Andre Pratte: Chief Editorial Writer for Quebec’s La Presse Newspaper (Montreal), wrote on August 4, 2004, in the Globe And Mail; why it is important for the rest of Canada, in the interests of National Unity, to publicly recognize Quebec as a Distinct Society.
Here is a letter I have sent to Andre Pratte in response:
Mr Pratte: I will be speaking this evening (August 5, 2004) to the interested parties of several groups from different parts of our country. Some from Quebec; others from Ontario. The topic will be what to do about Quebec.
You might be interested in reading some of my thoughts on this subject by visiting Galganov Dot Com – Archives, August 3, 2004.
Depending upon the level of interest from the Canadian population, excluding Quebec; I could conceivably put as much effort, and marketing expertise in DeConfederating Canada, as I did in fighting for Equal Rights for all within Quebec.
You use the Quebec nationalistic definition of Quebecers and Canadians in your article, therefore; I excluded the reference of Quebecers from this discussion. However; French Canadians are indeed welcome to participate.
I must say – not to your surprise I’m sure, that there is nothing I agree with in your article published in the Aug 4, 2004 edition of the Globe and Mail.
The age-old question asked of Quebec Nationalists, including yourself, has always been: “What does Quebec Want”?
The modern-day answer from Canada must be: “Who cares”?
I think it is time that we (you Quebecers and we Canadians) agree on being good separate friends. That is not to say French Canadians should be excluded from the Canadian fold, or restricted in any way from enjoying and benefitting from all that is offered from Canada.
It is simply to say, Quebec can, and must go its own separate xenophobic way.
Those French Canadians (including those who live in Quebec) who wish to participate in a new Canada should feel welcome and free to participate as equal Canadians.
The cost of appeasing Quebec has been a burden Canada can no longer bear to carry, regardless how much you would want us to believe otherwise.
Best Regards
Howard Galganov
One Comment
I have been saying for years, all government, big public sector unions, RCMP, police, teachers, healthcare, hydro, Canada post…all big government, high debt,high salaries, high taxes…all scum the earth…
Beyond greedy, all of them…bankrupting future generations and they don’t care!!!
So sad that we have stooped this low as a society…greed now runs Canada…not just Quebec any longer…
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