They high-jacked airplanes and tried to kill the American spirit. They failed.
On 9/11 five years ago today, the Moslems who were hell-bent on destroying America destroyed themselves. They showed the world who they really are, and how much of a real threat they are to humanity.
As a result of the heinous attack on 9/11, the Taliban in Afghanistan have been badly beaten. Al Qaeda is nothing more than a shadow of what it was. Iraq will never be a threat to the western world.
And the Islamists worldwide are on notice and on the run.
And for the first time, the USA and other honest countries have recognized the equivalence between TERRORISM against Israel and TERRORISM against the West.
Same enemy – same hatred – same threat.
9/11 has also mercifully left the United Nations that much more irrelevant.
But there is still much more work to be done, since more than 1/5th of Canada’s population believes that 9/11 was somehow a CIA conspiracy. And more than ½ of the Canadian population somehow believes that the USA had 9/11 coming to them.
These perverse sentiments are not just Canadian, but are reflected worldwide, including by far too many within the United States.
This morning, after Anne and I took care of the horses, the dog and the cats, but before 8:46am, we hung our American Flag prominently on our front balcony for everyone who passes to see.
And as the moment of silence to pay homage to the victims of 9/11 began, Anne and I lit a candle in our home that will burn for 24 hours.
9/11 changed the world. The world must now make the best of it, and do whatever has to be done to make certain that those who lost their lives did not die in vain.
One Comment
Last night on the 6 o’clock news on CTV (Ottawa) They showed 200 Palestinians marching and demonstrating in front of the Parliament buildings, protesting against OUR Government, chastising it for the support given to Israel for defending herself against the gutless Hamas terrorists who are bombing their territory. This is my country, my home, my native land and I have had it with political correctness…DO NOT bring your hatred and your wars to my country…
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