If I was an Israeli leader in a position of international influence, I would go to the United Nations and demand an immediate Security Council meeting to discuss and resolve the obscene Palestinian violence (amongst others).
When an Israeli kills or wounds a Palestinian TERRORIST, the whole world jumps down Israel’s throat in disproportionate condemnation.
But, when it’s Palestinians killing and wounding Palestinians: Ho-Hum.
How come Palestinian life is so “valuable” when they are killed by the people they want to kill, namely the Israelis?
But at the same time, Palestinian life so meaningless when they kill each other over what amounts to nothing more than a play for internecine power?
As I am writing this, “Palestine”, like Iraq and Afghanistan, are having civil war foreplay, where their respective populations are in far more danger from their own, than they are from the Israelis and Westerners respectfully.
But, it is the civilized Israelis and Western nations whom they turn to for perpetual aid, but who they also see as their eternal enemies.
Where’s the voice of moral outrage from the UN, the so-called Arab League, and the West’s Leftists over this global internecine Arab/Moslem genocidal dance that’s just warming up?
I can easily throw Darfur into this horrible Arab/Moslem inhuman mix as well, since the suffering and murder in Darfur can only be described as genocidal. And while there is a call from the UN and other do-nothing do-gooders to end the murders, it is so far all talk and no action.
Israel is missing an opportunity to shine a bright light on murdering Arab/Moslem thugs and the phonies who are quick to denounce Israel for legitimate acts of self defense, while the world turns a blind eye to acts of Moslem on Moslem genocide.
It seems to me that the only time the world body stepped into end the murder of Moslems, was when NATO, not the UN, bombed the crap out of Serbia (Christians) to save Bosnians (Moslems), from what was no worse than what is happening in Moslem countries where Moslem co-religionists are slaughtering each other, and those who don’t share their Islamic beliefs.
If Israel does not want to bring the murderer nations and their supporters before the UN, then some other country should.
I can’t believe that amongst all these “moral” nations like France for instance, we can’t find just one willing country to shine a light upon despoilers of humanity. Not one.
But, let Israel make a Palestinian feel bad, and the rush to the UN for moral condemnation creates traffic jams.
One Comment
I have a list in my head of liberal Jews and why I can’t stand them–Bloomberg is near the top– but everyone once in a while even a traitor to his religion might do something right- so for this one time I must give him credit…… it would be a nice surprise if he showed his appreciation for his religion again sometime soon.
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