Now that Saddam has been put on public display in Iraq’s court of law, it should be assumed that the new Iraq is on the path to real Democracy. And as much as it would be great if that were true. It isn’t.
Iraq’s Minister of Justice said about a week or so ago; Iraq is not like America. Here we will try Saddam. Cut off his hands. And hang him.
Now that’s the Iraq I can relate to.
The interim government is not elected, and is no way representative of the population.
These are just a group of people who will do whatever they can in spite of themselves, to give the impression of civility between the time the Iraqi people get their chance to elect the cutthroats of their choice, and the time it will take for it all to fall apart.
And now that Saddam isn’t in action, Iraq’s criminal element is killing and kidnaping more people than Saddam did. At least while Saddam was running things, he was the only criminal the Iraqis had to worry about. But now there’s thousands just as mean and vicious as he was.
The insurgents aren’t letting up either. If anything, they’re better organized and much more professional at choosing targets. These thugs will not go quietly into the night.
The current government seems to be quietly, and not so quietly blaming the Americans for all that is bad that befalls them, but insists nonetheless that the Americans continue to present a strong military presence.
It seems to me that the Iraqi leadership is willing to fight to the last drop of American blood, whether they like the Americans or not.
And then there are the amnesties the Iraqi government are offering to the killers of Americans.
Imagine: men who murdered Americans after the fall of Iraq, are now being offered a free ride not to go to jail because the new Iraqi government believes that the killers of Americans were somehow justified because they were murdering occupiers.
But as I write this, these same “paragons” of Democracy are instituting a form of marshal-law. Old habits die hard.
What the Iraqis might never learn, much like the rest of the Arab Middle East will never learn, is that Democracy is only one third of the equation. The other two thirds are equally important.
One without the other two, is as good as having none.
For Democracy to work; you also need a Charter to protect Individual Rights. And for Individual Rights to work; you need a society ruled by SECULAR Law.
When the new government was sworn in 2 days before the scheduled handover (June 28, 2004), all Iraqi Ministers shared the same sentiment: they profusely thanked God and swore their allegiance over and over again to God.
That’s not what Democracy is all about.
It is because of their fundamental concept in God that the Arab nations are the mess they are.
When the “real” election is finally held in Iraq (if this current crop of appointed leaders are ever willing to give up their positions of power and prestige), the majority Shiites will form the government.
Who in this world believes that a bunch of Shiite Islamists will ever live by the rule of Secular law?
Who believes that the Shiites will ever treat the hated Sunnis and Kurds with respect and equality?
It’s not going to happen.
Forget the deadbeats in Iraq for a moment.
Syria doesn’t want to see real Democracy in Iraq. Neither does Iran or Saudi Arabia. And I wouldn’t bet on Egypt wanting it either. Perhaps Jordan wouldn’t mind. But for the rest; forget it. Democracy in Iraq is just not in the interests of Iraq’s Arab neighbors.
Here’s what I see happening in Iraq:
The Americans will do whatever they can to stabilize the situation sufficiently to help get a new US friendly government elected. And right afterwards, they’ll declare victory and beat a hasty retreat for home, or Northern Iraq where the Kurds would probably welcome them.
For the Americans to do anything else but leave at this juncture would be an invitation for disaster.
Within seconds of the American departure, the pretend Democracy of Iraq will unravel into three competing states that will breakaway from each other leading to a probable civil war.
This is the future of Iraq. This is the history of the Arab Middle East. And all the best intentions of the West will not change it.
Remember what the Iraqi Justice minister said:
Iraq is not like America. Here we will try Saddam. Cut off his hands. And hang him.
One Comment
re: Bob Heinritz: Remember, the colony’s council of civic leaders (merchants) pressed the governor to have the King attack Catholic Quebec. When the King began taxing merchants to recover the war’s expenses, the civic leaders declared “no taxation without representation”, though they were the representation who caused these taxes. The Loyalists left the US as no one there would tolerate them and their different opinion; so much for defending their right to have a different view.
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