I will be where I always am on this date. I will be cheering on the men and women who sacrificed so much for me to be FREE to be writing my opinions, without fear from government retribution.
My dad, who served with incredible distinction, died 9 years ago. But with REMEMBRANCE DAY, he will live forever, as will all the men and women who we turn out to remember on this date.
There are many places which outright ban the visible act of honoring Canada’s veterans. Stores like IKEA, which have for business purposes reversed their decision against the selling of poppies on their premises.
And at some universities, such as the Guelph where the student union banned REMEMBRANCE DAY.
Those who choose to forget, or worse, dishonor the memory of our true heroes are pathetic little people with absolutely no sense of gratitude or history.
Their freedom to deny the honor upon those who have served our country, is protected only because of the sacrifice made by the people who they deride.
Yet; like my father before me, if need be, I too would fight for their right not to honor those who have fought, bled and even died for their freedom.
I will be standing at Dominion Square (Montreal) today at 11:00 o’clock, paying tribute to the aged men and women who will be marching before me. And even though my dad is dead, I will see him marching proudly with his medals upon his chest nonetheless, since that is what REMEMBRANCE DAY is all about.
I know what I owe to the men and women who served in the name of democracy. And I will NEVER FORGET.
One Comment
What a beautiful tribute to your wife and your marriage. Keep up the beautiful editorials and we will get the message; and perhaps they will get the message that you are not going to sacrifice a year of debating people who aren’t listening anyway. God Bless.
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