Power To The People Has Finally Arrived.

Now, everything the elitist media reports is challenged and held up to an entirely new standard of scrutiny and debate.

I love the Internet.

Nothing invented thus far, has been as effective a NEWS tool for the dissemination of information as the World Wide Web. Not to mention it being a general information highway that is nearly indescribable in its efficiency.

The Internet is a razor-sharp double-edged blade that cuts deeply and true. If you lie on the Internet, the lie rests in cyberspace in perpetuity. And there are legions of people who will challenge the lie.


The other day (archives 9/29/2003), I published an editorial on the 27 Israeli air force pilots who refused to attack Palestinian TERRORISTS where “innocent” civilians could be harmed.

A couple of days later, I received an e-mail from a Baltimore Rabbi asking for my permission to use the editorial in her Yom Kippur sermon. I was flattered by the request.

But, more than just being flattered, it once again reminded me of the enormous power of the Internet. Here was an individual almost 1,000 miles away in a different country from mine (Canada), who never heard of me before, and whom I had never heard of either, but nonetheless, she managed to find my Web Site and editorial.


I have a “unique per visitor” counter on my Web Site which gives me an accurate monthly tally of visitors who come to read my editorials. The number is in the THOUSANDS.

Many people worry that the Internet is a magnificent tool for the dissemination of lies and propaganda, which it is. But, it has also proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be an invaluable tool in the opposite sense.

One of the greatest “victims” of the Internet is the media.

Before the Internet and individual Web Sites which focussed on news, the media, which was represented exclusively by Network Televison, Newspapers and Magazines could put any slant on any subject. And get away with it.


CNN, CBC, BBC and the New York Times, to name just a few news media icons are taking a daily beating on the Internet. Gone are the days when a story covered by an elitist media was a FACT or the TRUTH simply because they said so.

Now, everything the elitist media reports is challenged and held up to an entirely new standard of scrutiny and debate.

I’m just one Internet publisher of thousands who voice personal opinions based on well researched information. Put us all together, and you’re looking at power. Not imaginary power. But the real thing.

In our independently small way, together, we’re helping to sway and create public opinion and level the news media playing field like never before. This is no small thing.

Hell, I’ve got more readers than many of the well paid editorialists who work for large well known city newspapers. And I’m not nearly as well read as many other Internet news and opinion publishers.

I subscribe to a host of Internet news, information, and opinion Sites. And I am NOT unique. I also read the news from many conventional media, which can be found in the Menu of Galganov Dot Com in “MEDIA LINKS”.

When I read something I suspect of not being true, honest or accurate, I respond at the high-speed of cyberspace. And it makes a difference.

Especially when I am only one of tens of thousands, or perhaps even millions of people doing the same thing.

In the sixties, the call to action was: POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

In the 2000’s, we’re finally getting the power. PASS IT ON!

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One Comment

  1. Galganov, I thoroughly enjoy your comments section. It just feels so good to see that many others share my same values. Guess I’d better address you by your 1st name after today. Just keep on being you.

    Mary Curren
    Aberdeen, Washington, USA

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