Avigdor Lieberman is the Russian-born Israeli Foreign Minister, who before winning high-office scared the crap out of the whole world with his outright belligerence towards Israel’s enemies, domestic and otherwise.
But . . . since assuming power in government, like just about EVERY other politician, Lieberman became a “Philosopher King” . . . knowing far more than the people who elected him, as to how the people should live and the country should be run.
The people of Israel did NOT want their government to capitulate. The soldiers, who were at the sharp end of the spear, including the reservists, also did NOT want their government to capitulate.
But . . . in spite of doing what the people wanted done, THE POLITICIANS KNEW BETTER.
In a press conference after Israel agreed to “surrender” . . . Lieberman said the following; as was reported in the November 23, 2012 issue of Israel Hayom:
1 – “It is clear that most people supported a continuation of the operation. But I am proud of the leaders who were able to make decisions that NEGATED the will of the people who elected them.”
2 – “I am sure that under the circumstances, we made the best decision we could have made. We cannot share all of our considerations with the public.”
Words escape me . . . to describe how wrong these two sentiments are from Avigdor Lieberman. But, words do not escape me in describing how little regard politicians have for the will of the people.
IMAGINE . . . being “PROUD” to have “NEGATED the will of the people who elected them”.
In other words . . . GIVE ME YOUR VOTE, and I promise to do whatever you want; that is until I’m elected – then SCREW-YOU . . . because afterwards – I will know better than you, until the next election, when I will come to you once again on hands and knees groveling for another term.
I don’t know what pressure was placed upon the shoulders of Netanyahu, but, whatever it was, and I assume that it was SUBSTANTIAL, it could not have been enough to surrender the future of Israel on the altar of Obama, Clinton and two miserable fundamentalist Moslems.
The scenes at Tahrir Square are still vivid in my mind, when THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of Egyptians, most of whom were LEFTISTS, cramming into the Square, going face to face with Mubarak’s police as the Brotherhood watched from a distance.
I remember the euphoria of the world’s press, as the end of Mubarak’s reign was coming soon, even though FEMALE Western Reporters were RAPED and BEATEN at Tahrir Square by some of those FREEDOM LOVING Arabs.
1 – Natasha Smith was a 21-year-old British Student Journalist, who was stripped, violently fondled, kicked, punched . . . and was sexually penetrated by groping fingers.
She prayed for death before being plucked away to safety.
2 – CBS Reporter Lara Logan, who was also beaten and raped by a gang of Arab thugs, was in love with the whole concept of Freedom for Egyptians, until she personally experienced what Freedom means to Arab nations.
3 – French Reporter Caroline Sinz was beaten and raped to an inch of her life, during the great moment the West couldn’t get enough of, as the Miracle at Tahrir Square was unfolding. Some miracle it turned out to be for her.
It’s curious how the Western Media more or less ignored these rapes, as if they were somehow an aberration or anecdotal.
One woman being gang-raped is OUTRAGEOUS. But THREE women, and possibly more, is a STATEMENT about the Arabs, which the media hardly reported-on, NOT wanting to take anything away from this phony MIRACLE of DEMOCRACY.
How do you think it would have played-out in the World Media had there been a demonstration in Israel, where an Arab female journalist was raped and beaten by a gang of Jews, let alone at least THREE unrelated Arab female journalists?
Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton placed the FUTURE of Israel in the hands of Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and Mohamed Morsi of Egypt . . . and that is what they considered to be a huge victory for Peace and Freedom.
It’s really too bad that no matter how hard Obama and Clinton tried to LEGITIMIZE Morsi, the Islamic Brotherhood, and the Government of Egypt as great PEACE-MAKERS, it turns out that Morsi is no less the THUG than was Mubarak whom he replaced.
And because Morsi is a KEY figure in the atrocious Moslem Brotherhood, he is in my opinion, substantially worse than the Western-Supporting strongman he followed.
And it is equally bad that Turkey’s Erdogan . . . who calls Israel a TERRORIST nation, and says that Israel will get its comeuppance for the way it treats the Palestinians, is also somehow considered by Obama and Clinton to be a responsible honest broker for peace.
How desperate can Obama and Clinton be to protect their sham of the Arab Spring . . . as Egypt is about to explode, Yemen has already exploded, Syria is in full scale civil war with so many men, women and children murdered in the TENS of THOUSANDS . . . that they seemed to have lost count?
THAT IRAQ IS FALLING APART, Lebanon for all intents and purposes is under the thumb of Hezbollah, Jordan is well on it’s way to succumbing to the Moslem Brotherhood, Afghanistan is already reverting back to the Taliban, Iran laughs in the face of the USA, and Obama COULDN’T even protect his own Ambassador in Libya, let alone get his story straight on how the Ambassador and three others were murdered and by whom . . . SCREAMS VOLUMES.
It is remarkable how Israel allowed itself to be bullied into what I truly believe was a horrendous decision by the worst actors imaginable, as Erdogan moves his country (Turkey) towards becoming a full fledged Islamist State along with Morsi.
WHERE’S THE SURPRISE . . . that the day after the “truce” between Hamas and Israel was announced as a great victory for peace, that Mohamed Morsi named himself Dictator-In-Chief of the short lived “Democratic” State of Egypt?
I’m kind of hoping . . . ACTUALLY – I’m more like PRAYING that Israel has some kind of super Machiavellian MASTER PLAN up her sleeve, which is just a part of this disgrace Israel allowed to happen . . . than to what seems to be the obvious.
But . . . as much as I would like to believe that Israel is playing all of them, to the point that; when push comes to shove, Israel will have fooled them all and come out of this better than before . . . I have very serious doubts, since Israel is not the only country to be cursed by appalling and GUTLESS politicians.
We know that Israel has capitulated through the guarantees Obama’s White House has accepted from Egypt. So, what happens if . . . or more likely when, Morsi falls in one way or another, and/or Egypt erupts into a full-scale civil war?
What can Obama, Clinton, Netanyahu, Lieberman, and former Israeli General, Prime Minister and current Minister of Defense Ehud Barak do with the paper signed by Mohamed Morsi?
I have a suggestion . . . and it involves something that is done in the bathroom.
Please visit http://www.pledgeriders.com.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
Speaking of Republicans. Bush had eight years…but instead of doing things to reverse the direction of the country at that time….he governed very poorly. He was complacent in the economic disaster in 2008, and seemed to have no plan for the vacuum of power/leadership he created in Iraq. As a result, we got Obama. Republicans are running out of time and all I see them doing is running their collective mouths. I no longer have any confidence in the Grand Old Party. They are running scared.
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