There’s no On-Line BROADCAST tonight. Next On-Line Broadcast will be tomorrow night (Thursday) at 8:00 O`clock EASTERN TIME.
After all is said and done about my last editorials concerning the Michelle Bachmann/Chris Wallace Sunday interview on Fox NEWS, which inevitably led to criticism of Wallace for how he asked the questions, especially the question about how Bachmann felt being called a flake, and how Bachmann answered them – Here’s the bottom line.
After reading a large number of emails on the subject, I’ve come to the conclusion that neither of them have much reason to be proud of their performances, with the BIG difference being, that Wallace isn’t running for anything, while Bachmann is.
Therefore – Wallace had nothing to lose while Bachmann has everything to lose.
I have written repeatedly that Wallace is NOT one of my favourites. In fact, he is very much like his LEFTIST Old Man Mike Wallace, who several years ago went on camera to explain that he wasn’t a SELF-HATING JEW.
In my mind, if you have to say that you are NOT something which many people think you really are, chances are better than not, that you are indeed what the people think you are.
But this isn’t about Mike or Chris Wallace.
Here’s my BOTTOM LINE on Michelle Bachmann’s chance to beat Obama in 2012 if she wins the Republican Nomination.
If Bachman wins the nomination to represent the Republican Party in 2012 as their candidate for the Presidency – SHE WILL KICK OBAMA’S ASS THROUGHOUT ALL THE “57 STATES“ OBAMA THOUGHT THERE WERE WHILE HE WAS CAMPAIGNING IN 2008.
But, she won’t win if the people perceive her to be just another opportunistic politician who says one thing, while doing just the opposite.
This race for the Republican Nomination has not even really begun, so polling numbers don’t really mean a whole hell of a lot, EXCEPT FOR THE NUMBERS THAT CONTINUOUSLY SHOW OBAMA TANKING-OUT.
And between now and the actual time when the Republican Party will decide upon who will be their candidate, polling numbers will change several times over.
But, what is REALLY important about this lead-up to the Republican Convention is how the candidates perform here and now, because this is when people across America who are not necessarily Republicans will begin to decide upon who they will vote for in 2012.
So, every screw-up counts. Every brilliant performance counts. And every new perception made by the candidates will matter in the long-run.
In politics . . . as in life in general, most people do not get a SECOND chance to make a FIRST impression.
As I’ve repeatedly written and said – There is NOT a Republican Candidate amongst the top tier list including Bachmann, Romney, Pawlenty, Santorum, Cain, Perry and Palin if they decide to jump into the fray, who CANNOT, and would NOT be able to beat Obama in 2012.
And beat him soundly at that.
In my final analysis, the only person who will be able to beat the Republican Candidate in 2012, given all that we know about this utterly failed Presidency will be that Republican Candidate himself or herself. The perfect example is how McCain blew the 2008 campaign through his utter incompetence.
For all intent and purposes, the 2012 Presidential Campaign has already started, and if you don`t want to take my word for it, take the word of Obama who has already left the Oval Office to begin his FULL-TIME Campaign; not that he has ever stopped campaigning since winning the White House in 2008.
And that`s why EVERY word and utterance made by any of the serious Republican Contenders is critical.
There is no audio editorial associated with this commentary.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
So, you and Anne will be “Winter Texans” this year! perhaps we will get to see you as we plan to arrive in Mercedes TX by mid November. Stryker will really enjoy his winter vacation. “Ya’all take care now” as they say. Regards, Valanne and Lino
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