In Saturday’s issue of the National Post Newspaper, Peter C Newman wrote about the need for the Order of Canada to revoke the membership of Indian Chief David Ahenakew for his vile (unrepentant) anti-Semitic remarks.
The following is a slightly edited letter I sent to him concerning his article:
Peter: I am not a recipient of the Order of Canada. Nor will I ever be considered for this elitist privilege. But nonetheless, I am someone who has sacrificed sufficiently for Cultural and Linguistic Equality within Canada to deserve an opinion.
I agree wholeheartedly with what you’ve written about Indian Chief David Ahenakew. He is in every way a mean-spirited individual caught up in his personal hatred towards a people (Jews) he knows nothing of.
If there was ever a call for a poster-child for anti-Semitism, Ahenakew would qualify.
That said: In your Saturday National Post column (May 21, 2005), you want yourself and other recipients of the Order of Canada to simply stop wearing their pins until the Order revokes Ahenakew’s membership for his self admitted and blatantly anti-Semitic remarks.
What an incredible personal sacrifice you are proposing. How can the Jewish people of Canada and the non anti-Semites ever properly show you their appreciation?
During the height of the last Quebec referendum, Claude Brochu (President of the Montreal Expo’s Baseball Team) agreed with the ethnocentric Saint Jean Baptist Society (SJBS) not to play Canada’s national anthem prior to a game on June 24 (Quebec’s National Day), or the SJBS would not march their racist parade into the Olympic Stadium prior to the baseball game.
Brochu complied, and had the Canadian National Anthem played several hours before game-time to an empty stadium, only because Baseball League rules state that the National Anthems of the playing teams must be played prior to the start of the game.
How much prior is not determined.
But for the American visiting team; their national anthem was played just before the first pitch of the game was thrown out. In the meantime, Claude Brochu wears his Order of Canada Pin proudly.
Celine Dion refused (on live national television) to accept an award for best Canadian English performer of the year because she was not English. She too wears her Order of Canada pin in her Las Vegas showroom where she virtually only sings in English.
If you have honest-to-goodness resolve to make a real point, don’t play games by threatening to temporarily take off your Order of Canada Pin if other recipients of the same will take theirs off too.
Show some real character and send it back. Stand alone and make a statement that will really be heard across Canada. A brave person with integrity does not run with the pack. He/she runs ahead of the pack regardless of the cost and consequences.
You sir; write a great column criticizing how other people live their lives. Unfortunately though, when it comes to putting up or shutting up, you certainly fall far short of being a brave man of integrity.
You are proving yourself to be an example of why so many people have as low an opinion of journalists as they do politicians.
Just like Claude Brochu, Celine Dion, and Indian Chief Peter Ahenakew, you should keep your Order of Canada Pin since it seems to fit you quite well.
There is an excellent letter published today on this Web Site, written by Robert Sauvé titled:
Holocaust’s History Should Be Learned By Ken Dryden.
It is a MUST READ.
One Comment
Excellent Howard! We are reminded every day of the incompetence and corruption coming from the left when the mainstream media can’t cover it up, so any attempt by the liberals to justify same can be dismissed for the total crap that it is! No sense cluttering up your excellent web site with it. Don’t work too hard! We need Anne and you around for many more years to come. God bless you both!
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