The Maiden Voyage Of Radio On Galganov Dot Com.


What are you doing at 6:00 pm Eastern Time – 3:00 pm West Coast Time this Saturday April 9, 2011?

If you don’t have any plans, or plans that you can change, HERE’S SOMETHING YOU MIGHT REALLY WANT TO DO.

You can be amongst the very first to hear LIVE RADIO ON GALGANOV DOT COM where there’s no FCC – no CRTC – JUST YOU AND ME THE WAY RADIO REALLY OUGHT TO BE.

But, that’s not totally accurate, since it won’t be just YOU AND ME.

For our very first LIVE ON-LINE Radio Broadcast ever, my co-host is none other than American/Canadian Conservative Activist par excellence, Kari Simpson, who co-hosts on her own incredible On-Line Broadcast.

And if you want to know how effective Kari is at ruffling the feathers of the LEFT, she’s been accused of being the “Most Dangerous Woman In BC”.

Kari Simpson and her Co-Host Terry O’Neill on their extremely popular On-Line Radio Broadcast known as RoadKill ( take no prisoners.

Kari is one of those very special women the LEFT love to hate, who you would really want at your side going into that dark back-alley, where you know danger lurks, because you’ll also know that no matter how ugly things can get, Kari will be in there with you all the way.


How many times have we heard Hillary Clinton speak about that mysterious “VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY”, that she and no one else can actually quantify?

Well – If all goes well with this broadcast, Hillary Clinton just might be on the cusp of getting her wish.

There is no question whatsoever that for a hundred or so years there has been a modern VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY that is out there for everyone to see and hear.

But, until now, there has never been anything like it on the RIGHT. So hang onto your hats, because it just might be on the way.

The time has already arrived, where the RIGHT has really begun to UNITE, where that unquestionable proof of Conservative UNITY is found in the incredible growth of the American Tea Party Movement.

If the LEFT thought they are the ONLY players in the game, which up to now might have been somewhat true, they will do very well to think again, and take what is coming MORE seriously than just somewhat.

Between RoadKill Radio . . . and Radio on Galganov Dot Com, and all the other really TRUE BLUE Conservative commentators out there, the FREEDOM TSUNAMI is on the way.

Not all of the Conservatives who will be featured on Radio on Galganov Dot Com will be joined at the hip, marching in lock step. But, they will be on the same general page.

Like me, they will be TRUE BLUE Fiscal Constitutional CONSERVATIVES. Or I’m not interested in giving them any semblance of a platform.

I am absolutely thrilled that we are taking the next step in forming what we can only hope will become a Vast Right Wing Movement. Not a conspiracy, but a REAL united Conservative Internet movement.

And I couldn’t be happier to start this new thrust of Galganov Dot Com with the likes of Kari Simpson.

REMEMBER: Saturday the 9th . . . 6:00 pm on the East – 3:00 pm on the West. And YOU might even go LIVE on-air with us. Here’s what you have to do.

Send me an email BRIEFLY describing what you want to talk about. I will need your full name, the city where you live, and a call back phone number. Your last name, phone number and email address will remain confidential.

I will let you know by email or by a phone when you will be on-air.

And when you are LIVE on-air, remember this . . . there is an automatic delay between our live conversation and when it comes over the Internet. So, once you get the call to go on-air, make certain that you TURN OFF THE SPEAKERS ON YOUR COMPUTER!

There is no Audio Editorial associated with this commentary.

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

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One Comment

  1. “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself…..” said at another time not too long ago in history when the storm clouds were gathering.

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