Dr Robert Aumann, Professor of Mathematics at Hebrew University in Israel recently co-won the Nobel Prize for Economics.
In itself, this is no big deal that a Jew, and an Israeli Jew at that, won a Nobel Prize, since the number of Jews and Israeli Jews to have won these cherished international prizes is extensive.
What is incredible though, is how few Islamists and Arabs have won any of these coveted awards.
The latest Moslem/Arab winner of the Nobel Peace Prize is Egyptian, Mohamed El-Baradei, who is the president of the UN’s nuclear watchdog IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency).
El-Baradei won his Nobel Prize for his work in keeping the world safe from nuclear proliferation.
It seems to me though, that the world is hardly a safer place because of the work of Mohamed El-Baradei.
The Iranians are still going full steam ahead to develop their nuclear weapons of mass destruction, while the North Koreans keep threatening the West with theirs.
Even though there is no question that Saddam Hussein was desperate to get his hands on the equipment and technology to build nuclear weapons for Iraq, Mohamed El-Baradei did everything in his power to stop the Americans and their allies from ensuring that Saddam would not succeed.
It is also clear that Mohamed El-Baradei has done nothing to stop the proliferation of nuclear technology, as is evidenced by Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani father of the “Moslem” atomic bomb.
It appears that Abdul Qadeer Khan has been busy giving the Iranians plenty of nuclear technical know-how. What is less clear, and more frightening, is how many other rogue nations and privateers (TERRORISTS) have received the same benefit from Khan.
It is remarkable to me, how Arabs and Moslems seem to win Nobel Peace Prizes, even though it is almost exclusively Moslems and Arabs who are making war against the world.
It is also extraordinary how there are more than 1.2 BILLION Moslems, including more than 300 MILLION Moslem Arabs, who have won virtually no Nobel Prizes of any real merit, while about 13 MILLION Jews, including Israeli Jews have won so many.
48 Nobel Prizes For Biomedical.
26 Nobel Prizes For Chemistry.
20 Nobel Prizes For Economics
44 Nobel Prizes For Physics
11 Nobel Prizes For Literature.
9 Nobel Prize Winners For Peace
In all, Jews throughout the world have won 158 Nobel Prizes since the Nobel Prize inception in 1908.
That number would probably have been even greater when you factor in active and virulent anti-Semitism. Especially during the height of violent anti-Semitism from the 1920’s to the end of the Holocaust.
No one during that period in Europe really wanted to honor a Jew with such an esteemed award.
And speaking of the Holocaust which saw more than half of the world’s Jewish community slaughtered. How many more brilliant Jewish minds would have been available to win Nobel Prizes had 6 MILLION Jews not been murdered?
We’ll never know what great discoveries have been missed because of Inquisitions, Pogroms and the Holocaust.
And now for ALL the Moslems and Moslem Arabs COMBINED, they’ve won a paltry 7 Nobel prizes.
Literature: Najib Mahfooz.
Peace: Anwar El-Sadat, Yasser Arafat (of all people), Shirin Ebadi, and Mohamed Baradei.
Chemistry: Ahmed Zewail.
Physics: Abdus Salam
Three other Arab Laureates are: Elias James Corey for Chemistry in 1990. Peter Brian Medawar for Medicine in 1960. And Ferid Mourad for Medicine in 1998. But they aren’t Moslems.
In a nutshell: Of more than 1.2 BILLION Moslems and Moslem Arabs worldwide, representing 20% of the global population, there has only been 7 Nobel Laureates.
On the other hand: Jews who comprise less than 0.02% (two tenths of one percent) of the world population have won 158 Nobel Prizes.
This begs the question: Why do the international leftists put so much stock into the Moslem and Arab world, while at the same time, they spend enormous amounts of energy doing whatever they can to trivialize and demonize Israel and the world Jewish population?
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One Comment
I thought from the moment I heard of the Arab boy’s death that it was probably done by Hamas (Or someone like them) and it did just what I thought it would do. I welcomed someone commenting on this possibility. Everything in the world is upside down and that is exactly what the Bible said it would be like.
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