It has been all about Quebec for as long as I can remember. And that seems to have been fine with the rest of Canada as long as Quebec’s peccadillos stayed within Quebec.
But that’s all changing.
Quebec’s language laws make the unrestricted use of the English language within Quebec ILLEGAL.
In a recent La Press (French Montreal Newspaper) poll, the vast majority of Quebec’s French speakers said they would never accept an English person (or a person with and English name) to occupy a high government office.
There has never been an English Quebec Premier (equivalent to a US Governor). There has never been an English Mayor of Montreal. And there has never been an English Chief of Police . . . etcetera.
And there never will be.
BUT: To French Quebec, Canada’s Prime Ministers BETTER SPEAK FRENCH. Better yet, at the very least, every other Canadian Prime Minister MUST be French.
This might seem to be a reasonable request if Canada’s population was divided equally, or almost equally between the French and English speakers of the country. But they are not even close.
Once you take Quebec out of the national mix with it’s approximately 6,000,000 French speakers, there are approximately ONLY 5% of French speakers in the rest of Canada.
The rest of Canada is now waking up to the fact that “Official Bilingualism” is costing the nation a fortune in dollars, lost productivity and very unfair hiring practices, and are starting to make noises Quebec would do well to listen too.
To hear more about Canada’s linguistic foolishness click on the Radio button at the top of this page.
One Comment
Joseph Werner: Fox news has to have some liberal news presented simply because the liberal left has set it up with the government to do it that way. Periodically they try to advance legislation to muzzle any conservative views via the media. Lindbaugh has been talking about it for years. Fox has to have a certain % of each if they do not want trouble with the government and the FCC. I often forget this myself, and blame Fox, when the real blame lies with the left.
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