Monday night (December 10, 2007), while watching the 11:00 PM CTV National News before turning-in, there was a heartbreaking story of a 16 year old Mississauga (Toronto) girl who was killed by her father.
The reporter said the father had called 911 to say that he had just killed his daughter. There wasn’t much more than that.
The television cameras showed the outside of the home where the dead girl had lived with her family. They also showed some of the street in an extremely attractive, new, upscale community.
Neighbors were interviewed who said that the family was nice and more or less kept to themselves. That was about it, other than a mention that the daughter and her father were at odds because of her social behavior.
Here’s what the CTV News report didn’t say, but was nonetheless obvious:
The murdered girl and her family are (were in her case) traditional Moslems. She was not behaving in a fashion her father felt Moslem girls should behave.
And now she’s dead!
This reality of her religion, and that she was murdered by her father was not part of the story.
If the girl was a member of a fundamentalist Orthodox Jewish group like Chasidim, the media would be all over it like a wet rag.
If the girl was a member of a fundamentalist Christian sect, the media would be fighting each other to see who could do the better hatchet job on the Christians.
But the girl was a Moslem. Her father was a Moslem. And her father murdered her.
This beautiful young girl was murdered by her father because she wanted to be free to express herself.
The Moslem father practiced his religious sickness in Canada, and murdered his daughter over her desire to be like all the other Canadian girls.
She was murdered in the name of Islam – the religion of peace.
If this Moslem could do this to his own daughter in Canada, in the name of his sick religion, what can we in Canada look forward to as the Moslem community continues to grow?
Just look at Europe.
I guess the town folk of Herouxville Quebec don’t look quite as stupid now with their town bylaw that forbids Moslem honor killings.
As always, I thank you for reading Galganov Dot Com, and for your financial support. Please spread the word.
Best regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
Howard and Anne,
Sounds to me like you have done an admirable job of analysis and planning for this move. I just have two comments: 1. Angela and I are disappointed that you didn’t choose Arizona, since we had thoughts of showing you our beautiful home state since 1966. 2. I also love Texas, but AUSTIN? That’s the Liberal center of gravity for Texas, mainly due to the University of Texas. But it’s easy to jump into the rig and take the short drive back to where the real people live.
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