A Churchillian Speech By George W Bush

If there was a measurement or award for substance, delivery and clarity in what should be a momentous speech? George W Bush would have scored off the chart.

I am addicted to politics and social issues. I devour articles on political history and biographies of people who’ve made a difference. I’m a national and international policies junkie. And I love political intrigue.

My nighttime reading includes tomes on the geopolitical forces which have guided the world, and continue to guide and shape international relations. To me, this is pleasure reading.

I love a great speech, and wait in anticipation of its delivery, much like many people wait for significant sporting or entertainment events.

When someone expects nothing short of greatness in a speech, just like anything else, a pretty good effort just doesn’t seem good enough. And that’s how it usually goes with speeches billed to be monumental.

But not this week’s speech by George W.

At 8:30 am Eastern Standard Time, November 19, 2003, George W Bush delivered a speech to the world from Whitehall Palace, England, which lasted slightly more than a half hour.

It was a rivetting half hour.

If there was a measurement or award for substance, delivery and clarity in what should be a momentous speech? George W Bush would have scored off the chart.

Every word he uttered meant something. His resolve was clear. And his message was not open to loose interpretation. There was indeed something in his speech for everyone.

To the followers of Islam: Don’t allow Islamists to highjack and pervert your religious values.

To Middle Eastern countries: Theocracies and tyrannies are not acceptable, especially where women are treated as chattel, and people live under the thumb of dictators. Saudi Arabia should be paying close attention since he included all Arab states.

To the world body: Don’t allow the United Nations to become as irrelevant as the failed League of Nations.

To the European Union: America wants to work multilaterally. But if necessary, America will go it alone.

To the British and European protestors: He applauded their right to free speech, just as the Americans enjoy free speech, just as the Iraqis for the first time ever, also enjoy the right to freedom of speech.

To TERRORISTS: Don’t expect anything less than relentless warfare from America and its allies.

To the Palestinians: You can’t build a viable state with corrupt and TERRORIST supporting leaders. Palestine must be a democracy.

To Israel: Don’t build walls. Help alleviate the humility suffered upon the Palestinian people. And dismantle illegal outposts.

To worldwide anti-Semitism: It is a scourge which must be stopped.

And to the United Kingdom: A message that must be clearly understood by Canada. Great Britain is America’s BEST FRIEND.

I could have watched and listened to his speech all day long. Not only was it brilliantly executed, it established a moral direction for the rest of the world to follow.

President George W Bush was no less than Churchillian.

His words inspired hope and resolve not often heard amongst world leaders. He stood as tall as one would expect of a Texan, while he diminished all of his detractors without mentioning them by name.

This incredible day for George W Bush must have been a knife in the heart of the collective also-rans vying for the Democratic leadership. If this is what they have to face in 2004, they might as well wait until 2008.

If George W Bush doesn’t screw up in a major way, he will be unbeatable in the next Presidential election. And justifiably so.

In my country (Canada), our politicians are scurrying around like timid little mice trying desperately not to take a firm position on anything; worrying about offending everyone, while taking our relationship with the USA for granted.

No wonder President George W Bush sees the United Kingdom as America’s Best Friend, and not us Canadians, America’s largest trading partner and Northern neighbor sharing the world’s longest open border.

I watched the CBC 6:00 o’clock national evening news the night of the great speech to see how it would be spun, and I wasn’t surprised. CBC National put it on-air 19 minutes into the broadcast, as if it was some kind of filler.

And instead of giving the speech the credibility it so much deserved, CBC chose rather to highlight the European protestors, the fact that there was no official parade for Bush, and that no one has yet found any Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

This says all there needs to be said about the CBC.

If there was any doubt or question about it before this morning’s speech? There’s no question about it whatsoever now. George W Bush is the leader of the Free World.

If his words were as sincere as they sounded, the world is fortunate to have him.

This challenge to international safety and security is akin to the catalyst which launched Sir Winston Churchill. Had it not been for World War II, Churchill would never have made his mark. Had it not been for 9/11, neither would have Bush. ‘

The parallel is there.

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  1. You are already contributing to the cause of conservatism by what you do with your blog and your 1.001 other activities. Stay strong right here, where you are leading others who will fight to the end with you. God Bless you and keep you strong and committed……………Alma M. Womack, Jonesville LA

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