Now that my 118 page Book (CANADA IS NOT A BILINGUAL COUNTRY), and my 16 page Campaign Booklet (TOGETHER LET’S WIN BACK CANADA) are being widely distributed, I’ve once again been ‘politely’ accused of being a linguistic racist because of their content.
In spite of what some people might think and say, there isn’t even a hint of linguistic racism, or any other type of racism within these publications. None whatsoever.
After giving it some thought, I’ve decided to compare the MANY things that I have said and stand for, to what the other side (French speakers) have said and have actually done.
1 – Do I support any form of law that would restrict any use of the French language anywhere in Canada? No.
2 – Do the vast majority of French Canadians support language laws that make the unrestricted use of the English language in Quebec illegal? Yes.
3 – Do I support an education system anywhere in Canada that forbids the enrollment of any children in French language public schools, even though the financing of these schools are substantially paid for with ‘Anglo’ tax dollars? No.
4 – Do French Canadians support a system that makes it nearly impossible for virtually all children with the exception of a small number of English speakers to be enrolled in public English schools in Quebec? Yes.
5 – Do laws exist in Canada that forbids communication in the French language between government and businesses? No.
6 – Do laws exist in Canada (Quebec) that forbids communication in the English language between government and businesses? Yes.
7 – Are there laws that promote and enforce English only clinics in Canada, especially where French patients are turned away because of their culture? No.
8 – Are there laws that promote and enforce French only clinics in Canada (Ontario), where patients are turned away because of their English culture? Yes.
9 – Are there segregated school busses in Canada that prohibit French students from riding on English only busses? No.
10 – Are there segregated school busses in Canada (Ontario) that prohibit English students from riding on French only busses? Yes.
11 – Do French speakers have to pass English language proficiency exams in order to be hired to senior civil service positions in the Canadian government and military? No.
12 – Do English speakers have to pass French language proficiency exams in order to be hired to senior civil service positions in the Canadian government and military? Yes.
13 – In the Canadian civil service, are French speakers denied employment, given that French speakers in all of Canada (excluding Quebec) number less than 3%? No.
14 – In Quebec, where non-French speakers number about 20% of the population, are English speakers denied employment in Quebec’s civil service? Yes.
15 – In Canada, can a French speaker be denied a job because he or she cannot speak proficient English? No.
16 – In Quebec, can an English speaker be denied a job because he or she cannot speak proficient French? Yes.
17 – Can Quebecers be denied construction work anywhere in Canada? No.
18 – Are all non Quebec Canadians denied construction work in Quebec? Yes.
19 – Are there laws in Canada that make the visible use of the French language against the law? No.
20 – Are there laws in Canada (Quebec) that make the visible use of the English language against the law? Yes.
The preceding is really the tip of the iceberg. In reality, the balance between what is linguistically racist coming from the French side, compared to anything I can think of from the English side, is so off kilter, that any form of equivalence is impossible.
Ethnocentric Quebecois nationalists were always quick and proud to state that Quebec’s English speaking population is the best-treated minority anywhere.
How condescending and racist is that?
The fact that much of Quebec was built and financed by this “best-treated” minority seems to be lost on everyone.
That the rest of Canada, the English part of Canada (more than 97%) keeps Quebec from going broke, and carries French Canadians who live outside of Quebec on their shoulders, also seems to be lost in the translation.
It’s easy for many French speakers and their sycophant Anglo apologists to call me a racist. But it is an entirely different deal for them to prove it.
To the contrary though, what I have just written requires no proof since it is what it is.
If you want to WIN BACK CANADA, it won’t be easy, but it will be a worthwhile fight. To find out more about how you can make a difference, just click on the red link under my signature.
I have a good supply (just arrived) of CANADA IS NOT A BILINGUAL COUNTRY books and ANGRYPHONE DVD’s. To order either, just click on the link below the photo(s) and buy it on-line or through Canada Post.
The cost for either is $25 everything in.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov.
One Comment
So glad your ride was successful.
After reading your decision to move to Texas I say Great Choice
The Hill Country is beautiful Wineries,historical places and Rt 281 to Marble Falls is very scenic a must stop is the Bluebonnet Cafe (a great place for home -baked pies).
Their mottos “Don’t Mess With Texas” and “Drive Friendly” who can beat that.
Billie Luchi Fountain Hills AZ
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