I will be speaking tonight (March 11, 2008) at the Language Fairness Meeting. The topic of my discussion is LET’S WIN BACK CANADA!
The location is in the meeting room at the Ottawa Citizen Newspaper building, which you can see from highway 417 in the West End of Ottawa, just off Greenbank Road.
The time of the meeting is 7:30.
There is ample parking next to the building, and in the adjacent lots near various restaurants, all of which are just a stroll from the building.
There is no cost to attend this meeting.
Many of Galganov.com readers have asked how they could help. Many others have asked to meet with me. Here’s your chance to do both.
I will speak about the strategy I intend to use to campaign in the next federal election as an Independent Candidate. And why an Independent Member of Parliament will have far more influence than any Party Affiliated Member who is not in the Cabinet.
I will speak about the various needs the campaign will have if we are to be successful in getting my Independent Voice to Ottawa, where we will all be heard from coat to coast.
If you live anywhere near Ottawa, and want to take part in this attempt to change history, this is a great opportunity.
In addition to me speaking, I want to hear your views on how I can get elected as your Independent Member to carry your message to Parliament Hill from the inside and out.
There is much to say and much to learn. And this will be the best opportunity yet, to start the ball rolling.
I live about an hour and a quarter from the Ottawa Citizen building, close enough for me to feel it is nothing more than a decent commute. I hope you feel the same.
I’m looking forward to seeing you there tonight.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
Have a safe trip. God bless you.
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