As of 3:30 pm Friday – September 12, 2008, it is official, I am a recognized INDEPENDENT Candidate in the October 14, 2008 election, running in the Riding of Stormont, Dundas & South Glengarry.
This is where the rubber finally meets the road, where we have a REAL chance to make every difference imaginable in how we want to be governed.
We’ve talked the talk, always looking for an opportunity to be heard. Well, here it is, our chance to be heard. SO LET’S BE HEARD!
My principal opponent, Conservative incumbent Guy Lauzon, has already plastered the Riding with his posters, as if being first off the block means something. If it does, we’ve been at this an awful lot longer than he has.
If we are to win, people in the Riding have to know who I am and what I stand for. They have to realize that this election has national significance, where perhaps for the first time, everyone in this country will be able to rely upon at least one Member of Parliament who will truly speak for them.
As I’ve said over and over again, it takes money to fight the political battle if we want a chance to win.
Thankfully, Canada has made it possible for an Independent such as myself to raise as much money as the other guys. And in my circumstance, probably more, since I’m hoping that people from coast to coast will send their financial support knowing that my voice will be heard throughout this country.
Before you make your donation to our campaign, please understand the tax benefits.
Because this is a federal election, the federal government encourages INDIVIDUALS (no businesses, clubs etc) to support their Candidate and or Party by giving a very generous tax credit at the end of the year.
This is how it works:
At the end of the taxable year, the federal government will give you a TAX CREDIT based upon the amount of your donation.
In other words, if you donate $400 to my campaign, the federal government will allow you to claim back $300 from the amount off your taxes owed.
Here is a sliding scale of what you can donate to a MAXIMUM of $1,100, and how much it will cost you based upon what the federal government will allow you to deduct on money owing from your annual tax return.
$20 – will cost you $5 – After the tax credit of $15.
$50 – will cost you $12.50 – After the tax credit of $37.50
$100 – will cost you $25 – After the tax credit of $75
$200 – will cost you $50 – After the tax credit of $150
$300 – will cost you $75 – After the tax credit of $225
$400 – will cost you $100 – After the tax credit of $300
$500 – will cost you $150 – After the tax credit of $350
$750 – will cost you $275 – After the tax credit of $475
$1,100 – will cost you $509 – After the tax credit of $591
The rules of donation are simple:
1 – All donors must be Eligible Canadian voters.
2 – Any Eligible Canadian Voter can donate to my campaign.
3 – ONLY individuals can donate. No companies, social groups – etc.
4 – The MAXIMUM allowable donation per person is $1,100 per candidate.
5 – No cash donations are permissible over the amount of $20.
6 – Donations must show clear intent as to the purpose.
According to Elections Canada, what they want to see are checks made out to my Official Agent, who in my case is my wife Anne. Therefore, the check should be made out to: Anne Galganov Official Agent For Howard Galganov.
But checks made out to Howard Galganov Campaign Donation won’t be turned away.
We don’t yet have our PayPal link in place to take online donations, but, it will be up and running before the end of the weekend. So please be patient.
If you are going to be mailing a check, it must have your name and return address where we can send the receipt you will need for your tax credit.
If there is no return address we cannot accept the check.
Please send your contribution by Canada Post to:
Galganov Political Campaign
Williamstown, Ontario
K0C 2J0
When PayPal comes online, all the information we will need to send you a receipt will be part of the electronic process. It will pretty much be click and send.
PLEASE – do not use any of the current PayPal links that are presently up and running for book purchases or for support for Galganov Dot Com. They cannot be used as a campaign donation
Once we have the PayPal link set-up, it will clearly indicate that it is for the Election.
I am very pleased with the local response I’ve been receiving. I am very pleased with the ad campaign we’ve put together, and I will be extremely pleased if we can double or triple what is already a very good campaign.
But we can ONLY do that with more money.
So, if you’re going to make a donation, please do it now so we can determine the intensity of our campaign, so we can get it all in before the day we go to the polls on October 14th.
This is our chance to WIN BACK CANADA. It’s not like we’re going to get a second chance. So let’s do it NOW!
To read what the campaign is all about, please click on the red link just below my signature. AND SPREAD THE WORD. This is all of Canada’s fight.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
“The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian-Americans, or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality than with the other citizens of the Americ
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