTEN enough, and makes the LIE BIG enough, that’s the “truth” people will believe . . . STRAIGHT FROM THE (Nazi) JOSEPH GOEBBELS PROPAGANDA PLAYBOOK.
Israel’s in for a very rough ride, much rougher than anything Israel has faced since the Yom Kippur War, and why, because Obama became President with the help of the TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY’S VERSION OF THE JUDENRAT.
Just wait, but not too long, since Obama knows that time is not on his side as he strangles Israel by the powers that have been vested in him by the LEFT and America’s Jewish APPEASERS. BUT IT’S COMING. And it’s coming fast.
A few days ago, I received an email from Andy Reti, a Child Holocaust Survivor and Pledge Rider from Toronto. The reference of his letter had to do with the Christian Character of America that is under daily attack from Islam and the LEFT.
Here is what I emailed back to Andy, with a CC to Pastor Gary Burd of the M-25:
“Andy – I believe that we are on the cusp of Jews and Christians reconciling our differences.”
“I don’t see us changing our religious beliefs in accepting Christ as our Messiah, but I do see us accepting the morality and ethics of the Judeo/Christian philosophy as it pertains to today. And I see us accepting the beliefs of Christians in Christ with the respect it really deserves.”
“We’ve walked a long path of Christian versus Jewish conflicts for more than 2,000 years, to the point, where our values are now coinciding, to where we are seeing each other as natural allies opposed to enemies.”
“The reference to GOD in much of the US government, including that incredible Cross around the Washington DC Reflecting Pool as is illustrated in the video, says a great deal about who we were, are, and where the battle lines are being drawn.”
“With full disclosure, I have already made the decision to put my lot in with the Christians, to stand with them through thick and thin. Those who are our friends are really our friends.”
“I am speechless – honored and humbled – it is an honor to walk with my Jewish brothers – I also have decided to put my lot in with the Jewish people – thick and thin!”
Please understand this . . . what will happen in Israel over the very short while, will reach the shores of every other country for good or bad. And in one way or another, it’s going to happen from the office of this President of the United States of America.
Am Ysrael Chai
(Long Live Israel)
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
Bang on, Howard! We can do it. You are doing it, by contributing to the growth of a
universal, ubiquitous, de facto, “aristocracy of wizards”, that I call “The Universal
Noocracy” (after Plato), whose overall objective is to maximize the happy lifespan
of a human being.
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