The many people in the media who are crying that the sentence for Paris Hilton is excessive and absolutely unfair, and should never have been imposed upon her are wrong. Dead wrong!
Not sentencing Paris Hilton would make her just another poster-person for a corrupt, incompetent and unfair judicial system, which has clearly illustrated that there is more than one justice system: one for you and me – and one for the rich and famous.
She was guilty. And she was flagrant about it. And she didn’t give a damn. And now she’s back in jail.
But Hilton is just one of a huge number of celebrities who see themselves not just above the law, but above all the “little people” who pay for their fairytale existences.
The media might be upset that she got her comeuppance, but the “little people” are anything but unhappy with the decision.
That the general populace is so pleased with her sentence, is not as much about her, as it is about a backlash against an unfair legal system where the rich and famous are treated with satin gloves while the “little people” are not.
If Paris Hilton is falling apart emotionally because of her sentence, so what? Next time she might think about the consequences before she decides that she is above the law.
Hopefully; this is just the first of many convictions against the rich and famous who also think they’re above the law.
Good on the judge who sent the message. Now let’s see if other Hilton wannabes are listening.
One Comment
Good on you Howard and your good lady.
As they used to say so many years ago. “You cant beat city hall” (lower case by intention)
Enjoy and keep up the editorials pal.
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