On January 30, 1933 . . . just EIGHTY-YEARS ago, through the DEMOCRATIC process, Germany elected Adolph Hitler to be the leader of their country.
Hitler was an incredibly energetic campaigner with an uncanny ability to communicate his thoughts and passions to the people who wanted change.
He had all the simple answers to complicated questions during extremely challenging times, and created a sense of hope and pride amongst the people like never before.
The elitists LOVED Hitler. The youth LOVED Hitler. The workers LOVED Hitler. The downtrodden LOVED Hitler. Some BIG Banks loved Hitler. As did some Big Business which LOVED Hitler more than anything.
Hitler was a genius at selecting “popular” enemies of the FATHERLAND.
He hated the Communists blaming them for much of Germany’s woes.
He hated the Trade Unions blaming them for strangling the FATHERLAND’S industries.
He hated the Capitalists and selective Private Banks blaming them for raping the FATHERLAND.
He hated the minorities including Gypsies, people of color, the mentally and physically handicapped as well as Jews, since these people dirtied the EUGENIC perfection of the Aryan Race as Hitler saw it.
AS FOR THE JEWS . . . To Hitler . . . the Jews were all of the above.
They owned banks and successful independent industries. But they were also very much involved in Socialism and the Trade Unions. So, in Hitler’s mind, those who were rich were greedy Capitalists. And those who were not, were Communists.
Many Jews were intellectuals . . . doctors, lawyers, accountants, scientists, teachers, professors, social and political activists – ETC. But, as many who were amongst the “privileged” class – FAR MORE WERE NOT. But that made no difference, because if you were a Jew, you had to be amongst at least one of the groups Hitler set-up to be hated.
And if you considered yourself to be German above and beyond being Jewish, he hated you even more.
Hitler was brilliant as to how he rallied the people to his side. He carefully chose his enemies well, and made certain that the enemies of his own creation became the enemies to the FATHERLAND.
He controlled the press, and for the press that he couldn’t control, he simple shut down.
And he never stopped holding massive personal rallies, well after he came to power.
HITLER UTTERLY DIVIDED THE PEOPLE . . . promising the German Middle Class their piece of the pie, once Germany’s internal enemies were dealt with.
Once Hitler came to legitimate power . . . it took him and his THUGS only SIX-MONTHS to wipe out Germany’s Democracy, and claim ultimate power for himself in the name of the FATHERLAND.
There were no shortages of Germans who despised Hitler, who feared Hitler, who saw Hitler for the MONSTER he really was . . . BUT THERE WERE FAR TOO FEW OF THESE PEOPLE WHO WERE WILLING AND OR ABLE TO STAND-UP AGAINST HIM.
And when the few who did stand up in the name of FREEDOM . . . instead of receiving support from the people, they were branded extremists. They were accused of being Communists, Capitalists and eventually enemies of the State.
As Hitler amassed his power by stoking the flames of hatred, the media who went along to get along made certain that the truth was never told, while Hitler’s lies and distortions were made to be the truth.
And whoever in the press had the courage to speak-out against Hitler, could expect to receive the derision of Hitler’s MAINSTREAM media to diminish the dissenters, allowing the State to eventually render them enemies of his REICH.
One of the first things Hitler did after assuming power was to TAKE AWAY THE GUNS FROM THE PEOPLE, so ONLY the government . . . Hitler’s government had guns, rendering the people defenseless.
EIGHTY-YEARS ago yesterday (January 30, 1933) . . . was the beginning of the end for SIX MILLION Jews, six million non-Jews who died in death camps alongside the Jews. MILLIONS of Europeans who weren’t murdered in Hitler’s Death Camps but were otherwise beaten, raped, tortured, disenfranchised and murdered on the streets, in places like restaurants, movie theaters and dancehalls, in full public view as examples to everyone who even whispered disloyalty.
TENS of MILLIONS of people died in the war to end the nightmare that should never have been allowed to begin, because people couldn’t believe what was happening as it unfolded before their very eyes.
Who could have ever imagined that a nightmare like this could possibly happen within the confines of one of the World’s great and modern countries?
