Just about everything is in place to do what has to be done to WIN BACK CANADA. The only two things left are to complete our video campaign, and raise enough money with which to flood the Riding with our campaign message.
Winning our INDEPENDENT Seat is not going to be easy, since the other sides won’t necessarily play fair and square. But why should that surprise us?
At 2:34 this afternoon, SUNDAY, September 14, 2008, I received an invitation from the Cornwall Public Library to attend what they described as a “FUN DAY”, where ALL political candidates in this Riding can meet and greet the people. And bring campaign handouts.
Here’s the problem: The event happened YESTERDAY, on Saturday September 13, 2008. Funny how instantaneous email is, except when inviting a candidate to an event open to all candidates the day AFTER the event happened.
In my response to the invitee (Daphne F Morris), I wrote:
Daphne: I would have loved to have attended, unfortunately, your invitation for Saturday arrived today via email on Sunday. It’s like inviting people to vote on October 15th when the election is October 14th.
I’ll forward this communication to the local media just to inform them that I would have come to your Library meet and greet, if I would have been invited in time, and the reason why I did not attend should not be construed as a snub.
Last night, Anne and I dined-out at the Best Western Parkway Hotel in Cornwall. Their kitchen, service and décor are fabulous. It’s one of our favorite restaurants anywhere. But I digress.
When we were just about done eating, one of the servers who I’ve never met before came to our table to tell me that he was voting for me. So were his friends and family.
I spoke with an 80 something year old man in Morrisburg who told me that he and his entire family will be supporting me.
In his words: “You’re going to win this, most of us have had enough. And finally we have someone to vote for.”
One of the campaign supporters who I met briefly, who lives in the Riding, but close to the Russell Township, made a series of huge banners that basically say:
“Finally – the silent majority has a voice – VOTE FOR GALGANOV”
One of these banners is on his truck. He’s proud to tell our Campaign Coordinator (Beth Trudeau), that when he’s driving about, he gets people giving him the thumbs-up and a hearty wave.
Our radio campaign kicks-off tomorrow (Monday September 15, 2008) during the most PRIME TIME part of the day, the 7am newscast that says:
Brought to you by Howard Galganov – Together: Let’s Win Back Canada.
Then there’s the news, weather and our 30-second spot. We own this 7am sponsorship on the three Riding radio stations for the entire campaign.
In about a week, we will send out a massive mailing to every household in the Riding, and it’s impressive. By this Wednesday, we’ll have tremendous ads in all the Riding newspapers.
I will be holding a VOLUNTEERS meeting Tuesday night at 7:00 o’clock at the Parkway Hotel in Cornwall where I will rent a meeting room and hand out lawn signs, which people in the riding are clamoring for.
But we’ll also talk about strategies and see who amongst the volunteers will want to embark upon their own initiatives.
If we go through all the signs we’ve already silk-screened, we’ll silk screen more.
THIS IS IT! This is our big chance to WIN BACK CANADA. It is really now, or perhaps never.
Our PayPal donation link is up and running, and it is extremely easy to use.
I will tell you with great pride, humility and appreciation that within the first half hour of it going live we received donations in the amounts of $200, $400, and one $1,100 donation.
I will also tell you that these donations came from Sarnia, Orleans, Ottawa, and Embrun. These donations are in addition to the checks we’ve already received (by hand) just a day after I’ve been confirmed, These checks add up to a couple of thousand dollars.
If we get the kind of national financial support I am hoping for, we can very well smother the Riding with ads, and beat the dirty tactics of the opposition.
If you are predisposed to supporting this campaign to WIN BACK CANADA, now is the time to make your donation, because now is the time for us to book as many Radio spots and newspaper ads as possible.
And it would great to send out four mailings opposed to just one or two, considering the mailings cost as much as $10,000 each.
We have enough money right now, to fight a good fight, but with the maximum we are allowed to spend which is just under $83,000, we’ll go to political war armed to the teeth with every weapon we will need for victory.
If all you can afford to donate is $20, that’s fine. Every penny and every dollar will make a difference. As a matter of fact, a $20 donation ONLY costs $5 considering the Federal Tax Credit (see the sliding scale on the donation page).
The Cornwall Library screwed us over. But they won’t be the last to try. The ONLY people we can depend upon are ourselves, so, if we’re going to win, it’s going to be on us.
Please tell your family, friends and neighbors to do whatever they can to help out and spread the word. And remember, you do not have to live in the riding to send financial help. Your ONLY requirement is that you are an eligible Canadian voter.
Now that we are really up and running, let’s get this done. Together: LET’S WIN BACK CANADA!
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
Here is one positive view. The licensed deer hunters in the U.S.A. exceed the total armed forces of the top 17 countries of the world. Licensed deer hunters in Texas, Ohio, and Wisconsin exceed the total military of China. The U.S. is second in size, and India is third. The Minutemen of 1775 were organized and trained by local militia. Today’s Minutemen, the licensed deer hunters, should be part of the militia. America’s threat is not foreign, only domestic. M.A. Hodges, San Diego, CA
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