NEVER AGAIN – Now More Than Ever

Is Obama This Century's Neville Chamberlain?

If the reports are true about Obama ORDERING Netanyahu NOT to attack Iran until after the November elections, in exchange for some more American military assistance and a possible visit from Obama to Israel this summer, we are witnessing a replay of the 1938 Munich Conference, where LIBERAL British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain sold out Czechoslovakia to the Nazis.

As I’ve been writing . . . On May 31, 2012 at noon, on Parliament Hill in Ottawa (Canada’s Capital), HUNDREDS, if not a THOUSAND or MORE Jewish and Christian Motorcycle Bikers will take part in a Pledge of NEVER AGAIN.

This pledge will be specific. It is not about the history of Genocides suffered by vast numbers of innocent people over the centuries and millennia.

It is about the ONLY event in the history of humankind, where the total eradication of an entire “racial” gene was an industry unto itself.

THINK ABOUT THAT – The absolute eradication of the Jewish Gene was a worldwide industry under the management of Germany’s Nazis, with the IMPLICIT help of much of the world through complicity or a choice to ignore.

It’s easy to blame “just” the Germans, more specifically the Nazis for the Holocaust, but that is nothing more and nothing less than a sham, since in one way or another, much of the planet had a hand in the Holocaust.

The French hosted the first DEATH-CAMP before they were built throughout Europe. And there was no shortage of nations and corporations that profited from the Holocaust, including companies like Volvo and ITT.

Next to the war itself, MURDERING Jews was the BIGGEST money industry in Europe, employing a vast number of “Willing Executioners”.

In Canada . . . before, during and even after the War, Canada’s immigration policy under LIBERAL Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King concerning Jews was:


American LIBERAL President Franklin Delano Roosevelt REFUSED to bomb Auschwitz at the pleading of the World Jewish Congress IN ADDITION to NOT bombing the rail lines leading to the DEATH-CAMPS at repeated requests from CONSERVATIVE British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to do so.

Now – LESS than 70 years since the Holocaust, we are seeing and hearing the same things all over again, with the exception of a Conservative Prime Minister in Canada, Stephen Harper, and his key Cabinet Ministers who stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel.

But . . . for the rest of the world, it is the same old – same old.

Without exaggeration, it has become so bad in France and England for Jews, that their governments are telling Jews NOT to look Jewish in public places.

And even amongst France and England’s Jewish leaders, there are echoes from the past, where Jewish Elitists are telling the Jewish Communities to be quiet, to be anything but obvious, and NOT to stir the pot . . . just like European Jewish leaders did in the mid to late 1930’s.


No one wants to believe that the worst thing possible could happen. And that’s why the worst usually does happen. As far as North Americans are concerned, living in our World of MAKE-BELIEVE, bad things seem to ONLY happen in other countries, and to other people – But never to our own.

No one can imagine SIX MILLION Jews being slaughtered in Israel today. Just like no one could have ever imagined the Holocaust in 1939 through 1945 – BUT IT DID HAPPEN.

LEFTIST Jews in North America just don’t get it – WHILE MANY CHRISTIANS DO.

To have so many Christian Riders come together so enthusiastically, to Ride and Stand with Jews in a pledge of NEVER AGAIN, could not have come at a more important time as this century’s Hitler (Ahmadinejad) made his PLEDGE to “Wipe Israel Off The Map” – While the drums of anti-Semitism beat loudly and steadily throughout much of the “civilized” world.


I personally made the decision to invite Christian Riders to Ride with Jewish Riders as an adjunct to the Ride To Remember, in support of Israel and the Pledge of NEVER AGAIN on Parliament Hill, because Jews in general . . . and Israel specifically cannot survive without friends.

And when I presented these opportunities to the Organizing Committee of the Toronto Club (YOW’S – Yidden On Wheels) of the Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance (JMA), these opportunities were greeted with the warmest measure of enthusiasm you can imagine.

And, as Christian and Parliamentary Participation to stand with us on Parliament Hill began to grow beyond our wildest expectations, our Toronto Organizing Committee led by Steve Stein (Chairman) and Gadi Prager (President) had only one question:

How can we make it better?

But we didn’t have to make it better, because we couldn’t keep up with the Christian Riders who made it better for everyone, and not by a small measure.

M25 – Evangelical Mission Of Hope Riders:

The Reverend Gary Burd of the M25 (Christian of Hope) Riders, headquartered in Texas has been traveling across America, signing up Riders who will stand with us in Ottawa to make that pledge.

And then . . . off to CFB Trenton to Ride in the Trenton to Toronto Heroes Highway Ride, then to Ottawa for the National Memorial Ride.

Reverend Burd will deliver the Benediction on Parliament Hill.

Lou DeVuono of the Perfect Pigs, out of the Toronto area who is the organizer of the HUGE (thousands of bikes) Heroes Highway Ride is not just coming to Parliament Hill to Stand with Jewish Bikers, he has invited Jewish and M25 Riders to ride at the head of his Heroes Highway Ride on June 2, 2012 just after the VIP’s.

But MORE THAN THAT – Lou DeVuono has had more than just a hand in helping us in so many significant ways.

Graeme Hume, also of the Perfect Pigs has gone out of his way to secure barrack housing for our American M25 guests at CFB Trenton, in addition to organizing incredible activities for everyone, including the participation of Jewish Riders in a ceremony where our Biker Chabad Rabbi will make a prayer for Canada’s fallen HEROES.

And then there’s the administration at CFB Trenton, from the Chief to the Officers who are paying us tribute by allowing us to pay them tribute.


Major Greg Shepherd (Canadian Forces Fighter Pilot – Retired) who organizes the National Memorial Ride (June 3, 2012) to Ottawa’s National Military Cemetery will also stand on Parliament Hill to make the Pledge of NEVER AGAIN.

But that’s just part of it – Greg Shepherd has given us . . . Jewish Riders and the American M25 Riders the GREATEST respect imaginable, by inviting myself and the Reverend Gary Burd to lay a Wreath at the National Military Cemetery.

I was so touched by this tribute, thinking how proud my Father would have been, who was an honest to goodness Canadian WWII Hero, and my mother who also served Canada in the military during WWII, to see their son lay a Wreath in honor of the millions of Canadians who served with great honor, that I teared-up telling Anne about it.

In my next R2R editorial, I’ll tell you about the politicians who are doing their best to help make this event as good as it can be.

AND REMEMBER THIS – You do not have to be affiliated with any Motorcycle Group to Ride with us to Ottawa, to CFB Trenton, to the HEROES Highway Ride, and/or to the National Memorial Ride. You just have to have a Bike and be a Rider.


ALSO – you do not have to be a BIKER or Jewish to come to Ottawa to stand on Parliament Hill to make and support the Pledge of NEVER AGAIN. Everyone is invited and welcome.

In these very troubling times for Israel and Jews outside of North America, we look forward to having the HILL filled to capacity with people wanting to be seen and heard making that Pledge of NEVER AGAIN at NOON on May 31, 2012.

If you want to see what our itinerary is from the beginning of our RIDE to the end, just look at the BLUE Menu Bar at the Top of this Page, and Click on the Icon that says R2R.


Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

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One Comment

  1. Easy Howard.
    Please don’t let them raise your blood pressure with their Juvenile minds. Most commentators in USA are only educated to 5th grade, then they become Wankers.

    They are not in your grade, so take it easy and keep on trucking. Terry.

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