One of the good guys, Ken Fitzgerald from Pine Level, North Carolina, who is a transplanted Canadian, sent me an email written by an anonymous Australian Dentist who was lauding all things Canadian.
The supposed Australian Dentist wrote that Canada is a country comprised of all nationalities, religions, races, languages and cultures. He listed them all; including Canada’s Native Tribes.
He ends his Canadian love letter with:
“Canadians are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, can be a Canadian.”
A Canadian is someone, when asked; what does Canada stand for? Has no idea.
A Canadian is someone who doesn’t appreciate how lucky he or she is to be born on a land blessed with natural wealth that keeps Canadians wealthy.
A Canadian is someone who celebrates elitists who create little, and castigates businesspeople who create much.
A Canadian is someone who celebrates freedom, but supports Human Rights Commissions, which take freedom away.
A Canadian is someone who lays awake at night trying to figure out what is left that the government has not yet regulated. And how to get it regulated.
A Canadian is someone who thinks the government owes him or her something from birth.
A Canadian is someone who thinks politicians aren’t competent, but votes the same incompetents back into office time after time.
A Canadian is someone who thinks Unemployment Insurance is a job.
A Canadian is someone who says let the other guy do it.
A Canadian is someone who takes every side of every argument, but the right side.
A Canadian is someone who bitches about everything, but supports the status quo, and abhors people who speak out for change, unless they’re Left Wing Nut Jobs like America’s Barack Obama.
A Canadian is someone who receives the Order Of Canada (Claude Brochu) who refused to play the Canadian National Anthem before a major league (Expos) baseball game, so as not to insult Quebec Separatists on their Separatist national day (June 24).
A Canadian is someone who accepts mediocrity as a sign of success.
A Canadian doesn’t make waves.
A Canadian is someone who thinks the worst of the USA, but cries like a baby when the USA imposes stricter border controls.
A Canadian is someone who is told that Canada is a bilingual country, even though more than 97% of all Canadians outside of Separatist Quebec don’t refer to French as their working language, and can barely speak it, let alone understand it.
A Canadian is someone who can’t get a senior civil service job in English Canada, because he or she can’t speak French fluently.
A Canadian is someone who accepts second-class status in Quebec because he or she isn’t French.
A Canadian is the owner/manager of an English media in Quebec, who, to be politically correct, takes the “moderate” side of people who are doing their best to eradicate the English language and wipe out their market.
A Canadian is someone who accepts a Canadian Charter of Rights that is different depending on where he or she lives in Canada.
A Canadian is someone who can’t work in construction anywhere in Quebec, while all Quebecers can work in construction anywhere in Canada.
A Canadian is someone who wants to pay less taxes, but wants more services.
A Canadian is someone who votes Liberal because that’s the way his or her parents voted. And grandparents too.
A Canadian is someone who celebrates the fact that there is no Canadian culture. We’re just one big happy family of hyphenated Canadians.
A Canadian is someone willing to sacrifice historical icons, so as not to offend minorities. Sikh Mounties wearing turbans opposed to the traditional Mountie Hat.
A Canadian is someone who is lucky to be living next door to a giant who buys our products, allowing us to be smug Canadians.
Very few of these Canadians existed before Pierre Elliot Trudeau came to Parliament as Canada’s Prime Minister.
What kind of Canadian are you?
What kind of Canadian do you want to be?
In less than 10 days, our campaign to Win Back Canada goes into full gear.
I won’t reveal all that will be happening, so as not to tip-off the other side, but I promise every single one of you who have sent money to GALGANOV DOT COM INC, that you will be very pleased with where and how your money has been spent.
There is a rumor that Harper will drop the writ as early as June. If he does, we will be ready. And then, we will let the people of Canada know who really is a Canadian.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov.
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