Because of my radio and print ad campaign promoting, many new readers are visiting this Web Site. Most who are first time visitors are very enthusiastic about what they read. Some are not.
I get three different opinions of my editorials.
The first is encouragement and a comment with a common thread: “I’m happy to know that I’m not the only person who thinks like this.”
The second, which is small in number offers criticisms sort of like this: “Even though I support much of what you write, much else of what you write is unsupportable.”
The third is generally hateful stuff that is occasionally vulgar. They just don’t like anything I stand for. And that’s OK, because the Canadian Human Rights Commissions haven’t yet ended their freedom of speech to hurt my feelings.
My last editorial (Archives: February 18, 2008) encouraged one of those who really hates what I write, to send me an email that simply says: “You are a very sick idiot.”
I guess he took offence that I love animals as much as I despise people who torture them.
I wonder what part of I don’t want people to immigrate into MY country who think that having two dogs (or any animals) savage each other for their pleasure, he disagrees with or can’t understand?
When I wrote that it was too bad ONLY 80 people were killed in that suicide terror attack the other day in Afghanistan, I really meant it. I have no remorse whatsoever for people who torture animals.
I would have applauded the death of NFL Quarterback Michael Vic had he somehow died as a result of his dog fighting activities.
Every article I’ve ever read about serial killers and other psychopaths have a commonality, people who are capable of inflicting the most heinous pain upon their fellow human beings begin by torturing animals.
Find a youngster who likes to torture kittens and puppies, and you’ve found a future Ted Bundy.
So what do you say about an entire population that thinks that dogs ripping each other’s flesh apart is sport and entertaining? CTV News, which ran the suicide-bombing story said that dog fighting is legal in Afghanistan. What does that say about the culture of Afghanistan?
Canada needs immigrants. Of that there is no question. The question is what type of immigrants does Canada need?
People who are offended by my last editorial offend me. They want to open our borders to people who live within a culture that is so vile and opposite to the culture we cherish, that consequences mean nothing to them.
A lot of people poked fun at the Mayor and Councilors of the Quebec Town of Herouxville, because of their bylaw that forbids certain types of behavior which includes: wife beating, wife stoning, amputations for theft, etc.
Because of our “openness” to other cultures, multiple marriages are acceptable in Canada. If you think I’m making this up, read The Multiculturalism Act signed into law by Brian Mulroney in 1988.
Where does one draw the line?
If I offend a few people who read – TOUGH! I want to offend people who will destroy our country through their stupid Leftist ideology that purports that everything is OK, when in fact everything is not OK.
This is MY country.
This is a country that makes animal abuse illegal. It is a country that shouldn’t allow multiple marriages. It should not allow forced arranged marriages. It should not allow men to rule over women. It should not allow amputations for theft. It should not allow beatings, stoning and “honor” killings of girls and women by their husbands, fathers and male relatives because of sexual activity or for any other reason. It should not allow Turbans or Hijabs to be worn in the Mounties.
Immigrants who come to Canada should leave the culture they’re escaping behind them. They should encourage their children to learn our music and dance steps. They should learn how to cheer for hockey, baseball, football and basketball.
They should get excited about getting dressed-up and heading out with the gang on Friday and Saturday nights. And heaven forbid, they should touch when they dance, neck a little and cop a feel too.
And if you think that’s racist – it’s your problem not mine.
If you want Canada the way it used to be, when we were free to say the things we wanted to say without worrying about the thought and speech police, support my bid to win an Independent Seat in the House of Commons.
If you want Canada to look like us when we look in the mirror, rather than like the immigrants who come here to start a new life (and I don’t mean skin color), support my bid to win an Independent Seat in the House of Commons.
If you want Canada to stop pandering to the Do-Nothing Do-Gooders and make it so everyone has to earn his or her keep, support my bid to win an Independent Seat in the House of Commons.
If you want Canada to be a place that rewards hard work and spends your hard earned tax dollars with the care and respect your money deserves, support my bid to win an Independent Seat in the House of Commons.
If you want Canada to have less government and better services for YOUR dollar, support my bid to win an Independent Seat in the House of Commons.
If you want to WIN BACK CANADA, support my bid to win an Independent Seat in the House of Commons.
As always, I thank you for reading To read how you can support my bid to WIN BACK CANADA, please click on the link at the bottom of this page.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
Howard and Anne, you have made a wise and carefully thought out choice. I love Texas and you will, too.
I am so glad you will have more time now to keep us “posted.”
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