The United Counties of Prescott and Russell, located just East of Ottawa are a grouping of communities which share a commonality; besides being small towns, they are very French in language and character.
The other thing they share is that for the most of it, they are relatively poor communities with the exception of those few towns such as Russell and Embrun (Township of Russell), which have significant English speaking populations.
This area is quite unique in Ontario, because, like the ethnocentric Quebecois, many of these French speaking residents want to be different from the greater Canadian (Ontarian) population.
By different, I mean linguistically, where they expect the rest of Canada, in this case the province of Ontario, to give them advantages available to no other cultural communities, simply because they’re French.
Five years ago, a local came up with the ‘brilliant’ idea of creating a theme park to extol the history, culture and accomplishments of Ontario’s French speakers, called L’Echo d’un peuple (echoes of the people).
But, like most things that promote the myths of French history, the funds with which to do so, came out of the pockets of English communities, which were excluded by those taking the money.
Just 3 weeks ago, Ron Caza, a Franco-extremist lawyer who is defending the Township of Russell against my claim that their FORCED bilingual sign law violates my Rights to Freedom of Expression, received a check for just under a QUARTER OF A MILLION dollars ($225,000) from the local Provincial Member of Parliament for this French ONLY theme park.
There are photos of Jean Marc Lalonde (MPP) and Ron Caza in the Russell Villager newspaper; both with BIG smiles as they held the check.
That was July 23, 2008.
In the August 13 edition of the Russell Villager, the story is quite different as Caza bemoans the fact that the French ONLY theme park is closing down for a lack of funds.
But this has been the story with this park from the moment it was conceived. It was a failure from day one.
They don’t say the park has gone bankrupt, since that would denote a failure. But that’s exactly what this French ONLY Park was. It was a MONUMENTAL FAILURE that cost English taxpayers MILLIONS of dollars to keep open over its five-year history of fiscal failures.
Why was it such a failure? Because the French-speaking people it was meant to celebrate, couldn’t give a rat’s ass about visiting it. And if you weren’t French, this park was not for you.
So what happened to the $225,000 that was put in Caza’s hands by Jean Marc Lalonde?
Did the park Directors just all of sudden discover a few weeks after receiving this huge chunk of tax payers’ money (mostly English money), that they were insolvent less than 3 weeks after they took it?
Will they return the money?
Ron Caza was the President of the Board of Directors of this failed French ONLY theme park. He is also a partner of Heenan Blaikie, one of Canada’s largest law firms with more than 400 lawyers, including former Prime minister Jean Chretien, former Quebec Premier (Separatist) Pierre Marc Johnson, and former Prime Minister (deceased) Pierre Elliot Trudeau.
It seems that Caza is everywhere, where French speakers want a special advantage over the English majority. And wherever Caza is, is BIG MONEY.
Caza fought to keep the French ONLY Ottawa Montfort Hospital open as a French teaching hospital, which netted him and his law firm a huge payday.
He fought against the Canadians for Language Fairness group who opposed Ottawa’s FORCED bilingual hiring policy. There too he made a huge sum of money billing out at about $300,000.
He hopes, I’m sure, to squeeze Russell for enormous money in his defense of Russell’s FORCED bilingual sign law, which I am personally contesting.
I knew of all these things. But, to read about Caza’s involvement with the French ONLY theme park as its President, and to see him taking nearly a quarter of a million Ontario tax-dollars, only to hear of the financial collapse of this park less than a month later, is really over the top.
It is probably worth investigating. But no one will, because no one wants to appear to be anti-French.
Isn’t it incredible how the French communities throughout Canada, including Quebec, couldn’t survive without money they receive from the English speaking communities they treat with disdain?
I want to change this. I want Canada to be the country it can be and should be. But to do this, we have to make two huge changes to our national identity.
1 – No Quebec.
2 – Make all of Canada an English speaking country, since more than 97% of the entire population of Canada excluding French Quebec are not French speakers. But that doesn’t mean banning the use of French, as Quebec bans the use of English.
It just means that Canada will be an English speaking country at all levels of government where qualified English speakers will not be turned down for jobs because they can’t speak French.
To learn more about what you can do to help make a difference, please click on the red link just under my signature.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
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