Today . . . February 12, 2012 is Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday, and MY BIRTHDAY TOO; with a commonality between Lincoln and myself that surpasses our common birth date.
Unlike Obama who does his best to channel himself through some of the great American Presidents like Lincoln, I don’t. But also, UNLIKE Obama, and much like Lincoln, I am an unabashed supporter of less government and more personal Freedoms.
In all of my 62 years, I’ve seen and learned much about history and the proclivities of humankind. I’ve also personally traveled the socio/political path between the LEFT and the RIGHT. And I’ve come to what I believe is a serious and well thought out concept of what determines greatness and failure within nations.
The mindset of the American people who support the LEFT and Obama are so far removed from the beliefs of great Americans such as Lincoln, that their relationship with what has made America and the American dream great beyond comparison is unfathomable.
Those people who are positively passionate towards Obama and his LEFTIST mindset, who enjoy the FREEDOM to pray upon the alter of Obama; are indeed the same people GREAT Americans like Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln fought against from the conception of the Republic.
I have written over and over again that Obama will be as “DONE AS BURNT TOAST” in November, because if I am wrong about that, the consequences of FOUR more years for Obama will be unthinkable.
Given the chance, every politician will cook the books to make himself or herself look better. And by extension, he or she will also cook the books to hide his or her failures, excesses, and political “crimes” against the people.
Any thinking person who truly understands anything . . . knows that Obama’s Presidency is the greatest Presidential FAILURE ever.
They would know that unemployment isn’t even close to the numbers Obama wants people to believe that it is.
They would know that jobs are getting scarcer, and because of the LEFT’S intrusions into every aspect of the business world, less people in the small to medium sized business community want to hire anyone given any other choice.
They would know that Obama and the LEFT are PERSONALLY and EXCLUSIVELY responsible for the cost of energy, and the incredible vulnerability that the United States faces based on the reliable access of sufficient oil and gas in the event of an OPEC shutdown or boycott.
They would know that America was built upon a strong foundation based almost exclusively on MERITOCRACY, rather than on Obama’s belief in SHARING the wealth of hard working men and women who sacrificed, failed, and kept on failing until they finally EARNED their success; the fruits of which Obama wants to take away.
They would know that they are losing RIGHTS and FREEDOMS by the day.
They would know that Obama has divided the American people along racial and class lines like no President has done before.
They would know that there is an explosion of government growth, suffocating regulations, costs, and bureaucracy under Obama and the LEFT . . . including the LEFT’S idea of entitlements that are unsustainable.
They would know that the feeling of American Exceptionalism has become a faded dream because of Obama, who believes in word and deed that America is no more exceptional than any other country, as he explained during his America APOLOGY Tours.
And they would know that the world, INCLUDING and perhaps ESPECIALLY Israel is in great peril because of Obama’s hideous Foreign Policy.
In a world where people cared for REAL reality, rather than the crap that’s served as a daily entertainment diet; or where the media was honest in their reporting, opposed to being ideological LEFTIST propagandists, Obama would have never been elected, and would have no chance whatsoever to being elected again.
As a newly minted Sixty-Two year old who knows a bit of somewhat from personal and vicarious experiences, it behooves me to believe that Obama could possibly win FOUR more years based on his horrific performance.
But, there is no underestimating the gullibility of people who don’t question, who don’t think things through, who believe in UNREALITY TV, and are sufficiently weak-minded to buy into the LIES and Propaganda of the LEFT.
In a world of an aware electorate and honest media, it would hardly matter who the Republicans would nominate to run for the Presidency, since anyone but Obama would suffice.
But, an aware electorate and an honest media are not the foundation upon whom or what will determine the path towards the election of 2012.
If Abraham Lincoln could look down on his beloved America today, the day of his birth, he would surely weep.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
AMEN to Kenneth Lee’s remarks, of the freedoms we offer are the freedom to assimilate or to leave, they would be very wise to take advantage of one or the other.
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