How Do You Trust A Whore, A Murderer Or The French?

After the US finishes with Saddam Hussein and his ilk, I suggest that France should be next.

By my understanding, there are certain people who can not be trusted under any circumstance. For example; would you trust the word of a street Whore. Or why be that specific; any kind of Whore regardless of where she/he plies her/his trade?

After-all, to my way of thinking, one’s word is measured by one’s commitment to personal honor and integrity. And somehow, taking the word of a person who profits by selling her/his body is someone with neither honor nor integrity.

Don’t take this to mean that I am against prostitutes. I am not. Even prostitutes provide a necessary service. I just wouldn’t stake anything on the veracity of what a prostitute has to say. Much less her/his word.

That said: If I would not accept the word of a prostitute, I would certainly not accept the word of a rapist, torturer and killer. After-all; a prostitute only degrades herself/himself. A rapist, torturer and killer degrades his/her victims.

But given the choice between having to trust the word of a prostitute, a rapist, or torturer and killer, I couldn’t trust either. I believe that both, in their own way are beyond redemption.

Here is the gist of the preceding.

Saddam Hussein is a rapist, torturer and murderer. To kill one person, or to kill one hundred thousand people makes no difference whatsoever to Saddam. He is the embodiment of evil. Yet; Hans Blix of the UN Inspection Team, and Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations want us to trust Saddam Hussein.

France is INSISTING that we trust this paragon of evil. How can anyone trust a pathological debaser of humanity? Yet, that is what the French will have us do. More than that, the French will have us give the benefit of doubt to Saddam Hussein. But not to the USA, Britain or their coalition of the willing.

On one hand we have the Whores of Paris telling us to trust Saddam. And on the other hand we have the rapist, torturer and murderer Saddam Hussein himself telling us to trust that he is without weapons of mass destruction.

Far too much has already been written about why we should NOT just go over there and finish this Bastard. Saddam I mean. Not Chirac. Far too many words have been expended trying to understand the French rationale. And far too much goodwill has been thrown overboard trying to appease the useless United Nations.


Saddam Hussein has the blood of well more than a million people on his hands.

Saddam Hussein was the cause of one of the world’s worst environmental disasters in history. Certainly the worst intentional disaster when he ignited the Kuwaiti oil fields.

Saddam Hussein has attacked at least three of his neighbors without provocation.

Saddam Hussein has biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction. And he has used them. At least his chemical weapons.

Saddam Hussein agreed in writing to fully disarm. He hasn’t even come close.

Saddam Hussein declared in his tome delivered to the UN that he has declared all of his weapons of mass destruction, yet, even Hans Blix’s inept team of inspectors have still managed to find undeclared weapons.

The UN has had more than 12 years to disarm Saddam Hussein, And 12 years later, they are no closer then when they first began. And for all we know, they might even be that much further behind.

UN resolution 1441 demands that Saddam IMMEDIATELY complies with the demands of the United Nations, fully disarms, and declares his complete arsenal or face the consequences. He hasn’t even come close to complying with UN resolution 1441. Yet; the UN, led by the French is still giving Saddam Hussein the benefit of doubt; and more time to build and hide his weaponry.

And now that the Americans, the British and the Spaniards have set forth a new resolution giving Saddam an end date in which to comply with the unanimously agreed upon resolution 1441: France says NON! Not under any circumstances.

France, will not sign onto any resolution that will actually force Saddam Hussein to comply with UN resolution 1441, which everyone agreed to accept. Even Saddam Hussein accepted this UN resolution.

In resolution 1441, the wording clearly stipulates that Iraq must accept inspectors and inspections anytime and anywhere without prior notification. Yet; on Tuesday, March 11, 2003, the United Nations flew two US operated U2 spy planes over Iraq, each coming from opposite directions. Iraq was furious that this was done without their approval. They had only been told of just ONE U2 spy plane.

Once again, according to UN resolution 1441, the UN inspectors require no prior approval or notice to inspect anytime and anywhere. So how come the UN APOLOGIZED to Saddam Hussein for the over-flights?

What the UN, and France specifically are doing, is nothing short of demeaning the United States of America, Britain and the rest of the nations who have signed on to become a coalition of the willing.

And even worse than that, they are treating Saddam Hussein and his thugocracy with a level of respect he so sorely does not deserve.

After the US finishes with Saddam Hussein and his ilk, I suggest that France should be next. The US doesn’t have to bomb the French to punish them. All they have to do is treat them as they deserve to be treated: as the insignificant weasel nation they really are.

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  1. Howard, Mazel Tov to you both. You make a beautiful couple. You should have another 41 years of marriage together in good health and happiness. Take care. Joe

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