I want you to go to this Web-Site:
I want you to read all of it. I want you to turn up your speakers so you can clearly hear what MUST be heard.
And when you’re finished thinking, and are so upset at what you are thinking that it’s hard to think straight, I want you to think even HARDER at the four words found at the bottom of each and every page on this Web-Site.
America elected Barack Obama for CHANGE.
Barak Obama’s FIRST International speech once becoming the President of the United States of America was to the Arab/Moslem World on Al Arabiya. That was CHANGE.
Obama went to Cairo to deliver his World Apology to the Moslems for America’s transgressions against Islam. He praised Islam for their MANY CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE WORLD.
Obama declared that the USA has benefited enormously from its Moslem community. THAT THE USA WAS NOT A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY. How’s that for change?
Obama went to Cairo to create an equivalence between how he perceives the Palestinians are being treated, to the Holocaust that MURDERED in the most heinous fashion imaginable SIX MILLION Jews.
Obama is throwing Israel under the bus. THAT’S CHANGE TOO.
Before Obama became President Obama. Before Obama became Federal Senator Obama. Before Obama became State Senator Obama. Barack Obama went to the so-called MILLION-MAN MARCH in Washington DC, organized by the vilest Black Moslem in America – none other than the White-Hating, Jew-Hating, and America-Hating Louis Farrakhan.
Was it an accident that Barack Obama sat for TWENTY years in a Black Liberationist Church whose stock-in-trade was selling Hate against Whites, Jews and America?
Why is Barack Obama castrating the CIA? Why is Barack Obama selling out the Czechs and Poles?
But most important of all: Why now does the Moslem community of the USA believe OUR TIME HAS COME?
Go to the Web Site and find out for yourself. And remember what I’ve written consistently:
What happens to the USA as a result of Obama becoming President rests squarely upon the shoulders of all the people who went out of their way to get him elected.
I wonder what OPRAH will look like in a Burkha?
If you voted for change Obama style – YOU GOT IT!
Just ask the Moslems who created the Web-Site that declares: OUR TIME HAS COME. And then ask them what they mean by that.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
Excellent news. The U.S. had a chance to become more indepentant of mohamadan oil and it was vetoed by traitors.
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