The ‘BIG’ Cornwall debate has come and gone. It was everything I had hoped it would be. No scripts. No predetermined questions. Nothing but wearing it on our sleeve.
And that’s the way it should be.
There was just one serious moment in the debate when it looked as if I was in trouble. The panelist for the Cornwall Standard Freeholder Newspaper (daily) quoted a plank in my published platform that reads:
“I want open access to all Mosques and Moslem schools to know what the adults and their children are being taught.” He then asked me what I meant by that?
I made it very clear that 9/11 wasn’t caused by blue-eyed blond-haired Swedes. At that, supporters for the other candidates moaned, groaned and even booed.
So what? Let them moan, groan and boo all they want, it makes no difference to the truth that many of today’s TERRORISTS are homegrown Islamists.
It took seconds for the other candidates to jump on board with the boo-birds expressing their outrage and shock at my so-called bigoted remarks.
I simply sat at my position in the middle of the debating table staring straight ahead, listening to them blather-on, knowing full well that the vast majority of Canadians feel the same way as I do.
When the floor was open to the audience, a Native woman identifying herself as a Chief, stood up to rip into me since I’m not happy that we send about $10 BILLION to Native Chiefs each year.
Many in the audience were in verbal sympathy with her too.
I could see through the corner of my eyes how happy the other candidates were, as if these two unconnected circumstances somehow combined to deliver some kind of mortal blow to my campaign.
My opponents fell victim to the chants and jeering of their own supporters who papered the room on their behalf. In short, they believed their own hype, while in reality, the thousands of people who listened to the live radio broadcast or watched it on Cable TV were part of the silent majority who are just as fed-up as I am.
At a halfway break that lasted just a few minutes, a well-dressed man in his mid-thirties came to me to say that until now, he had not decided who he was going to vote for.
He extended his hand to me, and in full voice he said: “Thank you. You have my vote, the vote of my wife, and most probably the votes of my family, friends and coworkers.”
I am particularly pleased with my closing statement, since I was able to articulate everything I believe this election should be all about.
This is what I said and how I said it:
I strode to the podium to deliver my closing remarks. In my hand, I held a small leather case no larger than a soft-covered book. Since I have never carried anything into the debates, not even a scrap-piece of paper, I noticed the other candidates were interested in the leather case.
I stood at the podium looking not at the audience, but rather at the Conservative incumbent Guy Lauzon, since he’s the guy to beat.
I said to Lauzon: “In the previous debates Guy, you said that you like your job, and that you’d like to keep your job, but this isn’t about a Job Guy. It’s about a passion. It’s about the most important thing a Canadian do for the love of country.“
I then said to Lauzon: “You’ve also repeatedly said that this election is about leadership. Guy, it’s not about leadership.”
At that point, I turned to face the standing-room audience, reached into the leather case, pulled out a Canadian flag, held it high above my head and said:
“This election is about Canada. It’s about serving Canada. It’s about winning back the Canada my parents gave to me 58 years ago, which my grandparents gave to my parents 90 years ago. It’s about getting Canada back, when being Canadian meant something.”
And then I said: “I swear upon this flag, that if you send me to Ottawa, Canada will NEVER have a greater Champion, and you will NEVER have a stronger voice.”
I then slowly lowered the hand that held the flag, and walked back to my seat amidst substantial applause.
It was a very good night indeed.
The night was topped-off with a two-hour live debate on Cornwall’s AM 1220 News with John Bolton, from 9:00am to 11:00am this morning (October 7, 2008), where I was able to finish the job.
At one point during the radio debate, Denis Sabourin (Liberal) said to me:
A LONE WOLF will get nothing done in Parliament. It takes consensus and working together to achieve things in government.
My response to Denis Sabourin: “I’d rather have a LONE WOLF fighting for me in Parliament, than a few hundred bleating sheep.”
Tomorrow (October 8, 2008) will be the last day of our fliers. 42,000 fliers will be hand delivered via Canada Post to every Household, PO Box and Business in the Riding.
The very attractive 5 1/2 “ by 8 1/2” four color 12pt card stock cover has our lawn-sign artwork on the front side, with a photo of me and a message to MAKE THIS CAMPAIGN ABOUT CANADA on the backside.
We are down to owing just about $2000 on this extraordinary campaign. I think it is very possible that we will end it as it began – Rolls Royce all the way.
There’s still time to make a donation to this battle to Win Back Canada. And WIN BACK CANADA WE WILL!
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
I have thought long and hard today re the direction of the land directionally south of Canada. Years ago it was the ideal country. With the advent of one person, one vote, the useless politicians began to appeal to those weho produced nothing and would vote to suck the life from the producers. What was formerly the most productive country on earth, is quickly becoming a country of blood suckers. There is becoming a less and less incentive to work long hours and sacrifice to succeed
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