There’s no animal as dangerous as an animal that is cornered.
Where Democrats are generally smug, arrogant and cocky, they’ve become defensively hostile, to the point that they’re over-the-top in their conspiratorial beliefs that the Conservative movement in America is comprised of domestic “TERRORISTS” who are willing to hold America “HOSTAGE” to their far RIGHT-WING Agenda.
There is in fact a RIGHT-WING agenda if you believe that MORE Personal Freedoms, SMALLER Government, LOWER Taxes, LESS Government Spending, MORE Personal Responsibility, and the ELIMINATION of Debt is an EXTREME RIGHT-WING agenda.
To hear and see the American LEFT implying that Conservative Republicans are more dangerous to America than the Moslem Brotherhood or Al Qaeda, would be laughable if it wasn’t sickeningly true, that this is what they believe and want the American people to believe.
Arrogant LEFTIST discourse has now morphed into near hysterical angry open accusations against not just the Republican Party, but against THREE QUARTERS of the American population that agrees with what CONSERVATIVE Republicans stand for, if not for the Party itself – AT LEAST NOT YET.
The Democrats had all of the government to themselves for two years with an enormous measure of public goodwill. They didn’t just control the Senate; THEY OWNED IT with a Super Majority. And they also had a huge majority in the House.
Perhaps MOST important of all, was that the new President, was in his own measure the MOST popular President to have ever entered the Oval Office.
His wasn’t just a Presidency. His was supposed to be the TRANSFORMATIONAL Presidency to change not just America for the better, BUT THE ENTIRE WORLD.
Instead of parlaying this remarkable opportunity into a Democrat DYNASTY from the dizzying heights set by Obama and his promoters, Obama and the Democrats did just the opposite.
Where the people bought into this empty rhetoric of “YES WE CAN” and “REAL CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN”, the result has become despair and desperation bordering on the extreme.
While it is absolutely true that Obama still retains the support of DIE-HARD LEFTISTS in the guise of Academics, Hollywood and Theater Types, Government Dependent Big Business Executives, Unions, Social Elitists – Etc, he has lost the support of THINKING Americans.
Obama CRASHED and BURNED those in the Political Middle. He DESTROYED any credibility he had with small to medium size businesses. And he ABSOLUTELY ostracized the Independents who perhaps more than any other group bought into his “YES WE CAN” mantra.
And now . . . not only do MOST of them know that Obama is an empty vessel; they know that he took a bad situation and made it unimaginably worse. So much worse, that with the help of the Democrats, all of whom are painted with the Obama brush, he has more or less made himself and MOST Democrats UNELECTABLE in 2012.
So, like cornered animals, the Democrats are lashing out. But, instead of using teeth and claws, they’re lashing out with political demagoguery on steroids, coupled with character assassination.
Based on their repugnant political record of FAILURE of extreme proportions, what else can the cornered Democrats put up in their fight for political survival other than their desperate attempt to destroy the opposition?
One does not have to be a rocket-scientist to know the horrors that are visiting the USA under the stewardship of Obama and the rest of the Democrats. Nor does anyone have to be a political genius to know that BLAMING Bush just won’t cut it any longer.
On Friday, August 5, 2011, the UNIMAGINABLE happened – Standard And Poor’s DOWNGRADED the financial credibility of the USA . . . THIS BEING DONE ON OBAMA’S WATCH.
Obama and the Democrats can BLAME Bush all they want. They can BLAME the Earthquake in Japan and the Arab Spring. But the TRUTH is the TRUTH. It all happened while Obama fiddled with his LEFTIST policies that are suffocating the USA and dragging the world down with it.
I look upon Obama and the Democrats as the greatest threat and poison to have ever visited America, to the point that I do not want anything to do with Liberals, even if they’re just somewhat to the LEFT – NOT EVEN FAMILY MEMBERS on either side of the Canada/US Border.
What Obama and the LEFT have done to the MOST exceptional country on earth is unconscionable and unforgivable. And whether they realize it or not. Or apologize for it or not. IT’S TOO LATE – THEIR DAMAGE HAS BEEN DONE.
And no matter how much Obama and the LEFT want to ATTACK Conservatives; their attack is as empty as Obama’s platitudes.
For a President who can’t keep away from microphones and cameras, where is the Teleprompter-In-Chief to speak to the people on this incredible ratings downgrade that has NEVER happened on any President’s watch with the EXCEPTION of his?
SPECIAL NOTE: All recent broadcasts are ARCHIVED on the above menu bar that says Radio Show Archives.
ALSO: As always . . . THANK YOU to all the people who help this Web Site with your financial support.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
I am not as optimistic as Howard. The Republican Party has been as bad as the Democratic Party and, at times, worse when it comes to Big Government. To wit: George Bush had A GOP Senate and House for 4 of his 8 years in office…and 6 years with a GOP House. Yet the Bush years saw uncontrolled spending, seeing an increase of over 50% in federal spending during his time in office. Only the Tea Party members in Congress can save us. I see a real battle coming between the TP and GOP old-timers
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