1) If someone with a long history of violence threatens to do you harm, and there is no one but yourself to stop him or her from hurting you, the prudent thing to do is take that person at his or her word, and be prepared to defend yourself.
2) If that same person who is known to be violent to the extreme threatens to do harm to your family, and there is no one but yourself to stop him or her from hurting anyone or everyone in your family, the prudent thing to do is to prepare to do whatever it takes to protect your family.
3) If that person does in fact attack you or your family, and there is no one but yourself to provide a remedy, it only stands to reason that you will take whatever measure you can to eliminate the threat to yourself and your family before it’s too late.
In my world, it would not get beyond the first paragraph.
In the world of appeasers, cowards and dreamers, it would only be after harm is done that they would analyze where they went wrong in not understanding the root cause of the threats, and what they could have done to “dialogue” with the source of the threats before it was too late.
In my world, there would be no “dialogue” with someone who is a real threat. I would never hold hope against all hope that “maybe” that person might not do us harm, if only I tried to understand him or her better.
In my world, I would do what had to be done to protect myself, even if it meant preempting violence.
And if my family was threatened, the whole world would come to an abrupt stop for the person making the threats. Not only would there be no negotiations or discussions, the person making the threats would do well to get out of town real quick.
And if such a person ever harmed any of my family, the world would not be big enough for that person to hide.
Anyone who thinks differently about protecting himself and herself, and those closest to him or her is a schmuck who I would not want for a friend, much less a member of my family.
This is what is happening in Israel day in and day out.
The Arabs (so-called Palestinians) play good guy and bad guy as it suits them. Yesterday, Fatah was murdering Jews in Israel and elsewhere. They were bad guys. But, because Hamas is murdering Fatah today, Fatah is no longer such a bad actor. Hamas is.
To Arab thinking: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That kind of thinking best describes the mess the Arab world is in.
To my way of thinking: The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy.
The Arabs have murdered thousands of Jews. Most were unarmed and defenseless. Many of them were children.
Whether it is Fatah, Hamas, Hezbollah or any other sick and vicious Arab group, their ultimate goal is to destroy Israel and drive the Jews into the sea. I didn’t just make this up. This is what they have always said. And I believe them.
Because the current Palestinian leader of Fatah (Abbas) dresses in a suit and portrays a modicum of Western civility, does not make him anything less than the others who want to see Israel and its Jewish population dead.
Don’t forget – He wrote one of the many books that deny the Holocaust.
George W Bush is being pushed by Condoleezza Rice to push Israel into an agreement with a people whose only goal is to murder Israel and Jews. Lucky for her, in Israel’s current leader, Ehud Olmert, they have a willing Jewish accomplice.
If Israel was my family, and I was the head of this family, there would be only one negotiation with the Arabs. The next time you threaten my family, your family will be at great risk. If you attack any member of my family, I will wipe your family out.
That’s how I would protect my family. How do you think the leader of Israel should protect his family? How would you protect your family?
As always, I thank you for your reading Galganov Dot Com, and for your support. Please spread the word.
Best regards . . . Howard Galganov
One Comment
Disgusting to think in the welfare experiment, we paid these people to become dysfunctional and grow-up (as Wilbur correctly put it) to become ‘punks’ that don’t work, lie about their ability to work, and take advantage of every free program they can get. They drive newer cars than mine — but often default and stick the car dealer. Now, we are giving them even more in the form of two-free meals/day at school; regardless of need. There’s a great lesson for the day!
No bigotry, just facts!
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