Harriet Miers will probably be confirmed as the ninth US Supreme Court Justice, since there seems to be no compelling reason not to confirm her.
And that’s the rub:
Shouldn’t there be a history on the person who will sit in judgement of a nation for a good part of an entire generation to come?
It seems to me that the only positive thing being touted by the Bush administration (and many of his insiders) about Harriet Miers, is that she is a fundamentalist, born-again, evangelical Christian.
Whoop-de-do! But how does that qualify her for the job?
If her most important criteria is that she is a fundamentalist, born-again, evangelical Christian, what does that say about other religions (and Atheists like me)?
To me, it says that we don’t measure-up.
That’s frightening. Whatever happened to the separation between church and state?
Personally, I would vote against her specifically because she is being touted as being great for the job based almost exclusively on her religion and religious philosophy.
The President of the USA and his supporters would do well to remember that the USA is not a Christian country. Nor is it a Jewish, Moslem, Buddhist, Hindu or any other religion country.
America is a melting pot, in which religion and state are separated by virtue of the Constitution.
The American slide towards fundamentalist religious values is a step backward in the progression of the Secular rule of law which identifies and defines all people as being equal.
Harriet Miers might be a good, or even a GREAT Supreme Court Justice, but might be, is no criteria upon which to choose an individual for such an important position.
America can do much better than Harriet Miers.
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One Comment
A horrible and shocking event. Three innocent boys murdered so brutally. I sincerely hope Isreali military intelligence and law enforcement can hunt down those responsible and bring them to justice.
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