When the USA had the chance to DRILL HERE DRILL NOW more than 10 years ago, as George W Bush and the rest of the Republican Party pleaded for, the Democrats SLAMMED the door shut.
The mantra from the LEFT was all about Global Warming and other unfounded hysteria, totally ignoring National Security. Why would those Democrats think that the ALL IMPORTANT ENERGY needs of the world’s greatest superpower were somehow safe in the hands of people in unstable governments who DESPISE the USA?
The world is in serious trouble. I MEAN BIG TROUBLE. The kind of trouble that triggers massive poverty, personal upheavals, and global conflict, like a Third World War.
What is making all of this worse . . . is the most INEPT White House in American history, coupled to what is possibly the LEAST competent Foreign Affairs Office (State Department) ever.
When Obama went to Egypt early in his Presidency to stir the pot amongst Egyptian LEFTISTS and Intellectuals at Cairo University, he lit a fuse that has now ignited the ENTIRE Middle East.
When Obama had a chance to support America’s only REAL Arab friend and Ally in Mubarak, he not only threw him under the bus – Obama threw him to the wolves.
And now . . . the reverberations are being felt throughout the Arab/Moslem Middle East.
Through successive statements and policy positions, Obama has demonstrated for EVERY Middle Eastern government and leader, that he and America under him . . . are the LEAST reliable friends and allies on this planet – a message that is NOT lost on the government and people of Israel.
Obama’s foreign policy is so screwed-up, that no one has any idea where he stands on any issue other than EVERYTHING that is wrong in the world is Israel’s fault.
I see the US State Department supporting the Rebels in Libya, or sort of supporting the rebels, since I have not yet heard demands from Obama or Clinton for Muammar Al-Gaddafi to step down NOW, as they demanded of America’s friend Mubarak when his government came under attack.
So, if he steps down, who’s going to replace him? Will the new leader or people who overthrow his government be friends or foes?
I see and hear the Libyan rebels holding their weapons and chanting Allahu Akbar, just as I see and hear the same chants from dissidents in other Arab/Moslem countries as they too try to unseat their Dictators.
So, who are the GOOD GUYS? Are they the Dictators we know and understand? Or are they the new Islamists who’s Islamo/Idealism trumps everything?
What will America do if the Islamo/Street takes over the oil wells, including those in Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States, and then decides to either ship oil at prices that are unaffordable, or simply NOT to ship at all?
Obama is tinkering with the idea of opening-up the Strategic Oil Reserve, which is as bad and as desperate an idea as possible, since it will send a message to the oil-producing world, and to America’s enemies that the USA is vulnerable.
WORSE – Obama has squandered America’s financial wealth, and now he is hinting at depleting America’s energy insurance.
But, what I haven’t heard from Obama or from anyone else in his administration is . . . DRILL HERE – DRILL NOW!
I can’t blame Obama alone for this DISASTER in planning, since he wasn’t in the White House when George W Bush was BEGGING Congress for permission to Drill in the USA, but, I do blame Obama for taking a very bad policy, and making it MUCH WORSE.
We are literally months, if not weeks or days away from feeling the crush of debilitating energy prices, which also might be just months, weeks or days away from a Middle East Oil Crisis that could make what happened in the ‘70’s seem like a walk in the park, since things can move faster in the Middle East than the speed of a newscaster.
The LEFTISTS wouldn’t let America become energy self-sufficient, and then elected a President who helped create the conditions that are now destabilizing the flow of energy from the world’s primary source.
So, what happens when the price of transportation, heat and everything else related to liquid energy forces the prices of food beyond the comfortable reach of the working class?
Or when people can no longer afford to get in their cars and drive to work, to a restaurant, on vacation, or consume?
While the Middle East is as unstable as it has ever been, and the American economy is in the tank, and the people are more divided now than they have been since the Civil War, what is the Obama White House doing, other than running around in circles like a dog trying to catch its own tail giving the impression that there is all kinds of action going on?
And now there’s talk about creating a NO-FLY ZONE over Libya, and even attacking Gaddafi’s air force and infrastructure; WITH WHOSE MILITARY?
Wouldn’t that just be dandy – Three wars in the Middle East (Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan) for America to fight . . . not including Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas, none of which with any real end game?
And then there is another issue: If Obama is prepared to attack the government of Libya to help out the Rebels, can the equally horrid government of Saudi Arabia expect the same treatment from Obama WHEN the Saudi folk rise-up?
And if not – Why not? What makes the Saudi TYRANTS any less or more palatable than the Libyan TYRANTS?
When I asked for people to help support the On-Line Radio Broadcast we’re trying to set-up, I was somewhat disappointed at the early returns. That said however, now that a few days have past, and with a few very generous “donations”, not to minimize anything anyone sends to help out, since it is all very much appreciated, we are on our way.
Even though we haven’t yet raised enough money for this to be self-financing, the project will continue, and hopefully, we’ll be ON-AIR perhaps as early as this weekend.
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Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
Get ready for a fatwa on your head Howard and CAIR Canada’s lawyers will be knocking on your door real soon. Also, I know that you are talking from more than just opinion as you are among the few who have actually read the Mein Kampf – OOPS! – the Koran. Keep your powder dry, Bro!
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