Benazir Bhutto was murdered in Pakistan today (December 27, 2007), just after delivering a campaign election speech.
How she was murdered and who was responsible for her murder is very much secondary to why she was murdered.
First: She was a woman who wanted to lead a Moslem nation. That, in itself is more than enough reason to be killed in a Moslem country.
Second: She was well educated, well traveled and much aware of the modern world outside the boundaries of Islam.
Third: She spoke about Democracy for Pakistan.
Any of these realities on their own, would have been reason enough for her to have been murdered in Moslem Pakistan.
Several years ago, at a gathering of World Moslem nations, the outgoing leader of Malaysia blamed Jews for amongst other freedoms, the creation of Democracy.
For this remark amongst other anti-Semitic statements, he received a standing ovation from all leaders of the Moslem nations present.
At first, I wondered what kind of an idiot would applaud a statement as stupid as blaming Jews for Democracy? Especially when everyone in the room, who were the leaders of all Moslem nations cheered the condemnation, including the West’s so-called Moslem friends and allies.
And then it dawned on me.
Democracy in its true Western interpretation is Islam’s worst enemy. In our context, Democracy means rule of the majority with specific protection for the minorities from the majority.
It also means a true separation between Church and State.
We in the West see Democracy as the rule of Secular law governed by the dominion of man. Not God. Now ain’t that a kick in the Koran?
Imagine; here’s a Western educated woman who is comfortable with Western cultures, who wants to bring Democracy to Moslemville.
It’s surprising she wasn’t killed earlier.
Moslem countries, with the exception of Turkey, will never know Democracy, since the rule of Secular law is at direct odds with the rule of the Koran. Neither can live with the other.
And even in the case of Turkey, without the Generals to enforce Turkey’s absolute (but slipping) separation between Mosque and State, Turkey would be no better than any of the other Moslem countries.
For Leftists, Liberals and dreamers of all kinds, they will never grasp the idea that Islam is a true enemy of the Free, Modern and Secular world.
We will hear and read much about the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. From the contemporary media, we will know the entire minutia of how she was killed and by whom.
But, what we won’t hear. And what we won’t read is this simple reality. Bhutto was murdered by Moslems – Because that’s who they are. And that’s what they do.
A Pakistani Moslem client of mine, who was educated at the same University as me (Sir George Williams in Montreal), who sits in a senior management position in the hospitality industry told me that “Democracy is not needed since the Koran tells all of us how to live”.
He also told me during a business lunch in Toronto, in front of my wife Anne, who owns and manages the advertising agency I founded almost 30 years ago, that “women are incapable of making high level decisions”.
He is by all Leftist standards a “moderate” Moslem who eats pork and drinks booze.
Enough said?
As always, I thank you for reading and for your support.
You will see just to the right of this editorial, there is a new book available called Champion Kharma which is all about a love affair between my wife and her horse Kharma. Kharma died a couple of years ago.
The reviews I have received from individuals who have read it are terrific. Champion Kharma is the very first book I’ve written and published that has nothing whatsoever to do with politics.
There’s a bit of a language “thing” (French and English) going-on in the book, but not what we usually write about.
The cost is only $25 (US or Cdn) including applicable taxes, shipping and handling. And I will be happy to sign any of these books purchased directly through me.
Champion Kharma is a fast, pleasant and inspiring read. And is a great story for people of all ages.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov.
One Comment
Howard, I knew all along you would choose the wonderful State of Texas! Regarding Wilbur, I was horrified. I am proud to work with & know many wonderful Black Americans who raise their family and believe as I do. I believe they outnumber undersirable Black Americans, just as we outnumber undesirable White Americans. They, and we, are here–we just are working & taking care of our families instead of making news headlines. Shame on Wilbur for letting racism rob him. Linda Ahrens, Keota, Iowa
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