No matter how much control Hitler had over the media, the economy, industries, social services and the military, he never stopped speaking . . . and he never stopped appearing before admiring crowds in the most impressive and staged venues.
Hitler chose winners and losers. He chose which banks would win and which would be put out of business. He controlled all manner of social services including healthcare. Hitler made German Heartland Companies that were too big to fail all that much bigger.
Hitler created mountains of rules and regulations to be obeyed by the people, whether the people liked the rules or not.
Hitler’s Courts decided upon guilt or innocence not upon the established rule of law, but by his rules and the rules of compliant judges.
Hitler even chose the type of car the people should embrace, as he mandated Porsche to build it according to Hitler’s own specifications. It was called the Volkswagen (the people’s car).
The German people were coming off hard times. The political opposition facing Hitler was weak. The people wanted to have a hero. They wanted to lash out at their perceived enemies. They wanted simple solutions for complicated problems. The majority of people didn’t pay attention.
They didn’t give Hitler their support, but they didn’t support others either.
The Mainstream Media was also deep in the pocket of Hitler, while the opposition media were debased until they were eventually totally silenced.
The people wanted the State to take care of them. They wanted to know that whatever they needed would be provided for from the cradle to the grave.
Hitler’s plans included the control of education . . . bending young minds to become true believers.
As we watch what is happening in the USA today, think about what happened EIGHTY-YEARS ago yesterday, and don’t think for a second that history does not repeat itself . . . because it does.
As Americans turn MORE and MORE to their government for everything, just as Americans allow their government to pick winners and losers, and to allow politicians to decide what food or drink they should or should not be allowed to consume, and in which quantities, America is cascading back to 1933.
As the President chooses which banks will win and which will fail, which car manufacturers will survive and which won’t, which car should be forced on the people (Chevy Volt), and which cars should be made too expensive to drive, America is cascading back to 1933.
As Obama’s LEFTIST nameless and faceless government bureaucrats create mountains of rules and regulations that punish entrepreneurial and independent initiatives, America is cascading back to 1933.
As voting fraud in America has been accepted as a normal way of doing business, when armed Black THUGS are not even reprimanded for intimidating people at the polling stations, America is cascading back to 1933.
When the President contrives phony wars; such as the Conservative War on Women, or the War of the Rich on the Poor, or the War of White Folk against Black people and Hispanics, or the Conservative War on the Environment, America is cascading back to 1933.
When the media do not hold the government to account for massive financial failures, grotesque unemployment, crimes committed (fast and furious), unsustainable Debt, and usurious taxes, America is cascading back to 1933.
There will be an army of people who will read this editorial and accuse me of being NUTS, an extremist, a racist, and whatever else they can come up with . . . but the truth is what it is.
And no matter how much Obama Sycophants, the SOMETHING-FOR-NOTHING Bunch, and people who are too uniformed to know anything, will be upset by what I just wrote, I can assure you and them, that I am even that much more upset than they are.
Hitler was elected with a minority of German Votes, and very little support of the people, but so was Obama, specifically when you know that less than TWO THIRDS of the people who were able to vote did vote, meaning that just UNDER SIXTY PERCENT of the eligible voters turned out.
And since Obama won by slightly more than FIFTY-ONE PERCENT of the people who actually voted, it really means that he won with not much more than just THIRTY-PERCENT of the eligible vote.
So . . . What can you say about a population that stays at home, not even interested enough in the future of their nation, their families and themselves, to make the simple effort to vote?
As soon as the German people lost their right to arm themselves . . . THEY LOST THEIR RIGHT TO BE FREE. History is indeed the ROADMAP of the future.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov.
One Comment
Sorry, Howard, the Pollard incident was during Reagan’s Administration, in 1985. What I don’t understand, is why Israel, threw Pollard “under the bus”, when Israel told him to come to their Embassy in D.C. and then, turned him over to our FBI??? WHY did Israel turn their backs, on Pollard in 1985??? Now, since that time, including today, Israel wants him released??? There is a LOT more to this story, than has been reported or told. Something, it just not right, okay?
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