14 so-called staunch Quebecois federalists (there’s an oxymoron for you) have co-authored a book that says: “It is time for the Quebecois Nation to re-conquer Canada”.
This group includes Andre Pratte, best known as a “Quebecois pro-Canadian” journalist.
I don’t know what pro-Canadian means to these people. I also don’t know what they mean when they say it’s time to “re-conquer Canada”.
The other line given by this group is: “It’s time for Quebecers to play on the ice with Canada”. What does that mean?
I don’t want Canada to be “re-conquered by Quebec”. I have no idea what the hell Pratte means when he writes that Quebec should be “playing on the ice with Canada” since the last time I looked Quebec is a part of Canada.
Pratte should know that French Canadians (mostly from Quebec) disproportionately staff Canada’s civil service.
He should also know that the Judges on the Supreme Court of Canada have historically been disproportionately staffed by French Canadians, also mostly from Quebec, especially during the era of the 1995 referendum.
With the exception of our current (bilingual) Prime Minister Stephen Harper, virtually all of Canada’s recent Prime Ministers have hailed from Quebec. Pratte knows this.
I would be shocked if he didn’t know that Quebec has been living off Canadian financial charity for generations, in terms of outright corporate grants, forced relocations of federally funded programs and enormous transfer and equalization funds paid for with tax dollars from Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia.
So what’s he talking about?
To borrow a phrase from the Separatist Lucien Bouchard – “I am humiliated” that Pratte and his buddies have all of a sudden taken such an interest as a Quebecois nation, to “re-conquer” what was always theirs.
Where was (is) Pratte’s voice concerning Quebec’s cultural racist language law Bill 101 that made the unrestricted use of the English language against the law?
Who the hell needs Pratte and his newfound Canadian supporters outside the borders of “Distinctland”? Certainly not the rest of Canada.
I have just read more stories about French speakers in South-Eastern Ontario, who are demanding more French in the workplace and on all public signs.
What about the publicly financed French healthcare clinic in Cornwall Ontario, that will not treat any sick or injured person who is not French? Not just French speaking – but French?
How does one go about proving his or her “Frenchness” to qualify for publicly financed healthcare in Ontario? Have you ever heard of French speakers being turned away from English hospitals because they were not English?
Why are Pratte and the rest of his friends all of a sudden coming forward to “re-conquer Canada”? It’s because they know that Quebec needs Canada far more than Canada needs Quebec.
The more I write about Canada’s need to help Quebec leave Confederation, the more readers sign-on to Galganov.com.
Pratte is an ethnocentric Quebecois nationalist. But that does not make him oblivious to the reality that the rest of Canada is beginning to want Quebec out.
Pratte knows that without Canada, Quebec becomes nothing more than a North American French-speaking backwater that won’t survive on its own.
Quebec’s only guarantee to remaining French-speaking is Canada. And as a more or less functionally bilingual English speaking Canadian, preserving the French language isn’t my problem. It should have never been my problem. And I don’t want it to be my problem anymore.
There are a few towns located between Ottawa and the Quebec border running along the 417 that have made it ILLEGAL to post a sign just in the English language.
This is in Ontario that I’m writing about. And if these mostly French towns in Ontario can get away with this, it will be coming to a town near you sooner rather than later.
I want to challenge these bylaws and see if my rights as a Canadian outside of Quebec have been so eroded, that I can’t even post a sign in the only language of my choice.
I support the right of all French Canadians to use their language whenever and however they see fit. I would never support a Bill 101 Quebec-type law in the rest of Canada that makes the unrestricted use of the French Language invisible at best, and illegal at worst.
But I draw the line at them telling me how I have to appear and sound.
It will take at least $25,000 to bring this challenge to Superior Court and a probable appeal. If you want to see your rights of freedom of expression taken away in Ontario, and eventually throughout the rest of Canada, the same as it was taken away from English speakers in Quebec, DO NOTHING.
But, if you want to draw a line in the sand and stand up for your right to be an English speaking Canadian without having to pander to those who demand you become French like them, you’ll send your support.
I incorporated Galganov Dot Com Inc as a federally chartered not for profit corporation, explicitly to challenge issues such as these.
Did I waste my time and money?
If you want to stop this nonsense in Ontario, before it becomes an acceptable practice throughout the rest of Canada, you can stop it through me. Or at the very least, we can try together.
But I need your financial support with which to do it.
Click on the SUPPORT GALGANOV.COM link at the bottom of this page to learn how you can get in this fight by check or PayPal.
Together, there’s a good chance we might win. Separately, it’s all but guaranteed we will lose.
As always, I thank you for your reading Galganov Dot Com, and for your support. Please spread the word.
Best regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
Howard, congratulations to you and Anne; I know you’re going to love it there. I lived in Lakeway (maybe 8 miles south of your RV community) for 8 years and my parents still live there and love it. Although Lake Travis is currently quite low (55 feet below capacity), the hill country is spectacular. And you’re right…. the BBQ (and tex-mex) are some of the best in the country.
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